EEE my, i I, | : June 26, 1926 WINNETKA TALK --_----i MC ---- 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 47 EE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 20 AUTOMOBILES WANTED -- CHILD'S NURSE. RE- fined competent, responsible young woman to care for baby 18 months old. Must be American or British, protes- tant. References required. Tel. Win- netka 129 after June 27. 12T16-1tc WANTED -- care of children. SCHOOLGIRL TO TAKE Winnetka 2295. 12T16-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; fond of children. Tel. Glencoe 961. 12TN16-1te WANTED -- MIDDLE AGED COM- petent maid for general housework, in- cluding washing. 2 in family. $15.00 per week. Must have references. Tel. Kenilworth 530. 12LTN39-1tc FEMALE HELP WANTED -- WHITE, Exp. general housework, downstairs only; no washing. Not over 40 years of age. $20.00. 535 Warwick Rd. Ken- ilworth. 12LTN39-1te WANTED --WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework; small house near "I" station. Good wages. Phone Wil- mette 1475 or call 700 Laurel Ave. 12LTN39-1te WANTED -- GIRL EVERY OTHER Sunday afternoon to stay with small boy. Phone Winn. 1296, 12T16-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR mother's helper. Good home. Good wages. Winnetka 722. 12TN16-1tc WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; no washing. Call Winnetka 1970. 12T16-1tc WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Tel. Winnetka 1789. 12T16-1tc WANTED--2ND MAID. HOME NIGHTS. Winnetka 6. 12TN16-1te HELP WANTED -- EXP. WHITE white maid. Good cook; no washing or cleaning. Best wages. Wilmette 170. 12LTN39-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE NOW IS THE TIME TO CARE FOR your shrubbery, hedges and trees. Ex- perienced man will take care of them. WANTED MAID -- EXPERIENCED. Also take care of lawns and flower General housework. Must be good cook. beds. Glencoe garden and landscape, No laundry. $25 per week. Win- Tel. Glencoe 332-W. 340 South Ave. netka 2587. 12LTN39-1te Glencoe. 14TN15-1te WANTED -- WHITE PROTESTANT | SITUATION WTD. -- LANDSCAPING, maid for general housework, no wash- ing. Family of three adults. Tel. © Winnetka 266. 12LTN39-1te WANTED -- RESPONSIBLE WHITE woman to take charge of children and do some light housework. Phone Wil- mette 153. 12LTN-1te KENILWORTH EMPLOYMENT Agency. Reliable domestic help sup- plied. Ph. Kenilworth 1847. 12LTN34-tfe WANTED --WHITE MAID FOR GEN. hsewk.; 4 in family; private rm. and bath; near transportation. Tel. Win- netka 1884. 12LTN39-1tp WANTED -- COMPETENT MAID FOR general housework. 2 in family. Must have references. Phone Wil. 1607 or call 739 9th St. 12L'TN39-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework and to assist with small child. Phone Glencoe 910. 12LTN39-1te GIRL WANTED -- REFINED AND capable for tea room dining room, 12 to 1, 6 to 8. Phone Winnetka 1820. 12T16-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST with housework, 2 or 3 hours morn- ings. Phone Winnetka 1224. 12T16-1tc WANTED --HIGH SCHOOL OR YOUNG woman to care for 2 children from 9 to 5 daily. Phone Winn. 2251. 12T16-1te 'WANTED -- YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO care for children every day from 9 to 6. Call Glencoe 391. 12LTN39-1te WANTED--WHITE NURSEMAID FOR 3 children to stay on place. Tel. Wil- mette 1416. 12LTN39-1tp WANTED -- YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST in" hswk. and care of children. Ph. Glencoe 520. 12LTN39-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Glencoe 1166. ; fit £58 iid ns. TRING 1g WANTED WHITE GIRL. FOR GEN. hswk. Tel. Wil. 2533, 919 Ashland Ave., Wilmette. 12LTN39-1tc WANTED -- GENERAL OFFICE ; Must know stenography. Address Wil- mette Life A919. 12LTN39-1te WANTED WHITE GIRL -- AFTER- noons. To care for infant. Phone Win- netka 2587. 12LTN39-1te WANTED-- GENERAL OFFICE GIRLS. Apply: Wilmette Chamber of Com- merce. 12LLTN39-1tp WANTED WHITE MAID FOR HOUSE- work, no washing. $12.00. Tel. Wil- mette 928W. 12LTN39-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; no washing. Good 'home. Wilmette 3118. 12TN16-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. no laundry. Phone Winnetka 1970. a -- SCHOOLGIRL OVER 14 WANTED to care for yalkl baby, A 12TN16-1te | - finished grading, care, cultivation, and trimming of shrubs. Lawn service of all kinds, by the hour, day or week. Call Wil. 911W. Frank Klein, 1418 Wil- mette Ave. 14TN16-1tp WANTED--GENERAL OFFICE WORK or bookkeeping. Beginner. Three yrs. commercial high school. Tel. Univ. 8507. 14LTN39-1te SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED man in all kinds of house and handy work. Can giye best of ref. Phone Wilmette 682. : 14L.TN39-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED cook, chauffeur, and butler. Private family preferred. Good references. Tel, Douglas 6358. - 14LTN39-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED gardener. General garden work. Room ; board. Frank Gish, 1325 N. Dearborn 14LTN39-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED Chauffeur and houseman. References. Phone University 4087-RX. 14T16-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- A RELIABLE high school graduate wants position taking care of lawns, etc. Phone Win- netka 2450. 14T16-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED gardener wishes garden work by the day. Tel. Winnetka 529R. 14T15-2tp WILL DO GENERAL REPAIR AND Carpenter work. Winnetka 2644. 14T16-1tp SITUATION WTD.-- GARDEN, HOUSE- work, driving. Winnetka 2644. 14TN16-1tc SITUATION WTD. -- EXP. MAN wishes garden work by the day. Tel. Glenview 26-R.1. 14TN12-4tp EE -------- 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE GIRL WHO GOES TO SUMMER HIGH school wants to take care of children 3 or 4 hours in the afternoon. Call Winnetka 2411. 15T16-1tp DRESSMAKING -- J. B. ANDERSON, 5 Prouty Annex. Silk summer dresses. Now $16, $18, $20. 15T16-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- WISH POSI- tion for my excellent second maid July 1. Winnetka 1081. 15T16-1tc WANTED -- WASHING TO TAKE home. Call Winnetka 814. 15T16-1tc amimsiasud' 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE (COLORED) DAY WORK -- HOUSE- cleaning; yard work; rugs cleaned; laundry done at home. Cooking; serv- ing parties actual service on any oec- casion. Colored couple wants position as cook, chauffeur and house man; willing to leave city through summer. Reference. J. E. Steens. Phone Kenil- worth 1088. 16L.TN33-tfc 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WONDERFUL CHANCE FOR YOUNG couple. Will sacrifice beautiful furn- ishings for 4 rm. apt.; only used four months; 3-piece silk mohair parlor suite; 8-piece walnut dining set; 4- piece walnut bedroom set; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; library table; floor and table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all; worth $2,000.00. 832 Leland Ave., near Sheridan road, Chicago. Tel. Sunny- side 6190. Will arrange for delivery. 17LTN37-3tp FOR SALE--CHEAP 3 BEDSTEADS complete, 1 day bed, 4 rockers, 1 lounging chair, settee, fernery ° with fern, gas stove, gas oven, wringer, washboiler, garden tools, fruit jars, 1 table lamp, 4 small tables, etc. Tel Wilmette 1760. 1622 Forest ave., Wil- mette. 17TLTN39-1te FOR SALE -- FUMED OAK 8 PIECE dining set; mahogany flat top office desk ; oak sectional bookcase ; 1 dresser ; 1 Morris chair; 2 reed chairs; 1 baby bed ; 1 highchair ; refrigerator; kitchen cabinet and other furniture. Win- netka 307. 17TN16-1te FOR SALE--2 ICE-BOXES. BOTH EX- cellent condition. 1 White enamel; 1 Oak. Phone Winn. 122. 17TLTN39-1te LEAVING WINNETKA FOR SALE--ENTIRE CONTENTS OF my home at 790 Prospect Ave. Sale starts June 25th. 17TLTN39-1te FOR SALE -- WASHING MACHINE. Porch dining set and swing. Bedroom set. Phone Winnetka 2209. 17T16-1tc FOR SALE -- DRESSER, CHILD'S BED with two mattresses, French china cab- inet and brass bed. 960 Linden Ave. Phone Winnetka 2070. 17T16-1te FOR SALE--WINDOW SCREENS AND door for porch. Also chairs. Cheap. Phone Winnetka 1414. 17LT39-1tc 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY--SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store. 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189, - 18LTN 11-tfc MOTHERS --ON AND AFTER JULY 5th the "Sunshine Nursery" will care for your little folks any afternoem be- tween the hours of one and five. This is the opportunity you have been look- ing for. For full particulars call Winnetka 1188 after 7 p. m. 15T16-1te SITUATION WTD.--GIRL TWENTY. High school graduate, Desires to wait . con trade in drygoods, bakery, grocery. . Phone Lake Forest 1239 after 6 p. m. 15LTN39-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- WASHING, DRY, wet, or ironed. Phone: Wilmette 3534. 15LTN39-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- DRESSMAKING wanted by day or hour; experienced. References. Wil. 1058. 15LTN39-1te SITUATION WTD.--WASHING. TRON- ing. or cleaning by the day. Call Green- leaf 1142. 15LT38-1tc SITUATION WTD.--WANTED BY EX- perienced laundress for Tuesdays. Good references. Call Greenleaf 1142, eve- nings. : ; ~ 15LT39-1te SITUATION WTD. -- (COLORED) lady wants day work. Best of ref- 1tp WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--Sell--Exchange--New--Used Open daily. Tues.,, Thurs, Sat. 8 p. m. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212 ; : 18LTN26-tfe 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOTUS S. GOLDMAN, JUNK DEALER HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR RAGS, magazines, old clothes, tires, tubes. Tel. Wilmette 3334. 19T15-tfe WANTED -- TO RENT A WHEEL chair for a short time. Tel. Winn. 2207. 19TN16-1te WANTED -- BABY BUGGY IN GOOD condition. Phone Winnetka 2291. 19T16-1te WANTED -- GOOD HOME FOR LIT- tle kitten. Call Winnetka 1579. 19T16-1te HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S clothing and shoes. Tel. Wil. 1351. © 19LTN36-4tp 19A MISCELLANEOUS WOULD LET TO RESPONSIBLE FAM- ily, pony with governess cart and sad- dle for summer. Good care must be assured. Address Winnetka Talk A-926. : : 19A-TN16-1te FOR SALE -- OWNER GOING EAST. Dodge touring; good condition. $200.00. Phone Winnetka 2128. 20TN16-1tc $25.00 -- FORD ROADSTER, EQUIP- ped with self starter. Call Glencoe 1071, Sat. afternoon or Sunday. 20TN16-1tc 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS LADIES--YOU CAN DO YOUR NEW York shopping in the Famous Monasilk Dresses, Dainty Underwear and the Dream Figure-mold corselette, not so heavy as corselette, more control than ordinary corselette, at my home or by appointment at your home. Mrs. Gertrude P. Ambler 315 Green Bay Road Phone Glencoe 934. 21LTN36-tfp FOR SALE--OIL BURNER USED FOR demonstration, burns real dark fuel oil perfectly, without smoke. Has water heating attachment that heats a 20- section radiator or a 40-gallon tank. Will go into any hot-air furnace or boil- er. Guaranteed in good condition. Can show you one like it in actual service. Price installed 3185.00, Original price .00. hone Wilmette e 3240.00, 21L39-1tp FOR SALE--SLIGHTLY WORN LA- dies' clothing of all kinds. Large se- lection. JARVIS RESALE 1403 Jarvis Avenue Tel. Rogers Park 3137. 21LT38-3tc WANTED--CUSTOMERS FOR OUR new laid eggs. We deliver to you the year around. You can depend on good infertile eggs from us. Write to Beem's Poultry Farm, Zion, Ill. or 238-R. v Phone Zion siti T FOR SALE--SIX TUBE PORTABLE radio, complete with tubes, batteries, and loud speaker. Price $65.00; orig- inal selling price, $195. THE RADIO SERVICE SHOP 18 Prouty Annex 21LTN39-1tc FOR SALE -- 5,000 ANNUAL PLANTS for 15¢ doz., $1.00 a hundred. Zenia, marigold, cosmos, and asters. 1487 As- bury ave., Hubbard Woods, Tel. Win- netka 546-J. 21TN15-1te NEXT THURSDAY, July 1, 1-4 p. m. finest handmade European linen, brand new, at a bargain. Glen Gables hotel, Park Ave. Glencoe. 21LTN39-1tp FOR SALE--SHETLAND PONY GEN- TLE, KIND, 5 YEARS PC NT OWNER: #4 21LTN39-1tp FOR SALE--1924 HARLEY-DAVIDSON Motorcycle; good condition. Phone Winnetka 1485. 21T16-1tp DIRT FILL GIVEN AWAY AT 962 Pine St., Winnetka. 21T16-1tp -------------------------------------- 23 PERSONAL GOING WEST? - WOULD LIKE ONE OR TWO COM- panions for pack trip in the West. Party leaves June 29th. Trip to last 1 month. Ranch charge $55.00 a week. For further information call Wil- mette 1148. G. Butler. 23T16-1tc WANTED--NAME OF ANY WOMAN traveling to N. Y. on Century, leaving Chicago Wednesday, June 30th, who would be willing to chaperone "my daughter, age 13. Tel. Winnetka 243. Mrs. R. D. Whitman. 23LTN39-1tc ---------------------------------------- 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST--BOY'S RED BICYCLE, FLYER. At Winnetka Water tower. Wed. a. m. . Reward. Phone Winn. 433. June 23 2 ne 24LTN39-1tc LOST -- GENTLEMAN'S TORTOISE 1 lasses. Tel. Winnetka 1011. Shell. ropes 24T16-1tc 31 BUSINESS SERVICE REPAIRS NORMAN E. DALLY, 725 OAK ST. Bicycles repaired and rebuilt. Lawn mowers sharpened, grinding and elec- trical repairs. Prompt service. irs. -tfe HAVE YOUR AUTOMOBILE PAINTED at Eh Duco or Varnish e a X er RRSTHD MOTOR CO. © 562 Lincoln Ave. © Winnetka 165 S1LTN39-1te