June 12, 1926 WENNETKA TALK _ SN N Ni Ly a ------ I I : Day or Night Hot Water Instantaneously In all modern homes running hot water at the turn of the tap is accepted as a matter of course--just as we accept the telephone and other twentieth century im- provements. Day and night there is a constant need for hot water in the home--in the kitchen, bath, laundry and sick room. The Automatic Gas Water Heater fills this need with unequalled satisfaction. It brings to your home the con- stant joy of running hot water with the turn of the faucet. ONLY $10.00 DOWN 12 MONTHS TO PAY will install one of these wonderful Gas Water Heaters in your home, so that your family may enjoy all the ad- vantages that our Service makes possible. Why con- tinue to wait for water to heat--why try to skimp on hot water when its abundance is essential to your family's comfort? PHONE WINNETKA 80 Have our representative call and give you full particu- lars regarding your hot water requirements. This service is free. YOUR GAS COMPANY is interested in rendering to its customers the very best gas service possible. You can co-operate with us by using economical and efficient gas burning appliances. SPECIAL TERMS AND ALLOWANCE for your present water heater is offered during this sale. NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY TELEPHONE WINNETKA 80