WINNETKA TALK June 12, 1926 Glencoe inclusive whose names who are regular subscribers to TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates ----- papers. CHARGE, 50 cents. type used. 10 oR Average of fiv Winnetka. Deadline WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or 15 cents a line in one paper. 30 cents a line for Imsertions--_" pted up to Wednesda the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 p. m. for the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notices--Cl2ssified advertisements will be charged only 8 of the district from Evanston to pear. in the telephone 1 or er WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA 25 cents a line in any two in all three papers. MINIMUM e words to the line. No »lack face % discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., assified advertisements will be ac- y 5 p. m. for p. m. for the GLENCOE NEWS. Winnetka 200C-200y. 1 REAL ESTATE [1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--DELIGHTFUL WINNET- srr CR SALE ka home. On side street near lake; 10 7-ROOM; 2-STORY BRICK VENEER; Sleeping Dorel | metal weather strips, nstant hot water heater, 1-car garage. Lot 49x150. > $21,000.00 6 Room; 2 story frame; furnace heat; garage. 'Terns. $7,250.00 6 Room (porches); Brick Residence, hot water heat, garage; convenient loca- tion. $17,500.00 8 Room; Brick Residence; hot water heat; lot 50x200. Terms. $15,500.00 FOR RENT: a 5 Room Bungalow ; furnace heat; garage. . Concession July 1st. $50.00. J. H. Schaefer & Co. £31 Ridge Ave. Phone Wilmette 364 'Wilmette, Illinois. 1LTN37-1te FOR SALE--OWNER LEAVING FOR the west and instructs us to sell his very attractive east side home; 3 de- lightful bedrms.; sun and slp. pchs.; h. w. ht.; l-car gar.; deep 50 ft. wooded lot; our best buy; $20,000. KROLL & SMITH 419 4th St, end of L. Wilmette 500 1LTN37-1te around ' minutes' walk from Indian Hill North Shore and North Western stations. Screened porch overlooking beautiful garden; garage; large living rm., with fireplace; 4 sleeping rms.; Hart oil burner. See owner on premises at 341 Waodland Ave. Phone Winn. 237 evenings. 1LTN32-tfp FOR SALE OR RENT DESIRABLE EAST SIDE LOCATION, nearly new, modern, 5-room attractive bungalow. 1-car garage. Easy terms. Will rent furnished. F. H. Gatherco 1213 Wilmette Ave. Wil. 225 1LTN37-1tc FOR SALE -- LARGE HOME OVER- looking Skokie club, beaut. grounds, 90x182, large living room, fireplace, 5 bed rooms, 2 baths, running water in 2 other rooms, lge. living and sleeping porches. House newly painted and decorated, floors refinished, new copper screens. Wonderful buy at $26,000. Shown by appointment. Will co-op- erate with agents. Call Glencoe 207. 1TN12-1tp FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES and VACANT P. W. Bradstreet & Co. REAL ESTATE Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St, Winnetka Phone 162 1T5-tfe East Wilmette Bargain 8 RM. FRAME, COMBINATION HEAT. Spacious liv. room with fireplace. Lge. heated living porch, screened front and side porches. Newly decorated. Large lot with fine old trees and shrubbery. 2 blocks from C. N. W. depot. Priced for quick action. $14,500. F. Coleman Burroughs Wilmette Ave. Wilmette 640 FOR SALE IN BEAUTIFUL NORTHEAST WIN- netka, excellently built and attractive brick Dutch Colonial; 3 bedrooms; 2 baths; sun and sleeping porch; all large rooms, well arranged; garage; lot 50x150. Price $22,500, E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winn. 1800 1LTN37-1te FOR SALE -- 772 LINCOLN AVE, Winnetka; 8 rm. brick Colonial; tile roof; 3 baths; h. w. ht.; insulated with flaxilinum and double Cabot's quilt ; all decks, gutters, etc., copper; butler's pantry; lge. sun pch.; all ceil- ings metal lathed; all walls and ceil- 1157 ings painted; steel const.; 2-car solid | - brick garage with loft above and tile] roof. Phone Winnetka 2361 for ap- pointment. 1LTN37-1te . KENILWORTH WE HAVE A FEW DESIRABLE LOTS in Golf Club subdivision, we are of- fering at ATTRACTIVE PRICES 'Write for particulars. Kenilworth Community Development 350 W. Railroad Avenue Tel. Kenilworth 3002 Downtown Office Tel. State 2261 1LTN37-1te Riparian Property WILL SELL OR TRADE FOR LARGE home in East Winnetka or Glencoe, choice lake front vacant, price $100.00 below present market value. Phone 'Winnetka 2350. 1LTN37-1tc FOR SALE--REAL ESTATE I HAVE A DECIDED BARGAIN IN A a small piece of acreage just west of Winnetka and am forming a syndicate to purchase this for resale at a profit. If you care to invest $500 or more, please communicate with me evenings at Greenleaf 1271. 1TN14-1tc 1 REAL ESTATE EAST WINNETKA BEAUTIFULLY WOODED CORNER 100x130. Only lot on Ash street east of tracks. Call for details. E. E. Stults Realty Co. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winn. 1800 1LTN37-1tc ATTRACTIVE 6 RM. BUNGALOW; 2 porches; hot water heat; large attic; on beautifully wooded lot, one block from lake. $20,000. Tel. Winnetka 2489. 1LTN37-1tc WILL SACRIFICE AT $75 A FOOT MY Indian Hill lot between Kenilworth and Winnetka. Am leaving town. Act at once. Address Wilmette Life A-878. 1LT32-tfe FOR SALE -- A "JARVIS HUNT" house perfect location on hill overlook- ing river; $35,000 will buy it. Mrs. Dow, 215 Campbell St.,, Geneva., Ill Real Estate Broker. 1LTN37-1te 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES SUMMER COTTAGE, FOR RENT FOR all or part of July. Running water, toilet. Most beautiful part of West Michigan shore; fine beach, pleasant neighbors. 6 hours drive from Chicago. $25.00 per week. Phone Winnetka 690. Brewer. 2LTN37-1te FOR RENT -- JULY AND AUGUST; Cottage on Crawling Stone Lake, Northern 'Wisconsin ; Route 70. Screened porches; garage; concrete tennis court; fine bathing beach for children. Gentilés only. Phone Wil- mette 1360. 2LTN36-1tc FOR RENT -- ST. JOSEPH, MICHI- gan, on Lake Shore Drive; modern at- tractive 5-room bungalow; bath; screened porch ; private bathing beach; $375 for season. Address: Wilmette Life A-908. 2LTN37-1tc FOR RENT FURNISHED --JULY AND August ; Attractive 4 room bungalow in desirable Hubbard Woods location, near transportation. Tel. Winnetka 2560 or Address Winn. Talk A-906. 2T14-2te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED HOUSE, July and August; 8 rooms, 4 bedrms. and enclosed sleeping porch, large open porch, two baths. Near all transporta- tion. Phone for appointment; Win- netka 1028. 2TN14-1tc HOUSE TO RENT -- 9 ROOM FURN- ished house, Winnetka, June 15th-- Sept. 15, 2 baths, lavatory, large porch, sleeping porch, garage, fine yard, play- ground apparatus. $250 a month. Ph. Winnetka 728. 2TN14-1tc FOR RENT --FOR SUMMER MONTHS, 7 room shingle house, furnished; 4 bed- rooms, attached garage. Reasonable rent: . Call 1138 Hamptondale Rd., Tel. Winn. 927. 2T14-1tc FORCED TO SELL -- WOODLAND PARK, DEERFIELD. Lot 2-Sec. 9, east front on Stratford road. 67%x 1761%, sewers, streets and water in, and all due taxes and assessments paid. Must sell at once, $2,000 cash, or easy terms. to suit. Address Life A-907, 1ILTN37-tfp FOR SALE--WINNETKA 5-ROOM STUCCO RESIDENCE, FURN- ace heat; convenient to schools and transportation; Bargain at $8,750.00. Hill & Stone © Winnetka 1544 1LTN37-1te LAKE GENEVA A BEAUTIFUL WOODED LOT ON Lake Geneva, 100x600, $7,000; $2,000, Cash, . balance four years. Two smaller lots, wooded, $2,000 each, very terms. These lots are in the Otto Young Estate, highly restricted. Call Rogers Park 7869. 1LTN37-1tp FOR RENT, FURNISHED, 7 ROOM house, unusually cool and artistic. Leaving for summer; must rent. Bar- gain. Tel. Winnetka 1245. 2TN14-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED COTTAGE on Cape Cod, Mattapoisett, Mass. 6 bedrooms; 2 baths, beach privileges. $750.00 for the season. Tel. Winn. 367. 3 2LTN37-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS, ATTRACTIVE home, 7 rooms, 2 porches and sleeping porch. $150.00 a month. Tel. Wilmette 1482. 2LTN37-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED, 5 ROOM bungalow, glazed porch; convenient to transportation. Tel. Glencoe 220. 2LTN37-1tp FOR RENT -- 6 RM. STUCCO HOUSE at 618 Pleasant Ave. $75.00. Xenil- worth. Tel. Kenilworth 1089. = 2LTN37-3tc - ACREAGE BARGAIN WEST OF WINNETKA, 3 MILE FROM Skokie Valley line, 18 acres with 1918 feet of frontage at $1300 per acre. Ph. Winnetka 1802, ILTN37-1te FOR SALE -- RESIDENCE, 7 RMS.; h. w. heat; 4-car garage; lot 100x165; shrubs, elm, maple, fruit trees; 1 blk. Briargate golf course; 2 blocks depot. $11,000. Phone Deerfield 115-M. Hin- dahl. 1LTN27-4tp WINNETKA FARM HOUSES ON NICE 'large grounds; fruit trees; play houses, etc. East side, $10,000; West side $14,000. See agent at 877 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 1689. 1LTN37-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED HOUSE, 7 rooms, 4 jorches. Best location. Wil- mette 1615. © 2TN14-1te 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- HEATED APARTMENT of 4 rooms, bath, and sun porch, fronting on beautiful Kenilworth's most beautiful streets. Only $60.00 per month; 615 Kenilworth Ave. Phone Kenilworth 1146. 3LTN37-1tp TO RENT -- 2 ROOM SUITE, PRIVATE bath and porch. Xenilworth 1865. 3LTN37-1te FOR RENT 6 ROOM BUSINESS FLAT; hot water heat; glazed porch. Call Winnetka 1405. 3T14-1tp 4 FOR RENT--ROOMS WILL SHARE ATTRACTIVE SUMMER home with teacher or business woman. Location very desirable and near transportation. Phone Winnetka 2560, 4T14-1tc FOR RENT 2 DESIRABLE ROOMS. t side near trans. cafeteria and Beach. Ph. Wilmette 1940. 4LT37-1tc FOR RENT -- 1 OR 2 FURNISHED roms near the lake for business men or women. Phone Wilmette 205. 4LTN37-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms; for transients and residents. 629 Main St. Phone Wil. 1080. 4LT50-tfc P--e --- FOR RENT--LARGE, COMFORTAL fag ~~ furn. rm.; 1 or 2 adults. 731 10th St, Wilmette. 4LT37-2tp FOR RENT -- ROOM WITH BOARD. Call at 631 Temple court, Kenilworth or phone Winnetka 2103. 4T14-1tc FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM, Winnetka 1719. 893 Elm St. 4T14-1tc FOR RENT -- PLEASANT ROOM near transportation. Tel. Winn. 1559. 4T14-1tc er 5 FOR RENT---STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT -- STORE. APPLY 601 Main St., Wilmette. 5LTN30-tfc FOR RENT--STORES AND SHOPS. Telephone Winnetka 62. 5LTN28-tfc 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR THE SEA- son at 220 Myrtle St, Indian Hill $10.00 a month. Tel. Winn. 606-W. 6T11-tfe FOR RENT -- GARAGE SPACE FOR one car. 564 Provident ave, Winnetka. 6T14-1tc EE Er Er 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT -- IN WINNET- ka; furn. house; June 1 to Sept. 15; convenient to transportation; 4 bed- rooms; 2 baths; maid's rooms; mod- erate rent. R. Hartman, 559 Surf St. Chicago. Phone Graceland 6373. 7T7-tfe WANTED -- A LITTLE HOUSE FOR the summer for husband and wife, who will give it excellent care in exchange for rent. For particulars phone Win- netka 602. 7T14-1te WANTED TO RENT SMALL UNFURN- ished house in Winnetka. Phone Uni- versity 1938. TLT14-1tc 11 HELP WANTED--MALE YOU CAN START AT ONCE WITH my firm selling in the city of Winnetka. We supply everything, you risk noth- ing, no lay-off, you make big money every day. Consumers have been buy- ing our line for 25 years. Write for Free book on city and town retailing that tells about our sales plan. G. C. Heberling Company, Dept. 37 Bloomington, Illinois. 12TN14-1tp COLLEGE MEN - YOUNG MEN HOME FROM SCHOO can find congenial employment for the summer months. The work will help prepare you to meet the business world and your earnings will be above the average. Call Monday: 614 Wrig- ley Bldg. 11TN14-1te AN OLD ESTABLISHED REAL ES- tate firm has opening for high grade man as manager of branch office. As- Suped future for right man. Address ette Life A. M. L. A-910. 11LTN37-1te 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED COMPETENT WHITE girl for cooking and general house- work. Finnish, Swedish or German. No washing or ang. High wages. Ref. req. Mrs. . C. Snoddy. 227 Raleigh Rd., Kenilworth. Tel. Kenil 1974. 12LTN37-1te WANTED--MAID OR MIDDLE AGED woman, white. for general USeWALE: christian, and must of chil- dren. Good home. Tel. Wilmette 1530. 12LTN37-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT MAID TO work from 2 to 7:30. References re- quired. General housework and pre- pare dinner for small family. Phone Wilmette 3617 after 6:30 p. m. aon