pr------ June 5, 1926 ee ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 SITUATION WANTED--MALE WINNETKA TALK 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS HELP WANTED--CHAUFFEUR, COL- ored, married, wishes position in priv- ate family. Good mechanic; 15 years exp. References Al. University 3261-W 14TN13-1tp WANTED--GARDEN OR YARD WORK by colored man. Experienced. Refer- ences. Phone Glencoe 898. 14LL.TN36-1tc HELP WANTED -- EXPERIENCED gardener wants work two or three days a week. Phone Winnetka 1634, after 5 p. m. 14TN13-1tc SITUATION WTD. -- EXP. MAN wishes garden work by the day. Tel Glenview 26-R. 1. 14TN35-4tp WANTED -- HOUSE AND LAWN work ; also odd jobs. Call Wil. 3428. 141.T32-tfc GARDEN OR HOUSEWORK WANTED by hour or contract. Phone Winnetka 2644. 14TN13-1tp 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WTD. -- AS MOTHER'S helper, in private family for room and board and some wages. Call Glencoe 963, and ask for Gertrude. 15TN13-1te SITUATION WTD.--GERMAN GIRL, 28, wants place in private family; nurse, second floor, or: kitchen maid. Speaks some English. Address Winnetka Talk A-902. 15T13-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- WASHING, ironing, and cleaning by the day. Will get dinner evenings. Call Greenleaf 1142, 15LT36-1te SITUATION WANTED -- DRESSMAK- ing and plain sewing by the day. Good references. Greenleaf 1142, 15LTN36-1te WANTED -- DRESSMAKING TO DO at home; children's clothes a specialty. References. Phone Wil. 2093 for ap- pointment. 15LTN36-1tc WANTED -- FAMILY ENGAGEMENTS by experienced dressmaker. Refer- ences ; prices reasonable. Tel. Univer- sity 2637. 15LTN36-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- VERY CAPABLE girl, 14, wants work, care children in Winnetka or Kenilworth. Address: Box 104, Kenilworth. 15T13-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED wash woman wants washing to do at home. Best references. Call Glencoe 616 after 4 p. m. 15TN13-1te WANTED -- WASHING AND IRON- ing. Will call and deliver. Glencoe 171. 15LTN36-1tc FOR YOUR DRESSMAKING AND AL- terations call Miss Carsten. Glencoe 1287, before 8 a. m. 15TN9-tfe WANTED --- LAUNDRY WORK. WILL call and deliver same. Give me a trial Mrs. Dennis; Glencoe 796. 15TN13-1tp I -- A ---------------------------- 18 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE (COLORED) DAY WORK -- HOUSE- cleaning; yard work; rugs cleaned; . laundry done at home. Cooking; serv- + ing parties; actual service on any oc- .casion. Colored couple wants position 'as cook, chauffeur and house man; willing to leave city through summer. 'Reference. J. E. Steens. Phone Kenil- _ worth 1088. 16LTN33-tfe ee ---- 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE--9x12 AND SMALLER RUG ; also gray enamel breakfast set and . other pieces, including gas range and andirons. Phone Glen. 143. 17LTN36-1te FOR SALE--UPRIGHT CABLE PIANO and bench, $65. Mahogany Napoleon double bedstead, box springs and hair mattress, $35. Phone, Glencoe 336. 17TLTN36-2te FOR SALE -- WILCOX AND GIBBS sewing machine, carved mahogany chair, and large mirror. Reasonable. . 460 Washington ave., Glencoe 445. 17TTN13-1te FOR SALE --- HANDSOME BRAND new burl walnut bed, bow ends; twin size. sell separate or as pair. Splendid bargain. Winnetka 1491. 17TN13-1te FOR SALE -- DINING TABLE. BUR. fot. and 4 chairs. mahogany. Reason- _ able, Tel. Winnetka 1044. 17T13-1te FOR SALE -- A THREE TUBE CROS- 'ley Radio set: tubes and batteries in- oluded, $25. Phone: Winnetka 1645. 17T13-1te PRIVATE PARTY WILL SELL OUT your entire furnishings including linens, dishes, curtains, drapes, bric-a-brac, clothing, etc., piece by plece from your own home at private sale. (Not auc- tion.) No single pieces handled. In- terested only in entire furnishings of homes or apartments. Can give you quick action and obtain best possible prices. Tel. day or evenings: Sunny- side 3179. 18LTN36-1tc WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 18LTN11-tfe WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--Sell--Exchange--New--Used Open daily, Tues., Thurs. Sat, 8 p. m. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel Winn. 1212. 18L.TN26-tfc WANTED -- CANVAS TENT, SUIT- able for small family. Address Win- netka Talk A-905, 19TN13-1to WANTED -- A HOME FOR ANGORA cat. Call Winnetka 821, 19T13-1tp -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS S. GOLDMAN, JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS, magazines, old clothes, tires, tubes. Tel. Wilmette 3334. 19LTN34-1te FOR SALE -- MULLIN'S IXL CANOE, 1% yrs. old. A wonderful buy for $25.00, phone Kenil. 1399, 19LTN36-1tp FOR SALE -- GIBSON BANJO UKE- lele and case, perfect cond., phone Kenilworth 1399. 19LTN36-1tp HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S clothing and shoes. Tel. Wil. 1351. 19LTN36-4tp -- 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--1923 HUPMOBILE ROAD- ster in perfect mechanical condition. Price 3345. Call Wil. 1531. 20LTN36-1te FOR SALE--IL.ATE 1923 DODGE TOUR- ing. First class condition. Tel. Win- netka 914. 20LTN36-1te FOR SALE--DOUBLE DRIVE DETROIT Electric; special batteries. Owner leaving town. Winn. 129. 20LTN36-1tc ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS LADIES--YOU CAN DO YOUR NEW York shopping in the Famous Monasilk Dresses, Dainty Underwear and the Dream Figure-mold corselette, not so heavy as corset yet more control than ordinary corselette, at my home or by appointment at your home. Mrs. Gertrude P. Ambler 315 Green Bay Road Phone Glencoe 934. 21LTN36-tfp FOR SALE--PURE GOAT'S MILK. AD- dress Lea Silver Fox Ranch, Glenview, Ill. Phone Northbrook 116. 21LT36-1tc FOR SALE -- DRESSES SIZE 36 OR 18 years and 2 hats. Tel. Winnetka 1486. 21TN13-1te ------------ 2%.A MISCELLANEOUS AN ADORABLE BABY KITTEN, beautifully marked, to be given away to some one who will give it a good home, Tel. Winn. 1321. 21ATI13-1tp 24 ~ LOST AND FOUND LOST -- EASTERN STAR PIN BE- tween Tower Road and Gage St. on Tinden: reward, if returned to 1050 Tower rd, Winnetka. 24T13-1tc right of way of the Chicago, Shore and Milwaukee Railroad to the | westerly line REWARD -- FOR INFORMATION concerning whereabouts of boy's rang- er bicycle No. 531243. stolen from Skokie school shed over last week-end. Phone Winn. 98f, 24T1R-1t~ 29 PAINTING AND DECORATING Fred J. Krammen Floor surfacine and finishine. Old and new floors. Phone Wil. 2008. 29T11-4to 31 BUSINESS SERVICE REPAIRS : NORMAN E. DALLY, 725 OAK ST. Ricycles repaired and rebuilt. Lawn mowers sharpened, grinding and elec- trical repairs. Prompt service. 31T8-tfc Mr. and Mrs. Irving - Tuteur, 1100 Tower road, have returned from a ten day trip to Atlantic City and New Vork. where Mr. Tuteur attended the Electricians' convention. 4 VILLAGE OF WINNETKA In the Superior Court of Cook County, Ilinols. General Number 439256. SPECIAL TAX NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested that the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Tllinois, having ordered that a local improvement consisting of the resurfacing of macadam pavements be made in certain streets, avenues and public thoroughfares, which are more particularly described as follows: Tower Road from the westerly line extended of Green Bay Road to the existing pave- ment in Sheridan Road; Sheridan Road from the existing pavement in Tower Road, thence northwesterly to the boundary line between the Village of Winnetka and the Village of Glencoe, in- cluding that portion of Sheridan Road extending from the aforesaid portion of said Sheridan Road to the retaining wall upon the beach of Lake Michigan; Fox- dale Avenue from the existing pavement in Tower Road to the existing pavement in Humboldt Avenue; Lincoln Avenue from the existing pavement in Tower Road to the existing pavement in Hum- boldt Avenue; Chatfield Road from the existing pavement in Center Street to the existing pavement in Linden Ave- rue; Chatfleld Road from the existing pavement in Burr Avenue to the west terminus of said Chatfield Road; Pine Street from the easterly line of the right of way of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad to the existing pavement in Lincoln Avenue; Pine Street from the existing pavement in Prospect Avenue to the existing pave- ment in Sheridan Road; Elm Street from the east line extended of Arbor Vitae Road to the westerly line extend- cd of Sheridan Road; Elm Street from the existing pavement in Chestnut Street to the existing pavement in Rosewood Avenue; Elm Street from the existing pavement in Glendale Avenut to the ex- isting roadway in Hibbard Road; Oak Street from the easterly line extended of the right of way of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad to the westerly line extended of Sheridan Road; Cherry Street from the easterly 'line extended of the right of way of the Chicago, North Shore and Milwaukee Railroad to the westerly line extended of Sheridan Road: Cherry Street from the westerly line extended of the right of way of the Chicago and Northwest- ern Railway Company to the existing pavement in Linden Street; Cherry Street from the existing pavement in Provident Avenue to the existing pave- ment in Glendale Avenue; Ash Street from the easterly line extended of the North extended of Sheridan Road; Ash Street from the westerly line extended of the right of way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company to the existing pavement in Linden Street; Ash Street from the ex- isting pavement in Provident Avenue to the existing pavement in Rosewood Ave- | nue ; Willow Road from the westerly line extended of Wilson Streft to the west- erly line extended of Sheridan Road; Willow Road from the westerly line ex- tended of the right of way of the Chi- cago and Northwestern Railway Com- pany to the existing pavement in Lin- n Street; Willow Road from the east line extended of Provident Avenue to e existing roadway in Hibbard Road; aple Avenue from the existing pave- ent in Ash Street to the westerly line extended of Sheridan Road, except the intersections of said Maple Avenue with Cherry Street, Oak Street, Elm Street and Pine Street; Walnut Street from the existing pavement in Willow Road to the south line extended of except the intersections of said Walnut Street with Ash Street, Oak Street, Cherry Street and Elm - Street; Ridge Avenue from the existing pavement in Cherry Street to the existing roadway in Hill Road, except the intersections of said Ridge Avenue with Ash Street and Willow Road; Linden Street from the existing pavement in Oak Street to the 'existing roadway in Hill Road; Provi- dent Avenue from the existing pavement in Cherry Street to the "existing pave- ment in Willow Road; Locust Street from the existing pavement in Oak Street to the existing pavement in Wil- low Road, except the intersections of said Locust Street with Cherry Street and Ash Street; Rosewood Avenue from the existing pavment in Oak Street to the existing pavement in Willow Road, except the intersections of said Rosewood Avenue with Cherry Street; all within the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said village, and the said village having ap- plied to the Superior Court of Cook Coun- ty, Illinois, for a special tax for the cost of said improvement according to the year. 18th Festival Ends; Hailed as Artistic and Popular Success Evanston's eighteenth annual music festival passed into history Tuesday evening with the final performance of the season. Spread over ten days, the six con- certs and attendant features gave the community a series of performances from the artistic viewpoint quite com- parable to the high standards set by past seasons. Between 3,000 and 4,000 patrons at- tended every performance, including the Saturday afternoon children's mat- inee performance. The chorus of 1,200 children's voices was directed for the first time this year by John W. Beat- tie, supervisor of music in the pub- lic schools, who succeeded Osborne W. McConathy who had charge of this festival feature for many years. The matter of performance was a gen- uine credit to Mr. Beattie's training. Violinist Scores Success The playing of young Miss Lent, violinist of the occasion, was a matter of complete delight and interest to the audience. Saturday evening the Chicago Sym- phony orchestra played the five scores selected from the 80 symphonic com- positions entered in the $1,000 prize competition arranged by the festival association. The judges, Henry Had- ley, Howard Brockway and Adolf Wei- dig, awarded the prize to the number. "Tragic Overture" written by Edward Collins of Chicago. This was played by the orchestra in the final program of Tuesday evening. : Numbers by the A Cappella choir, directed by Dean Peter C. Lutkin, in- terspersed this program. Plan Next Year's Festival Monday evening the presentation of Brahms' "A German Requiem," with Mabel Garrison and Boris Saslawsky the soloists, scored a great success for the 660-voiced festival chorus. The A Cappella choir was met with enthu- siasm in its singing of Rachmaninoff's "Glory Be to God" and "Laud Ye the Name of the Lord." ; 2; Tuesday evening's soloists, Dusblina Giannini and Lawrence Tibbett, sing- ing a miscellaneous program with the chorus, gave the festival close a brilli- ant ending. Plans are already under way for an even more interesting sea-, son next May, according to the busi- ness manager, Fred Smith. ; WILMETTE CLUB OPENS ~ Wilmette Golf club formally opened its season with dinner dance Memorial Day. The weekly afternoon bridge parties will take place Saturday this Tuesday is Golf day for the women. : : : --0-- i Miss Caroline Roberts of Winnetka has been elected president of the de- bating council and also of the Civics club for her senior year at Smith col lege. benefits, and a special tax therefor hav- ing been made and returned to said Court, General Number [ge we final heari thereon e EE fois day of June, A. D. 1926, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said Court will permit. All persons siring may file objections in before said day, and may appear on hearing and make their defense. ordinance provides for the collection said special tax in one payment, with in- terest thereon at the rate of five per ntum (5%) per annum. "Dated, eanatka, Tlinois, June 4, A. D. 1926. TOM BROWN, Person appointed by the Presi- dent of the Board of Local Im- provements of the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, (and such appointment approved and confirmed by the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois) to make special tax. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. sis T-13-2te