Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 12 Jun 1926, p. 68

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June 12, 192 WINNETKA TALK a... AH SH -- --_----A-' 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE maid; good references; about 35 years of age. Three in family, no washing, $18. Phone Winn. 1846; 519 Elder- lane, 12LLTN37-1tc WANTED WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework ; no laundry. Pleasant home near Hubbard Woods station, Call Winnetka 1587. 12T14-1te WANTED -- HIGH SCHOOL GIRL TO care for child few hours each morn- ing. Mrs. G. H. Dovenmuehle, 526 Willow Rd., Winnetka 1903. 12T14-1te WANTED -- INTELLIGENT GIRL TO care for 2 children. Nice home. Refer- ences required. Call Glencoe 1028. 12LTN37-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral work; small family; no laundry. Permanent position or for few weeks. Winnetka 2662. 12LTN37-1tc WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework must have cooking ex- perience ; highest wages. Call Win- metka 1137. 12LTN37-1te WANTED--EFFICIENT 1ST FLOOR maid, white; plain cooking: no laun- dry. References required. Salary $20. Glencoe 656. 12LN37-1te KENILWORTH EMPLOYMENT Agency. Reliable domestic help sup- plied. Ph. Kenilwoith 1847. 12LTN34-tfe WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl for cooking and downstairs work. References. Tel. Kenilworth 2532. 12L.TN36-1tc WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework ; three in family; no wash- ing. Tel. Wilmette 3010. 1316 Ash- land Ave. 12LTN37-1te WANTED '--SECOND GIRL: TO GO home nights. Phone Winnetka 6. 12LLTN37-1te WANTED -- GIRL, PART TIME TO care for child. Kenilworth 994W. 12LTN37-1te | 14 - SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED -- HOUSE AND L.AWN work ; also odd jobs. Call Wil. 3428. 14LT32-tfe SITUATION WTD. -- EXP. MAN wishes garden work by the day. Tel Glenview 26-R. 1. 14TN12-4tp SITUATION WTD. -- HIGH SCHOOL boy wishes work afternoons and all day Saturday, entire summer. Phone Winnetka 2235. 14T14-1tc -- come 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WTD. -- POSITION AS governess by college girl, for summer or permanent; can teach French or Spanish or tutor. Best references. Winnetka 1589. 15LTN37-1te SITUATION WTD. -- DRESSMAKING to do at home; also children's clothes. For appointment call Wilmette 2093. en. J 67 I .--_--_ 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS rr ------ - 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANBOUS : FOR SALE -- GENUINE WALNUT twin beds, box springs and mattresses, practically new. Reasonable. Also pair handmade velour portieres, in- cluding fittings. Winnetka 1491. 17L/TN37-1te FOR SALE--UPRIGHT CABLE PIANO and bench, $65. Mahogany Napoleon double bedstead, box springs and hair mattress, $35. Phone, Glencoe 336. 17LTN36-2te FOR SALE -- AT A SACRIFICE, Italian pottery lamp with parchment shade from the Duncan Studio. Tel Winnetka 793. 17LTN37-1te FOR SALE--1 ANTIQUE GOLD LEAF mirror, small Persian rug, kitchen table, fireless cooker and chiffonier. Kenilworth 2317. 17TLTN37-1te ---------------------------------------------- 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 15LTN37-1te COMPETENT HIGH SCHOOL GIRL wants general housework. Apply James Gordan, 1930 Kristan Ave, North Chicago, Ill. 15T14-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- MOTHER WITH child to stay on premises wishes posi- tion as general maid, cook, or nurse. Tel. Univ. 6443. 15LTN37-1te SITUATION WTD. -- LAUNDRESS wants Mon. & Wed. References. Tel Winn. 7162, evenings. ' 15LTN37-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- DRESSMAKING wanted by day or hour; experienced. References. Wil. 1058. 15LTN37-1te SITUATION WTD.--ASSISTANT general office work. Phone Winnetka 855. 15L'TN37-1to HIGH SCHOOL GIRL AS MOTHER'S helper. Best references. Call Win- netka 1087. 15TN14-1tc COMPETENT GIRL WILL TAKE care of children evenings. Tel. Win- netka 2336. 15T14-1tc WANTED -- LAUNDRY WORK, WILL call and deliver same. Give me a trial; Mrs. Dennis; Glencoe 796. 15TN14-1tc WANTED -- MATD FOR GENERAL housework. Phone Winnetka. 1245. 12LTN37-1te WANTED--COMPETENT LAUNDRESS, white. Phone Winnetka 1244. 12LTN37-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED LAUN- dress for Tuesday of each week : white. Tel. Winnetka 1205. 12IL.TN26-1te WANTED SECOND MAID: WHITE, experienced. Family 3 adults. Call Winnetka 94. 12T14-1tp WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework few hours mornings. Phone Winnetka 2173. 12TN14-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; must like children. Winnetka 1970. 12TN14-1te WANTED -- GIRL TO HELP WITII dinners at night. Phone Winn. 1414. 12TN14-1tp WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. References. Glen. 988. 12TN14-1te WANTED -- WILLING, CHEERFUL. young girl to help with baby and housework. Tel. Winnetka 312. 12T14-1tp WANTED -- COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework. Good salary. Tel 'Winnetka 1451. 12T14-1tc 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED gardener and all around handy man wishes permanent position, day or hour work. References. Phone Win- netka 639W after 6 p. m. 14TN14-1tp SITUATION WANTED BY AN EX- perienced gardener, either 1st. assist- ant or caretaker of private estate; three days a week. Address Winnet- ka Talk A-911. 14T14-1tc SITUATION WTD. -- HANDY MAN wants to do gardening or work around the house by day or week. Tel. Green- leaf 5 14LTN37-1tp SITUATION =~ WTD.--GARDENING & housecleaning. Exp. References. Winn. 7162, evenings. 14LTN37-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED gardener wishes garden work by the day. Tel. Winnetka 529 R. 147'14-1tp ---- 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMA (COLORED) DAY WORK -- HOUSE- cleaning ; vard work; rugs cleaned; laundry done at home. Cooking; serv- ing parties; aetual service on any oc- casion. Colored couple wants position as cook, chauffeur and house man; willing to leave city through summer. Reference. J. E. Steens. Phone Kenil- worth 1088. 16LTN33-tfe POSITION WTD. --GERMAN COUPLE; private family; houseman, butler, chauffeur. Wife: maid,. nurse. No cooking. Address Winnetka Talk A-912. 16T14-1tp T FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WONDERFUL CHANCE FOR YOUNG couple. Will sacrifice beautiful furn- ishings for 4 rm. apt.; only used four months; 3-pieece silk mohair parlor suite; 8-piece walnut dining set; 4- piece walnut bedroom set; two x12 Wilton rugs; library table; floor and table lamps; 5 piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all; worth $2,000.00. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Road, Chicago. Tel. Sunny- side 6190. Will arrange for delivery. 1TLTN A -3tp FOR SALE -- FINE OLD ENGLISH Furniture and accessories, including: tall-boys, highboys, chairs, tables 17th century dole cupboards, and linen chests, mirrors, shawls, caddie boxes, bible box, wool and silk needle- work, coffee urns, vases, jugs, orna- ments, etc. All below current prices. Tel. Winnetka 243. 17TLTN27-1tc FOR SALE -- ENAMEL BATH TUB, fine condition, $10.00; new kitchen ware; kitchen rocker, $1.00; 3 porch rugs; porch chair; child's yard play- house ; girl's bicycle ; Book of Knowl- edge ; Brownie odak ; curtain stretcher ; lawnmower. 560 Elm St. Winnetka 1158. 17T14-1te FOR SALE -- ANTIQUE FURNITURE, mahogany finish, including large Col- onial desk, chair and foot stool to match. Very attractive and reason- ably priced. Phone Winn. 537 R. 17T14-1tp FINE FURNITURE FOR SALE--QUEEN ANNE DRESSER, Sheraton and Empire sideboards, ma- hogany, Pier glasses. Chas. M. Fish, 205 Richards St., Joliet. , Phone 205. : 17N21-1tp IN | WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture amd other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 18SLTN11-tfc WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--Sell--Exchange--New-- Open daily, Tues., Thurs, Sat, 8 p. m. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel Winn. 1212. 18LTN26-tfc 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS DEALER FOR RAGS, tires, tubes. 8S. GOLDMAN, JUNK HIGHEST PRICE PAID magazines, old clothes, Tel. Wilmette 3334. 19LTN37-1te HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S clothing and shoes. Tel. Wil. 1351. 19LTN36-4tp WANTED -- ROW BOAT, BARGAIN, but no junk. Phone Winnetka 1419. 19TN14-1te 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE--1923 HUPMOBILE ROAD- ster in perfect mechanical condition. Price $345. Call Wil. 1531. 20LTN37-1te FOR SALE--DOUBLE DRIVE DE- troit Electric; special batteries. Owner leaving town. Winn. 129. 201. TN37-1te FOR SALE--5 PASS. OVERLAND; 5 good tires; equipment, good condition. $50.00. Phone Wilmette 965-R. 20LTN37-1tp FOR SALE -- JORDAN 5 PASSENGER sedan, excellent condition. 213 Linden St.,, Winnetka. Phone Winnetka 608. 20LTN37-1te FOR SALE -- FORD TOURING CAR, late 1925 model. $150.00 Tel. Win- netka 1225. 20T14-1te FOR SALE--CHRYSLER; LIKE NEW. Call Winnetka 663. 1324 Scott Ave. Hubbard Woods, Ill. 20TN14-1tp FOR SALE -- ONE BOY'S RANGER semi-motor bicycle ; girl's Ranger ; also Ner-a-car motorcycle. Tel. Winn. 1081. 20TN14-1te FOR SALE -- 1922 MODEL =. FORD Roadster in good condition. Call Glen- coe 1269. 20T14-1te 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS Antiques For Graduation Why Not? A QUAINT OLD BED, CHAIR, CHEST, or any kind of an antique. Have some very choice pieces, espe- cially in glass, pewter, furniture, brasses and rare prints. Also some fine old first editions in books. Everything can be had at remarkably low prices. Mrs. Dicke, 808 Washing- ton street. Tel. University 9890. . 21LTN37-1te WANTED--CUSTOMERS FOR OUR new laid eggs. We deliver to you the vear round. You can depend on good infertile eggs from us. Write to Beem's Poultry Farm, Zion, Ill. or Phone Zion 238-R. 21T14-Ttp FOR SALE -- SIX TUBE PORTABLE radio, complete with tubes, batteries, and loud speaker. Price $65.00. Orig- inal selling price $195.00. The Radio Service Shop 18 Prouty Annex 21LTN37-1te FOR SALE -- SLIGHTLY WORN LA- dies' clothing of all kinds. Large se- lection. JARVIS RESALE 1403 Jarvis Avenue Tel. Rogers Park 3137. . 21LT37-1tp FOR SALE--HAND PAINTED CARD table and waste baskets, special de- signs. Kenworthy-Johnson Studio, 1722 Sherman Ave. Evanston. 21LTN37-1te FOR SALE A NUMBER OF OLD patchwork quilts and homespun cover- lets. Winnetka 462. 21LT14-1te FOR SALE -- BABY BUGGY IN GOOD condition ; Phone, Winnetka 621 after 5:30. 21T14-1te 24 LOST AND FOUND I.iberal Reward REWARD--WILL BE PAID FOR RE- turn of small female Boston bull dog. Child's pet. Dark brindle, white face and chest, black spot on head be- tween ears, screw tail. Weight 14 lbs. 1161 Oakley Ave. Hubbard Woods ; or i tka 2 Phone Wie 24LTN37-1te LIBERAL REWARD FOR EITHER RE- turn or any word of dog lost in south end of Lake Forest near Sheridan Road, Thursday morning, June 10. Irish Terrier; reddish tan; coarse, wiry hair; medium size; answering to the name of "Bille¢"; no collar. Tel. Lake Forest 271 or Superior 1186, Chicago. 24TN11-1tc LOST --BLUE ROSARY BEADS, GOL cross: between Sacred Heart Church and Tower Station or at Indian HMIL valued as keepsake. Return to Ther- esa Olinger, North Shore Health Re- sort. Winnetka 211. 24T14-1tp LEFT IN FRONT OF SWEET SHOP on Gage St. Friday, June _ 4th, boy's Red Bicyéle. Return to 756 Foxdale 'g 29, Reward. or Phone Winnetka 2229 ie LOST--SAPPHIRE AND PEARL PIN, between 734 Lincoln and Parish house. 11 Winnetka 118%. Reward. Cu 24T14-1te LOST -- BOY'S BRAND NEW VELOCI- pede at Hubbard Woods School. TRe- . Winnetka 2083. 24714-1te FOUND -- IN FRONT OF 926 CHERRY Street, pair of horn rimmed glasses. Call Winnetka 49. 24T14-1tc 25 CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS ALL GRADES OF BRICK WORK, ES- pecially chimneys, fireplaces, walks, steps, platforms, flag stones, ete., Fen personal attention. Otto Otten, Kenil- worth 1307. 25LTN37-1te LET CHAS. FRAGASSI DIG YOUR sewer. Contract or percentage. Wi tka 1288, 6-8 p. m. ne © 25LN37-1tp 27 HOUSEHOLD SERVICE Attention WILMETTE UPHOLSTERY SHOP FIRST CLASS UPHOLSTERING DONE at your home or at my shop. Prices reasonable SOE guarantee. 3 Elec- tri lace. Tel. mette 3 <P 27LTN37-1tp 39 PAINTING AND DECORATING LADIES--YOU CAN DO YOUR NEW York shopping in the Famous Monasilk Dresses, Dainty Underwear and the Dream Figure-mold corselette, not so heavy as corset yet more control than © ordinary corselette, at my home or by appointment at your home. Mrs. Gertrude P. Ambler 315 Green Bay Road Phone Glencoe 934. 21LTN36-tfp FOR SALE -- FINE TOMATOES AND Egg plants, 26¢c a doz. Phone Win- netka 803. 362 Linden St, Winnetka. 21T14-1te Fred J. Krammen Floor surfacing and finishing. Old and new floors. Phone Wil. 2008. 20T11-4tp 31 BUSINESS SERVICE ~ REPAIRS NORMAN E. DALLY, 725 OAK ST. Bleycles repaired and rebuilt. Lawn mowers sharpened, grinding and elec- trical repairs. Prompt service. 31T8-tfc

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