BEd tah | June 19, 1926 1z HELP WANTED--FEMALE WINNETKA TALK ; 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED -- COMPETENT MAID TO work from 2 to 7:30. References re- quired. General housework and pre- pare dinner for small family. Phone Wilmette 3617 after 6:30 p. m. 12LTN38-1tp WANTED -- COMPETENT WORKING housekeeper ; family of 2 adults. Splen- did home and a permanent position. Re- ferences required. Call Glencoe 706. 12L/TN38-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. Good pay and board and room. Swedish or German girl pre- ferred. Phone Wil. 3763. 12LTN38-1tc WANTED-- EXPERIENCED WHITE girl for cooking and first floor work; no laundry; no heavy cleaning. Good wages. References required. Phone Glencoe 674. 12TN165-1te WANTED -- GIRL TO CARE FOR children afternoons. Experience with infants necessary. Call. 1089 Spruce St., or Phone Winnetka 17. 12T15-1te WANTED--RELIABLE GIRL. MOTH- er's helper or general housework and your transportation. Phone: Kenil- worth 2060. 12LTN38-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE girl; general housework. Small family. No washing. Winnetka 1821. 12LTN38-1tc WANTED--GIRL FOR GENERAL OF- fice work ; must be able to take dicta- tion. Apply: 823 Spruce St., Winn. Tel. Winn. 734. 12LT38-1te WANTED -- SEVERAL GIRLS FOR clerical and general office work. Apply : Wilmette Chamber of Commerce. Wil- mette 63. 12LTN38-1tp NOW IS THE TIME TO CARE FOR your shrubbery, hedges and trees. Ex- perienced man will take care of them. Also take care of lawns and flower beds. Glencoe garden and landscape, Tel. Glencoe 332-W. 340 South Ave, Glencoe. 14TN15-1te SITUATION WTD.--FINISHED GRAD- ing, care, cultivation, and trimming of shrubs. Lawn service of all kinds, by fhe hour, day or week. Call Wil. 1921. Address Wilmette Life A-917. 14LTN38-1tp SITUATION WTD. CHAUFFEUR, GAR- dener's helper; willing to do house- work; young; single; Swedish; Her- bert Reineck, 278 Beach St., Highland Park. 14LT38-1tp WTD. -- HIGH SCHOOL boy wishes work afternoons and all day Saturday, entire summer. Phone Winnetka 2235. 14L.T38-1tc SITUATION WTD.--BY EXPERIENCED chauffeur, in private family. A-1 refer- ences. H. P. 692, Edmonds. 14LTN38-1tp SITUATION WANTED--HOUSE, YARD, OR GAR- den work by colored man. Experienced. References. Phone Glencoe 898. 14LTN38-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- CHAUFFEUR or gardener; 10 yrs. exp. Good ref- erences. Address Winn. Talk A-921. 14TN15-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- 1ST CLASS GAR- dener or chauffeur. Good references. Address Winnetka Talk A-922, WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework ; three in family; no wash- ing. Tel. Wilmette 3010. 1316 Ash- land Ave. . 12LTN38-1te KENILWORTH EMPLOYMENT Agency. Reliable domestic help sup- plied. Ph. Kenilworth 1847. 12LTN34-tfc WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO -HELP with baby and housework. Call Winnet- ka 2592. 12LTN38-1tp WANTED -- EFFICIENT STENOGRA- pher. Address: Wilmette Life A-919. 12LTN38-1te WANTED--YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with housework. Call: Wilmette 3557. 12LTN38-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT MAID FOR cooking and downstairs work. Glen- coe 780 12TN15-1te WANTED -- SCHOOLGIRL TO CARE for walking baby afternoons, Tel. Win- netka 2174. 12T15-1tp WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework few hours mornings. Phone Winnetka 2173. 12TN15-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral Housework. No laundry. Phone Winnetka 1971. 12TN15-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL, FOND OF children. 3 in family. Phone Glen- coe 961. 12TN15-1te WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral hswk. Tel. Glencoe 991. 720 Greenleaf, Glencoe. 12TN15-1te WANTED -- NURSE FOR TWO CHIL- dren, $20.00 a week. 234 Franklin Rd. Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 988. 12TN15-1te MAID WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR General housework in small family. Phone Winnetka 1285. 12T15-1te 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE WANTED -- EXPERIENCED COUPLE with reliable references. Woman must be good cook. Man must wait on table and do some outside work. Two in fam- ily. Call: Winn. 2062. 131. TN38-1te WANTED -- FIRST CLASS WHITE couple. Call Winnetka 821. 13T15-1tp eo ---- aad 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE WANTED -- HOUSE AND LA work ; also odd jobs. Call Wil. 3428. 14LT32-tfc SITUATION WANTED--BY EXP. LI- censed chauffeur. References. Tel. Kenil. 2404. 14LT38-2tc WONDERFUL CHANCE FOR YOUNG couple. Will sacrifice beautiful furn- ishings for 4 rm. apt.; only used four months 3-piece silk mohair parlor suite; 8-piece walnut dining set; 4- piece walnut bedroom set; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; library table; floor and table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all; worth $2,000.00. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan Road, Chicago. Tel. Sunny- side 6190. Will arrange for delivery. 17TLTN37-3tp FOR SALE -- OLD RIDGEWOOD TEA set. Rare blue Staffordshire and pink Staffordshire plates and Splatterware. Old silver. Historical satin coverlet of rare heauty. English and French prints. Old Boston rocker. Original stenciling. Early American table. Penbroke influence. Many other good pieces, 312 South avenue, Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 732. 17TN15-1te FOR SALE -- HAIR MATTRESS, chiffonier, library table, gas stove, open bookcase, and other pieces of furniture. Phone Glencoe 143. 17TN15-1tc FOR SALE -- BABY'S WHEELED crib; baby pen; long paper hanger's table; ironing board; man's desk. Ph. Winnetka 2086. FOR SALE -- SINGLE BED WITH box springs and mattress, solid wal- nut; Hepplewhite design; $75. Win- netka 1491. 17TN15-1te FOR SALE--AN UPRIGHT CABLE Nelson piano and bench; good condi- tion. Reasonable. Phone Wilmette 3617 after 6:30 p. m. 17LTN38-1tp ------------------------------------------------------------ 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE (COLORED) DAY WORK -- HOUSE- cleaning; vard work; rugs cleaned; laundry done at home. Cooking; serv- ing parties; actual service on any oc- casion. Colored couple wants position as cook, chauffeur and house an; willing to leave city through summer. Reference. J. E. Steens. Phone Kenil- worth 1088. 16LTN33-tfc SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED white laundress wants work Wednes- days, Thursdays, and Fridays. Care of children evenings and week-ends. A-1 references. Reasonable. Call Victory 5162. Mrs. Clark. 15LTN37-1te SITUATION WTD. -- HIGH SCHOOL girl, 14 years. Mother's helper in priv- ate family for room, board, wages. Margaret Chermak, 5227 Warwick Ave. Chicago, Ill. Kildare 4600. 15L.TN38-1tp SITUATION WTD.--GIRL (15) WANTS position as nurse girl during vacation. Mrs. Behrens, 1608 Walnut Ave. Tel 864 R. X. 15LT38-1te LAUNDRESS, EXPERIENCED, WHITE, wants washing and ironing for Thurs- day. References. Call Univ. 5647. 15T15-1tp WORK, WILL Give me a trial; 15TN15-1te WANTED --LAUNDRY call and deliver same. Mrs. Dennis: Glencoe 796. DRESSMAKING -- J. B. ANDERSON, 4 Prouty Annex. Silk summer dresses. Now $16, $18, $20. 15T15-1tp SITUATION WTD.--WASHING, IRON- ing, or cleaning by the day. Call Green- leaf 1142. 15LT38-1tc ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND i FEMALE SITUATION WTD.--BY EXP. COUPLE with good references; lady to do cook- ing, man all around housework or as chauffeur. Tel. Kenil. 2404. 16LT38-2tc 14TN15-1tp . LEAVING WINNETKA COLORED CHAUFFEUR DESIRES | pOR SALE--ENTIRE CONTENTS OF permanent position. Single. Refer- my home at 790 Prospect Ave. Sale Phone Glencoe 73. Brown. starts June 25th. 17TLTN38-1te : 14T15-1tp FOR SALE -- 9-PIECE DINING SET, SITUATION WANTED -- EXPERI- $20.00; gas stove, excellent condition, enced gardener wishes garden work $25.00; chairs; cheap. Tel. Winnetka by the day. Tel. Winn. 529R. 2548. 17LTN38-1tp 14T15-2tp FOR SALE ANTIQUE CHEST OF SITUATION WANTED -- GARDEN, drawers and what-not. Both solid wal- housework, and driving. Winn. 2644. nut. Donovan. 7957 Ellis Ave., Chicago. : 14TN15-1te 17L.TN38-1tc SITUATION WTD. -- LAWN AND | FOR SALE--ONE IVORY SIMMONS garden work by the hour or day. Ph. wood crib, hike Hews Ey Nola | Ww 056. 14T wringer ; gas heater. a mette innetka 105 Ble AR X. 17LTN38-1tc SITUATION WTD. -- EXP. MAN wishes garden work by the day. Tel. |FOR SALE -- CHIFFONIER: LARGE Glenview 26-R. 1. 14TN12-4tp size wardrobe trunk; "Kilim" rug 6 ft. 9 in. x 11 feet. Phone Wilmette 1939, 17LTN38-1tp FOR SALE--UPRIGHT CABLE PIANO and bench, $65.00. Phone Glencoe 336. 17TLTN38-1te 51 -- p-- 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -- 1923 FORD COUPE. NEW paint. Good condition. Winn. 10. 20T15-1te 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS LADIES--YOU CAN DO YOUR NEW York shopping in the Famous Monasilk Dresses, Dainty Underwear and the Dream Figure-mold corselette, not so heavy as corset yet more control than ordinary corselette, at my home or by appointment at your home. Mrs. Gertrude P. Ambler 315 Green Bay Road Phone Glencoe 934. 21LTN36-tfp WANTED--CUSTOMERS FOR OUR new laid eggs. We deliver to you the year round. You can depend on good infertile eggs from us. Write to Beem"s Poultry Farm, Zion, Ill. or Phone Zion 238-R. 21T14-7tp FOR SALE--SLIGHTLY WORN LA- dies' clothing of all kinds. Large se- lection. JARVIS RESALE 1403 Jarvis Avenue Tel. Rogers Park 3137. 21LT38-3te FOR SALE -- UNDERWOOD TYPE- writer, one mahogany drop typewriter desk, 2 tiers of drawers, and one ma- hogany typewriter chair; all for $100.00. Phone Winn. 721. 21LTN38-1tc FOR SALE -- 5,000 ANNUAL PLANTS for 15¢ doz. $1.00 a hundred. Zenia, marigold, cosmos, and asters. 1487 As- bury ave., Hubbard Woods, Tel. Win- netka 546-J. 21TN15-1te FOR SALE -- CHICKEN OR TOOL house, and large leather rocker; good condition. Both cheap. Wilmette 2152. 21LTN38-1tc FOR SALE -- IRIS $1.25 DOZ. HOLLY- hock plants and other perennials rea- sonable. 606 Provident avenue. 21TN15-1te FINE SADDLE PONY FOR SALE, cheap. Call Winnetka 114. 21TN15-1te FOR SALE -- STEINWAY GRAND piano in perfect condition. Call Glen- coe 699. 21T38-1te FOR SALE--PONY, SADDLE, GOVER- ness cart, harness. $50.00. Tel. Winn. 1017. 21LTN38-1tc FOR SALE--DARK BLUE REED BABY carriage. Phone Winnetka 462. 21LTN38-1te FOR SALE--1924 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycle; good condition. Phone FOR SALE MAHOGANY BED, 5 PIECE breakfast set, and ice box. Call. Gien- coe 699. 17T15-1te EE ------------------------------ 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St, Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 18LTN11-tfe WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--Sell--Exchange--New--TUsed Open daily. Tues., Thurs, Sat, 8 p. m. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212. 18LTN26-tfe -------------------------------------------------------------- 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS S. GOLDMAN, JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS, magazines, old clothes, tires, tubes. Tel. Wilmette 3334. 19T15-tfe HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S clothing and shoes, Tel. Wil. 1351. 19LTN36-4tp DIRT FILL GIVEN AWAY AT 968 Elm st., Winnetka. 21T15-1te 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- VIOLIN, CASE, AND PORT- folio at Skokie school, Thursday, June 10th. Finder please return same to owner: 330 Walnut st. and receive re- ward. 24T15-1tc LOST -- $10 BILL TIED WITH WHITE ribbon. Winnetka, Monday morning. Return to Winnetka Talk office for suit- able reward. 24T15-1tp 1.OST -- TUXEDO SUIT DELIVERED to wrong party. Please call Suburban cleaners, Winnetka 304. 24T15-1te FOUND -- HORSE ABOUT 14 YEARS old; June 1st. Owner call at Police department, Winnetka. 24TN15-1te FOUND -- WRIST WATCH. WHITE gold. Elder lane, June 2. Phone Win- netka 2130. 24T15-1tc 29 PAINTING AND DECORATING 20 AUTOMOBILES LIGHT 6, FOUR Only run FOR SALF--NASH: door sedan: demonstrator. 200 miles. Fully equipped: 5 balloon tires. four wheel brakes. $995.00. 1035 Davis St. Tel. Univ. 6800. 20LTN238-1tc FOR SALE--LATE 1925 JORDAN § passenger sedan, Tate 1925 Nash 5 passenger sedan. You will have to see these cars to ap- preciate the great buy. 1035 Davis St. Univ. 6800. ~ 20LTN38-1te AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE -- 1922 AP- person. 5 passenger touring. Good running condition. Only $175. Tele- phone Winnetka 912. 20T15-1te FOR SALE--TISED FRANKLIN. PHONE Glencoe 1169. 20LTN38-1te Fred J. Krammen Floor surfacing and finishing. old and new floors. Phone Wil. 2008. 29T11-4tp 31 BUSINESS SERVICE REPAIRS NORMAN E. DALLY, 725 OAK ST. Bicycles repaired and rebuilt. Lawn mowers sharpened, grinding and elec- trical repairs. Prompt service. 31T8-tfe 32 KENNELS BEAUTIFUL DOBERMAN PINSCHER puppies from International Champion Prince Favoriet von der Koningstadt - For Sale. A. F. Tuttle, Lake Il. Tel. 275. 32T15-1te