WINNETKA TALK June 19, 1926 Maria Beauty Culture Maria Lagerquist, Prop. 794 Elm Street, 2nd Floor, Franklin Bldg. KEEN Steam Oil Permanent Waving For Appointment Phone Winnetka 762 Give Shower for Glencoe Girl, a Bride of July 3 A surprise party in the form of a miscellaneous shower was given by Mrs. Charles and Mrs. Paul Kreger, at the home of the former, 717 Wil- low road, Wednesday evening, Junc 16, in honor of Miss Kathleen Kreger, 508 Drexel avenue, Glencoe. After the twenty-five guests had as- sembled, little Lanora Jimbastian dressed as a bride, presented the presents to Miss Kreger. Bunco and light refreshments completed the eve- ning's entertainment. Miss Kreger is to marry Fred Swin- dell of Alexanderville, Ind.,, Saturday afternoon, July 3. The wedding will be followed by a reception at Miss Kreger's home, 508 Drexel avenue, | Glencoe. Dr. J. P. Turner, 797 Elm street, lett yesterday for a visit in Canton, Ohio. Good News for Six Buyers The facts about Hupmobile Six value and appearance--and the thrilling performance it gives --are good news for every prospective buyer of a six. For they tell you of a new deal for the public. A car that performs like sixes much higher in price; and that counts as its own every one of the sterling attributes which have made Hupmobile celebrated every- where for long life and low costs. Unusual Features Oil Filter - Gasoline Filter - Remarkably Clear - Vision Bodies, Hupmobile Eight Sedan, five-passenger, four- Sedan, five-passenger, $2345. door, $1385. Coupe, two-pas- Sedan, Berline, $2445. Coupe, senger, with rumbleseat, $1385. two- passenger, with rumble Touring, five-passenger, $1325. $a, $2345. Roadsterwith rum- Equipment includes 30 by 5.25 seat, . 4 ournng, hve- balloon tires, four-wheel passenger, $1945. Jouring, seven -passenger, $2045. A brakes. Allprices f 0 b. De- prices f. o. be Detroit, plus troit, plus revenue tax. HUPMOBILE SIX Hupmobile Six Special One-Piece Vis- Gauge - Strong, rame - Heavy, Rigid Crankshaft- Special Vibration Damper, Machined Comuus- tion Chambers. Easy Stenriua = Lphol- , stery in Latest y pecial \ ion- Ventilating Wind- shield - Dash Gasoline g Rigid ~ \ : - NEE $ Hanson Motor Co. 557 Chestnut Street Winnetka Phone Winn. 330 WALTON LEAGUE PLANS BIG ANNUAL PICNIC To Be Held At Prairie Club Shack, Deer Grove Park, On Friday, June 25 The big annual Izaak Walton league picnic, for members and friends, is to be held Friday, June 25, this year. In the announcement of the picnic, the League says that the early starters will leave the Community House at 9 o'clock in the morning and that the others will drift out as they please. The affair is to be held at the Prairie club shack in Deer Grove park. This park can be reached in less than an hour from Winnetka. Directions for reaching it are as follows: take the Dundee road west from Glencoe. The park is on the north side of the road and cannot be missed. In case the weather is bad the pic- nic will be held in the clubhouse, which is large enough for all to be able to indulge in eating and other indoor sports. It rained the day of the picnic last year, but all had a good time in spite of thdt fact, it was said. Plan Sport Events Those who attend are. requested to bring food for both luncheon and din- ner. It is hoped that a large crowd will stay on into the evening. There is a cooking stove available at the club house and good milk and soft drinks of all kinds are on sale. Water is free, it was said. The program of sports includes fly casting for men, horseshoe pitching for men, a baseball game (soft ball), fish pond contest for all, races for boys and girls, ring toss for all. There will be prizes for all events but the baseball game. Those who wish to take part in the fly casting are requested to bring their own rods and equipment. Other equipment is to be furnished, it is an- nounced. Members of the League are urged to attend and to bring their friends and children. Further information con- cerning the picnic can be secured from Robert S. Hammond, Sherman M. Goble or Percival Hunter. Community Nursery School Resumes Activity Oct. 1 A luncheon last week occasioned the last meeting of the season for the mothers of the Community Nursery school. The guests composed a group of women, Mrs. Francis Hardy, Mrs. George Smith, Mrs. Erskine Wilder, and Mrs. E. W. Rosenheim. Mrs. Morton C. Cahn, who served as a com- mittee last year to help furnish the school's new home, the success of which was the result of the interest of these women, their husbands, who as- sumed the finaneials responsibility of the school and friends of the school in Winnetka. There will be no sum- mer session this year, it is announced, and the school, which has been in operation five years, will resume its work with children from 2 to 5 years of age October 1. Community Nursery School has several vacancies to be filled by application for chil- dren 2% to 51% years old. Hours 9 to 11:30. Beginning Oct. 1, to June 1. Director CorINNE FIrrzPATRICK 769 Locust Street Phone Winn. 2560 -- ee