Septeniber-11; 1926 WINNETKA TALK . Gunn Musical Art School i TCE a rrr Ht ko = _-- oF -- 5 Locates on North Shore " . The Glenn Dillard Gunn School of RADIO FANS i : Musical Arts of Chicago is opening a Foon 4 . ¢ : [li / branch at Winnetka October 1, 1926. Now is the time to install a Ma- If i "It is indeed a privilege to have this jestic Super "B" Eliminator for { 1 » organization on the north shore," its good winter reception. friends assert, "for no other has had K such extensive growth, and since its Price $3 5.00 - = inception the Gunn school has success- fully opened pranches in many cities. announces the re-opening of her hat shop and in- LR a Tk 4 We also carry all sizes of vites you to call and see the many new modes personnel which consists of teachers EVERYREADY "B" Batteries. brought from New York. bi of recognized merits and abilities," it is DTT ---- } further stated. "Furthermore E public THE RADIO I Fall Opening, Monday, September 13th appearances of its students with well known orchestras are part of the I. i: lo iY. CL TT Catia curriculum and periodic examinations SERVICE SHOP | Costume Jewelry -- Italian Silk Underwear by Mr. Gunn, are given at stated in- 13 Prouty Annex 946 Oak Street Ph. Winn. 320 I tervals." [li Mr. Gunn himself takes an active Phone 1840 interest in the work done in the vari- = | Ze a --_-- _-- Sh = - - y! = mn) ous departments, it is explained. Mrs. -------- Si. Aa --, --_-- > Carrie S. Roberts, who has been chos-| ------ is Ta Tra en organizer and manager-teacher of - - - the Winnetka branch, has for many x years been a teacher and pianist in | : i i. Chicago. She has appeared with mem- : : bers of the Chicago Symphony orches- : v tra in ensemble as well as solo. | Instruction will be given in the vari- ous departments of music and dramatic art and applications for registration are to be addressed to Mrs. Roberts 760 Prospect av ih or directly to the Gunn school at 421 S. Wabash avenue, | Chicago, it is announced. | 7 ome Lank for Wielka People" Qficers and Directors HENRY R. HALE President | LB. KUPPENHEIMER Vice -/Fesicend SANBORN HALE Csshier CLORGE W. MEAINNEY Asst Coster VICTOR £LTING ~~ NOBLE HALE ENTERTAINS AT BRIDGE Miss Marion Fulton, 884 Hill road, entertained forty girls at a luncheon and bridge at her home last Friday. | Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Pearce, Jr., 847 Valley road, Glencoe, had as their guest this past week, Miss FEleanor Smith of Lexington, Ky. Mrs. Pearce was Miss Katherine Wortley before | her marriage. - ar ---- SURPLUS IT IS ADVANTAGEOUS TO HAVE A SURPLUS. BUSINESS SUCCESS IS DETERMINED BY THE GROWTH OF ITS SURPLUS. PERSONAL SUCCESS IS JUDGED BY THE SAME RULE. with the beginning of YOUR SURPLUS MONEY school the children will need DEPOSITED WITH US ON a more nourishing and sub- stantial food. INTEREST WILL MAKE We are ready to serve them MORE SURPLUS. a special luncheon each day. Send them to us and they'li NN be satisfied. School Days -- wo. | WINNETKA STATE BANK WINNETKA CAFE £1 S7. LAST OF LIVECOoLyV A Vz, 730% Elm St. Phone 387 Half block 'east' of station : ---- _ : BANKING HOURS = he & = : -- . : - Wolds Bros aon ond 7 lo8rm. |