WINNETKA TALK September 11, 1926 Now is the Time to Plant Peonies Those who demand the best, who admire fine things--will appreci- ate Northbrook Peonies. The exceptional soil conditions and scientific cultivation give them that extra touch of beauty that makes them the aristocrats of all Peonies. Choose your garden from our "Master List of Peonies" or rely on our choice and buy the easier and more economical way from our Quality Groups. Here's one chosen for its representative dis- play, a get-acquainted offer to North Shore people. North Shore Special Quality Group The Lucky Seven all Prize Winners KELWAY'S GLORIOUS Mid Season White .......... $20.00 9.1 FRANCES WILLARD Late White ...ceswavisseeves 2.50 8.9 PLEAS' JUBILEE Barly "White: ..o.oviveuisvni 6.00 9.0 LA FRANCE Late Dark' Pink .......... 7.00 8.8 PHOEBE CAREY Late Light Pink ............. 7.50 8.8 RICHARD CARVEL Barly Re -...... 0.50 is 5.00 8.2 MAD. GAUDICHAU Mid Season Red ............. 8.00 $56.00 Special Price $40.00 To be limited to 50 collections. Orders must be received previous to October 9th. Right in your neighborhood is located one of the finest Peony Gardens in the country--just 5 miles west of Glencoe on the Dundee Road. Drive out and make your purchases in the "Gar- dens." Write us for your copy of The Master List It merits its name of "America's Blue Book of Fine Peonies." It lists all the better varieties of Peonies--a kind for each taste-- prices to fit every purse. You may make your choice and we will mail them to you postage prepaid. Come and visit us or write Northbrook Gardens Box J. G. Glencoe, Ill. Isabelle Richardson Molter Has Recital Season Booked Isabella Richardson Molter and her husband, Harold Molter, have a busy season booked. Their first recital pro- gram will be given in Chicago Septem- ber 21, opening the Artists' Series at the new First Congregational Church, followed by a program for the Woman's club, lowa Falls, Iowa, September 30; on October 3 the first program of the Artists' Course at Ken- osha, Wis. (return engagement), and a New York recital in Aeolian hall, October 10. Isabelle Richardson Molter will play the role of a busy team captain next Monday, September 13, which is the first official tag day of the season for Chicago Federated Charities. Mrs. Elmer A. Howard, 655 Rose- wood avenue, has returned from her summer home in Minocqua, Wis., where she spent the past six weeks. ee (ee : Mr. and Mrs. Emil Olsen, 1000 Vine street, - entertained the Walden Road bridge club at their home Wednesday evening. I BUILD 6 ROOMS--$3,900 with tile bath, hdwd. floors, fur- nace, built-in features, good . plaster, plumbing, foundation, lights, ete. Terms. Phone CENTRAL 2503 bi Sh AEA A a yc Ll WITHOUT 1 : 'IL (+) AN % COMMISSION } i Un Desirable Homes and Apartment H Buildings i John Hancock Mutual Life Insur- ance Company : A. D. LANGWORTHY, Loan Agent 1 112 W, Adams St, Chieago Young Men Return From Europe; Remain in East Cabray Wortley, son of Mrs. Eloise W. Wortley, 565 Lincoln avenue, and Prescott Olmsted, son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Olmsted, 1072 Private road, returned last week from Europe, and will be in Sardinia, N. Y., visiting at the Olmsted summer home until Sep- tember 12, when they will return to Williams college. Mr. Wortley will enter the senior class, and Mr. Olmsted the sophomore. Both are members of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity. Mr. Wortley has distinguished himself by being chosen as editor of the Williams Record. He is also captain of the soccer team, and last year was editor-in-chief of "The Gull," the Williams annual. He is a members of the advisory committee of three to investigate the fraternity situation in eastern colleges. WED TOMORROW The marriage of Miss Harriet Childs, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. R. S. Childs of 906 Oak street, to Burton H. Atwood, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Burton H. Atwood of 839 Elm street, will be solemnized Saturday evening, September 11, at 8 o'clock, Dr. J. W. F. Davies officiating. A reception will follow at the Childs' home. Mr. and Mrs. Hervey Anning, and three children, of New Jersey, former- ly of Winnetka, spent a few days visit- ing Mr. Anning's parents, in Evanston, last week. Mrs. Anning, a member of the Winnetka Music club, was well- known in musical circles. Miss Elizabeth and Miss Florence Miller, 643 Hinman avenue, Evanston, were entertained last Sunday night by a group of old Winnetka friends, at an informal buffet supper. Christian Science Churches "Man" was the subject of the Les- son-Sermon in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, September 5. The Golden Text was from Psalms 100:3, "Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture." Among the citations which com- prised the Lesson-Sermon was the following from the Bible: "And God said, Let. us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over. the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. And God saw every- thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good" (Genesis 1:26,31). The Lesson-Sermon also included the following passage from the Chris- tian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "If the ma- terial body is man, he is a portion of matter or dust. On the contrary, man is the image and likeness of Spirit; and the belief that there is Soul in sense or Life in matter obtains in mortals, alias mortal mind, to which {the apostle refers when he says that we must 'put off the old man'" (p. 172). Mrs. H. C. Anderson and her chil- dren, 1026 Pine street, left Septem- ber 8 for a two weeks' stay at Palisade Park, Mich. --O-- Mrs. Orval Simpson of 865 Auburn road won the flag race tournament at the Briergate Golf club Tuesday of last week. Early Frost Predicted HAVE YOU ORDERED YOUR FUEL? GENUINE MEYER COAL ¥ MATERIAL CO. "Clean as the Sun's Heat" Is the Standard of Quality MORE HEAT--LESS COST Clean -- Free from soot and smoke Phone us today and be sure of your supply. KUTTEN BROTHERS EDINGER # SONS -