WINNETKA TALK June 5, 1926 Carries Charity Message to Thousands of People Dr. M. H. Bickham, 429 Ninth street, Wilmette, has just returned from the National conference of Social Work at Cleveland, Ohio. In the educational publicity department Dr. Bickham read a paper on "Values of Public Address in Social Work." This was national recognition of Dr. Bickhanpt's work in Chicago. In the last year he has ad- dressed hundreds of groups of all kinds such as churches, schools, clubs, Cham- | bers of Commerce, business men's as- sociations, women's clubs, etc. He has presented the family social work of the United Charities to about 50,000 | people in the metropolitan region by means-of public addresses. Wherever you travel, north or west; You will always find Wix- netka Cafe the best. Francis . Neir, Allison Clark Douglas ! Davisson are QUALITY university, Providence, R. IL wall and | returning to | Mr. their homes next week from Brown | junior at the | will 1 return to her home this week-end. 'New Trier Announces Senior Hop for June 12 The New Trier high school senior "hop" will be held Saturday evening, June 12, it was announced last week. Instead of making it an informal af- fair, which has been done upon some occasions in recent years, the dance will be strictly formal. It is expected to be the largest party any senior [class at New Trier ever had. The | dance will begin at 8:30 o'clock and will continue until midnight. | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baackes, Jr., of | Chicago are renting the Percy Brad | streets' home for the summer. Mrs. Baackes is a sister of Mrs. G. H. Mus selman of Foxdale avenue. --C-- Miss Jessie D. West, daughter of and Mrs. J. C. West, who is a University of Illinois, -- FOOD-- and SERVICE MISS We specialize on the high quality of our food and the promptness and courtesy of our table and kitchen service. Winnetka, Illinois Gifts Glass You'll agree that our prices are very moderate. WINNETKA CAFE 730 Elm St. Phone 387 White China. Se ------ ST a ET ---- RE -- 563 Lincoln Avenue Telephone Winnetka 1811 HERBST China Interior Decorations Lamps Just received from England; Quaint Pink and Prices very reasonable. "DEAD STORAGE" The safest way to keep while you are away this summer is "dead storage." The charge for this is very moderate. Phone for Particulars your car Richardson's Garage EE 2 Authorized J CHEVROLE T/ qo | 736 EIm Street Dealer Winnetka 25 Fete Bride f_ Mary Helen Pancoast Saturday, June 19, has been chosen by Miss Mary Helen Pancoast as the time of her marriage to Judson M. Stone, son of Mr. and Mrs. Judson F. Stone of 1234 Ashland avenue, Wil- mette. The Rev. Stephen A. Lloyd will read the service at 8:30 in the First Congre- gational church, and the bride's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Josiah A. Pancoast, will hold the reception at thei= home, 1301 Greenwood avenue, Wilmette, im- mediately after the ceremony. Miss Pancoast has chosen as her at- tendants, Mrs. Russell Chandler of Ev- anston, as her matron of honor; Miss Naomi Sloan, of Evanston, as her maid of honor, and as her bridesmaids, Miss Marcelite Melind, Miss Minnie Mae Schmidt, and Miss Madéline Hammond of Wilmette, Miss Beatrice Pank and Miss Helen Dyche of Evanston, and Miss Alice Howard of Chicago. All of her attendants with the exception of Mrs. Chandler and Miss Hammond, are members of her sorority, Kappa Kappa Gamma. Mr. Stone's twin brothers, Harry and Frederick, will be his best men, and the ushers will be the bride-elect's brother, Nathan Pancoast, and Frank Stevens of Aurora, Harry Kerr of Chi- cago, and Charles Barker, Russell Chandler, and 'Whitney Bowers, of Ev- anston. The following list includes the af- fairs given for Miss Pancoast and Mr. Stone prior to their marriage. May 11, Mrs. Henry E. Jonas, Mrs. Lillian Warren and Miss Hope Jonas, hostesses at a miscellaneous shower; May 21--Miss Marcelite Melind, hos- tess at a kitchen shower; Saturday, June 5--Miss Naomi Sloan, a bridge and hosiery shower in the afternoon, and Mrs. Russell Chand'er a Uridge party in the evening; Wednesday, June 9--Miss Beatrice Pank and Miss Helen Dyche, a bridge-tea; Thursday, June 10--Miss Alice Howard a bridge-lunch- eon at the Belmont hotel; Saturday, June 12--Miss Minnie Mae Schmidt, a bridge-luncheon; Sunday, June 13-- Charles Barker and Whitney Bowers, a buffet sunper: Tuesday, June 15-- Miss Madeline Hammond, a bridge- luncheon and linen shower at West- moreland Country club; Wednesday, Tune 16--Miss Pancoast will give a bridge-luncheon in honor of Miss Schmidt. and in the evening Miss Naomi Sloan is giving a dinner: Thurs- dav, June 17-- Mr. and Mrs. Pancoast will give the bridal dinner at the Ev- anston Golf club; Fridav, June 18-- Mr. and Mrs. Judson F. Stone will en- tertain at dinner at the FEdgewater | Beach hotel.