- 3 - oth HIRI Sa ont ey August 14, 1926 WINNETKA TALK TRADE ORGANIZATIONS ARE SUBJECT OF STUDY Leading Economists to Give Two Weeks' Course at Secretarys' School in Evanston Ten of the leading economists of America, selected from five outstand- ing American universities; twenty- four managers of properly function- ing American Chambers of Commerce, each one expert in his field; and four- teen executives of outstanding Ameri- can trade associations, each one a suc- cess in his line, will be gathered at Northwestern university for the pur- pose of giving an intensive two week's course in the fundamental principles affecting business men's organizations, starting August 16, and wiil point to- ward a goal of greater efficiency in all business life, according to an an- nouncement made this week over The Chicago Daily News radio by John N. VanderVries, of Winnetka who is sec- retary of the organization and who is prominent in the Chamber of Com- merce, U. S. A. Mr. VanderVries indicated that the gathering of these trade executives at Northwestern is in line with the American policy of thorough training for all persons who are closely funct- ioning in the field. "During the past year, eight Brit- ish workers, under the sponsorship of the London Daily Mail, spent a month in the United States where they trav- eled five thousand miles to learn and to take home with them the secret of prosperity in American business," he said in explaining the close relation- ship between business and trade or- ganizations. "Among the answers which they took back to England with them was the one which emphasized the prominent part played in Ameri- can business life by business men's organizations. They found, to their amazement, in these organizations the greatest willingness on the part of members to discuss with each other common problems and to furnish to each other valuable facts relative to the business in which they are mut- ually interested. Brings Remarkable Growth "This growth of American business organizations, especially during the last few decades, has been one of the most marked developments of Ameri- can economic life," continued the speaker. "American business leaders themselves have been astonished at Attention!! Your home may need Re-roofing and during these summer months is the best time. We apply SLATE--ASBESTOS ASPHALT Wm. L. Wente Sheet Metal Contractors 874 Center Street Ph. Winn. 225 it and as they have studied it, have been forced to recognize that this movement needed intelligent leader- ship if it is to occupy a permanent place in our business structure." The formation of the School for Commercial Executives at Northwest- ern university was mentioned as a dis- tinct step in this development and then Mr. VanderVries spoke of the through courses in various lines which are to be given this year at the school, say- ing in part the following: "The economists who will be on the school's faculty this year will touch on such subjects as present day mar- keting problems, marketing and dis- tribution, public finance and taxation, social problems of the community, in- dustrial development of the United States, and accounting and financial analysis, for the purpose of develop- ing sound economic thinking on the part of those who are selected to lead groups of business men. The thirty- eight managers of organizations of the two types mentioned will discuss struc- ture, program of work, membership, finance, meetings and committee man- agement, publicity, conventions, com- mercial and industrial activities, assem- blage and use of statistics, exscutive management, industrial research, trade extension, cost accounting,--ev:ry one of which is a vital problem in business men's organizations." The Chamber of Commerce expert said that forty-six states were repre- sented on the enrollment of the school at Northwestern during the last five years, making it, therefore, a "truly national organization" have had representatives at the school. He stated also that the enrollment this year bids fair to exceed that of any previous year and that a most success- ful meeting is promised. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vander Vries of Tucson, Ariz., have been the house guests of Mr. and Mrs. John N. van- der Vries of 968 Pine street, for the past week until leaving for Grand Rapids, Mich., to attend a family union. . | and that in ad- dition Cuba, Porto Rico, and Canada | road, re- | 35 Mrs. Adolph Bucher, 983 Willow has been entertaining Mrs. George Crawford of Teulon, Canada. Mrs. Crawford has been in Winnetka for five weeks and left for Canada, Sunday, August 8, Edith Bideau Normelli Concert Soprano -- Teacher of Voice Reserve hours now for Fall and Winter Studio Bldg., 1718 Sherman Ave. Phones: Studio, Greenleaf 3523 Res., University 7278 field. ful, Frederick E. Lewis Resident NORTH SHORE Funeral Director Mr. Frederick E. Lewis, assisted by Mrs. F. E. Lewis, has bad twenty-one years of successful service in the professional The best testimony to their care- courteous, comes from those whom they have served during Shore. and conscientious work their residence on the North All calls will be personally at- tended to by Mr. Lewis. Our new De Luxz Invalid Coach is available for emergency calls at our Wilmette Funeral Home. Very Latest in Modern Limousine Fauipment 1120 Central Avenue WILMETTE Parlors phone, Wilmette 3552 Home phone, Wilmette 3552 A COMPARISON of Counons end Co in heating your home: Nokol's OVBAR RBGORG: Neow- the new Silent Nokel: COMFORT COST The most sensational comfort-develop- ment in the history of home-heating is here. You can see it, study it, compare it-- today, The New Silent NOKOL. Heat without dirt or odor. Heat without work or bother. Heat that costs no more than hard coal --usually less! (The lowest- cost, fully automatic oil heat known!) See 11! This has been NOKOL'S gift to more than 29,000 homes-- for periods up to 9 years. An unapproached record. And now noise has been eliminated: cut to the vanishing point. Efficiency, al- ways great, is increased. More comfort than you've dreamed of. Note chart above. Today's best advice is to see this great home-heating advance! HENEY STlent Neko AUTOMATIC OIL HEATING FOR HOMES First domestic oil burner listed by Underwriters' J2bernoricny ved iby all leading y AMERICAN NOKOL Co., Chicago safety b OIL HEATING COMPANY 1311 Chicago Ave., Evanston 215 No. Michigan Ave., Chicago. Phone University 7420 Phone Central 7832