a June 19, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 19 Install New Officers [[EE===isssssrrrrrsssssesessrsssssssssssssssrrssrsssssif] at Horace Mann School Friday of this week marked the | closing Assembly at Horace Mann | school at which time the recently | elected fifteen officers of the student body were installed to formally enter upon their respective duties at the be- ginning of the next school year. At the same time, servece pins were given to the five children, who, in the opinion of the children and teachers of the school, have best served the school the past year. These pins are made from a design by Jamie Odell, of last year's sixth grade, and which has been adopted as a permanent design. A certain number of other children received service badges. | TEE@) EB Henry C.Lytton & Sons State and Jackson --Chicago Orrington and Church--Evanston Country Day Boys Drub Fathers in Ball Game Smarting under the unexpected and cataclysmic defeat administered to them by their sons in the anual base- ball game of the spring festival at the North Shore Country Day school, the parents challenged the victors to a re- turn game which was played last week-end. Again the sons were victorious, this time by a considerably closer score of 8 to 4 in a five inning game, with rain interrupting, Mothers' Picnic Rained Out; but Have Good Time A group of mothers of Horace Mann school children, under the direction of Mrs. Hobart Young, chairman of the social committee, gave a luncheon at the home of Mrs. Young, 708 Prospect avenue, Tuesday. It was originally planned as a picnic luncheon at the lake, but owing to the recent rains and unfavorable weather the plans were changed to an indoor affair, which, by the way, was none the less an enjoy- able affair. 33330833383 %0%0%0004s 0000000000000 00000000000000000000000000006060660¢ IN OUR NEW EVANSTON SHOP An Extraordinary Demonstration of The Hub's Greater Value-Giving Power NewLightTanand Light Gray Suits Presenting the Smartest Styles and Patterns for All Men and Young Men 35 *45 *50 Blue Suits by Society Brand --with Extra Flannel Trousers 54 pia A $65 June Combination--Very Special at IN COLLEGE DRAMATICS Helen English, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. English, 375 Hawthorn lane, returned from Rockford college June 16. Miss English has attended Rockford four years, and graduated this June. She has been an outstand- ing member of her class, especially in dramatics, taking the leading part in this year's commencement play given on the campus. Mr. and Mrs. William Salmen and their daughters, Edna and Frieda, 964 Spruce street, will leave Winnetka June 20, for a three months' tour through Europe. They will ship their car and travel by motor the entire time, visiting Germany and Austria-Hungary. William Salmen, Jr., will remain in Winnetka for the summer, attending summer school. -- Miss Frances E. Weld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Whitmore Weld of 315 Sunset road, Winnetka, leaves Monday for Washington, D. C., to join her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Koblegard. They will sail June 22, on the S. S. Frederick VIII, for three months of travel abroad. Ra, Mr. and Mrs. Pick Lynne, 143 Ful- ler lane, Winnetka, celebrated their eighth wedding anniversary by giving a large dinner-party at the North- moor Country club Saturday, June 5. --(O-- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Kreiter and family, 572 Provident avenue, Winnetka, left Saturday, June 12 for their summer home at Lake Hamlin, Mich., where their remain until late in September. | Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks and their four children, formerly of 759 Burr avenue, have moved to 1092 Spruce street, where they will spend the summer. [Cleese sess isivrsesessssssssssssssssss