Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 11 Sep 1926, p. 49

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WINNETKA TALK jad September 11, 1926 (Continued from Page 43) 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE |18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 1 FOR RENT--ROOMS WANTED -- A COMPETENT NURSE- |SITUATION WTD. -- A YOUNG MAR-| WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND FOR RENT -- NICELY. FURNISHED room suitable for couple. Kitchen privileges if desired. Protestant. Glen- coe 976. 4LTN50-1te FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM with kitchenette; also furnished room for business man or woman. Phone Wilmette 992-M. 4LT50-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM WITH RUNNING water, suitable for two. 969 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 1230. 4T27-1te FOR RENT--VERY PLEASANT ROOM suitable for two. Winnetka 2336. 4T27-1te 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT STORE IN WINNETKA -- 561-A Lincoln Ave. Ayres Boal, 122 S. Michigan Ave. Tel. Harrison 1043. 5T27-tfe FOR RENT -- STORE AND SHOPS. Telephone Winnetka 62. 5LTN47-tfc 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES GARAGE FOR RENT -- 902 ASH ST, Winnetka 513-R. 6T27-1tc FOR RENT -- 1 CAR GARAGE, 807 Cherry St. Phone Winnetka 2002. 6T27-1te 7 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT -- 5 OR 6 ROOM house in Winnetka. 2 in family. Oc- tober 1. Call Winn. 505-W. 7T27-1tc 11 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED -- BOY TO WORK IN MILL. Opportunity to learn mill work. Win- netka Coal and Lumber Co., Tel. Win- ald for baby 17 months old and boy of 5. Prot. Swedish or Norwegian preferred. $18.00... Phone Winnetka 1687. 12LT50-1te WANTED -- COOK OVER 25, WHITE, competent, small family, Scandinavian preferred, good wages, references re- quired. 735 Sheridan road, Winn. 414. 12TN27-1te HELP WANTED -- TYPIST FOR OC- casional work in mornings, to take dictation on machine. Phone Winn. 1159. 12LT50-1te WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework, small family. No laundry. Tel. Winnetka 1954. 12TN27-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL, GENERAL housework. No laundry. Room and bath. 303 Fairview Ave. Winnetka. 12TN27-1te WANTED --COMPETENT MAID, GEN- eral housework, no laundry. Good home. References necessary. Glencoe Xo, 12TN27-1te WANTED -- WHITE SECOND MAID to assist with children; new house near transportation. Call Mrs. W. T. Bacon. Winnetka 247. 12TN27-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED MAID, general housework, good cook, no laundry. $25.00 per week. Winnetka 2587. 12TN27-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework and cooking, no laundry. Home nights preferred. Glencoe 836. 12TN27-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT GENERAL maid, family of two. Go to Chicago apartment Oct. 1st. Winnetka 1910. netka 734. 11T27-1te 12T27-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT CHAUF-|WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL feur. References required. White. housework. References required. Tel. Tel. Winnetka 2449. 11T27-1tc | Kenilworth 1529. 12TN27-1te 1z HELP WANTED--FEMALE HELP WANTED -- COMPETENT GIRL for housework, mornings only. Winn. HELP WANTED -- GIRL, WHITE, EX- 2450. 12TN26-1tp perieénced, housework. No objections children. Small house, Hubbard | WANTED -- NURSEMAID, ALL OR Woods. No laundry. $18.00 a week. part time. References. Winnetka 1474. "Give phone number in reply. Address Wilmette Life B-31. 12LTN50-1te WANTED -- 2 APPRENTICES TO learn millinery and plain sewing. Ap- ply in person to the N. A. Hanna Co., 1168 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette. 12LTN50-1te HELP WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR general housework. 2 in family. Young, experienced. Best wages. No washing. Phone Winn. 320. 946 Oak St., Winnetka. 12LTN50-1te HELP WANTED -- COMPETENT white girl for general housework. No laundry. Small house. Good wages. 548 Orchard lane. Winn. 680. 12LTN50-1te WANTED -- RELIABLE WHITE GIRL or woman for general work. Stay nights. Phone Wilmette 3484. 12LTN50-1te HELP WANTED -- A GIRL OR WOM- an to do light housework in return for a good home. Tel. Wilmette 67. 12TN27-1te Tel. 12TN27-1te HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED white maid for general housework. Good cook. Winn. 396. 12T27-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE laundress, two days a week. Tel. Wil. 1158. 12LT50-1tp 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE HELP WANTED -- EXPERIENCED couple for housework. No laundry. Private family. = References. Phone Winn. 2343. 16LTN50-1te BIG COMMISSION TAKING ORDERS for engraved Xmas cards. Tel. Winn. 2330. 13TN27-1te 11 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WTD. -- WEST INDIAN young man wants position as house- man and butler or all around work in private family, or porter in other dept. Call Winn. 1263 or Winn. 3261-W. 14T27-1tp WANTED COMPETENT WHITE girl for general housework, $20.00. 3 adults. References. Tel. Winn. 2091. 12TN27-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE nurse for twin boys 3 years old. Refer- ences required. Mrs. C. B. Ketcham. Kenilworth 1889. 12LTN50-1te WANTED -- YOUNG LADY FOR GEN- eral office work. Apply A. W. Zengeler, SITUATION WTD. --- EXPERIENCED white chauffeur. Willing to do house or garden work. Good references. Ad- dress Box 143, Winnetka, Ill. 14T27-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED houseman and gardener. Small place preferred. Steady place. References can be furnished. Address Wilmette Life B-34. 14TN27-1tp ried woman, white, will take care of children by day or week. Winnetka 2372. 15T27-1te SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED nurse to take care of children. Phone Winn. 106. : 15LTN50-1te SITUATION WTD. -- COOKING and serving by the hour. Experienced. Phone Winn. 1330. 15LTN50-1te furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 18LTN50-tfe WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--=Sell--Exchange--New--Used Open daily. Tues.,, Thurs., Sat, 8 p. m. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212 18LTN50-tfo DRESSMAKING AND ALTERING DON& at home. Wilmette 3206. 15LT50-1te WANTED -- WORK BY THE DAY. Winnetka 1920. 15LTN50-1te 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE SITUATION WTD. couple wants position as maid and houseman. Stay on place. Phone Glencoe 898. 338 Washington St., Glen- coe. 16TN27-1tp COLORED 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS ANTIQUES 18TH CENTURY CURLEY MAPLE slant top desk, mahogany Empire sec- retary desk, Sheridan Secretary in walnut, high 4 post maple bed, original canopy; pair fireside 2 drawer sewing tables; set of 6 spindle back chairs, arm chairs and several odd and pairs of unusual chairs; large collection of .rare, colored sandwich glass, hooked rugs, rosewood Melodian, tilt top and sewing tables, 6 gate leg cherry dining tables. Pewter and Brass. Jenny Lind and a number of choice beds to select from. French, sporting, and fashion prints. 808 WASHINGTON ST. 17TLTN50-1te BOUGHT 4 MONTHS AGO; WORTH $3,000. Will take $550 for all or will separate beautiful furnishings for 4- rm. apt.; 3-piece silk mohair parlor suite; 8-piece walnut dining set; 4- piece walnut bedroom set; two 9x12 Wilton rugs; library table; floor and table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all. 832 Leland Ave. near Sheridan Road. Chicago. Tel Sunnyside 6190. Will arrange for delivery. 17TLTN47-3tp FOR SALE DINING ROOM SET TABLE, 6 chairs and sideboard; large desk, table, lounge, chair, carpets--Iliving room; 5 single beds, dressers, etc.; 1 double iron bed, mattresses, pillows, kitchen utensils, 1 electric stove. Call Satur- day afternoon or Sunday morning. 1086 Laurel Ave., Winnetka. 17TTN27-1te FOR SALE -- DAVENPORT, LIBRARY table, and chair, suitable for doctor's office. China cabinet, brass bed with spring and hair mattress. Peco bird bath, gas stove, with 2 ovens, 2 pairs brass andirons, 1 fire screen, in good condition. Reasonable. Phone Wil- mette 286. 17TLTN50-1te FOR SALE -- PORCH FURNITURE, breakfast set, mahogany bedroom set, velour portieres, army cots, and a vari- ety of other household goods. Tel Wil- mette 1951. 17TLTN50-1tp FOR SALE--GRAY ENAMEL BREAK- fast set, $15.00, library table, $5; gas stove, telephone table and chair, kitchen table, dresser, and chairs. Tel. Glencoe 143. 17TLTN50-1te FOR SALE -- BRUNSWICK PHONO- graph, 1 oak rocker and one oak odd chair. Tel. Wilmette 1513. 17TLTN50-1te FOR SALE -- VERY CHEAP, ONE SIX burner gas stove, in very good condi- 899 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods. [SITUATION WTD. -- BY YOUNG tion. Phone Winn. 356 or call at 725 | Winnetka 144. 12LTN50-1te white man, chauffeur and gardener. Pine st, Winnetka. 17TN27-1te Willing to do housework. Address Wil- WANTED -- MOTHER'S HELPER, mette Life B-32. 14LTN50-1tp | FOR SALE -- HOUSEHOLD FURNI- school girl or other. Small family. ture, new Easy washing machine used Stay nights. Tel. Glencoe 835. SITUATION WTD. -- (COLORED) 1ST 6 months. Leaving town. Phone Win- ¢ 12LT50-1te class cook and houseman. Best N. S. netka 698-J. 17TTN27-1te references. Or day work. Tel. Victory WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE 0452. 14LTN50-1tp | FOR SALE -- FINE ELIZABETHAN girl, general housework. Good cook. dining room table and six chairs; 2 No laundry. References required. | HOUSECLEANING, WINDOW WASH- small iron cribs at 524 Provident Ave. Phone Wilmette 2254. 12LT50-1te ing, floor wiping, and odd jobs. Tel. Tel. Winnetka 1382. 17T27-1te Wilmette 3428. 14LTN50-tfc WANTED -- NEAT COMPETENT ON THURSDAY, SEPT. 16TH, THE white girl; general housework. New |SITUATION WTD. -- COLORED MAN, furnishings of the W. P. Little resi- home. 3 in family. Call Glencoe 1282. experienced cleaner, day or hour work. dence at 932 Forest Ave. Wilmette, 12LTN50-1te Winn. Ref. Atlantic 0253. 14LT50-1tp will be placed on sale. 17TLTN50-2te WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR GEN- |SITUATION WTD. -- (COLORED) |FOR SALE -- CHIPPENDALE WAL- eral housework, no ence needed. Call Glencoe 1231. 12LTN50-1te chauffeur and houseman. Univ. 3308J. nut library table. Very reasonable. - Wilmette 3431. 17LTN50-1tp ~~ WANTED -- A GIRL TO WORK IN 2 Cc store. Apply by mail only. Ave., Glencoe. 12LTN50-1te 14LTN50-1te SITUATION WTD. -- MASON CON- tractor. County Line. Tel. Highland Park 899-Y-4. 14LTN50-tfc FOR SALE -- ELECTRIC, WASHING | machine, boiler, wringer, and wash- board. Winnetka 1910. 17T27-1te 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY -- MEN'S CLOTH- ing and shoes. Also fancy dresses. Pay better prices than any dealer on the North Shore line. Call Kessel, Wil- mette 62. 19LTN49-4tp WANTED TO BUY -- BOOKS AND libraries. Write Minerva Book Serv- ice. 5310 University Ave., Chicago, Ill 19LTN50-3tp S. GOLDMAN HIGHEST PRICE JUNK DEALER PAID FOR RAGS, magazines, old clothes, tires, tubes. Tel. Wilmette 3334. 19T27-tfe WANTED -- OLD AUTOMOBILES, trucks, and electrics. Tel. University 1986. 19LTN50-2tp WANTED -- TRICYCLE IN GOOD condition, 6 year size. Hofeld. Win- netka 2149. 19LTN50-1te HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S clothing and shoes. Tel. Wil. 1351. 19LTN45-4tp 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -- CHRYSLER 70 COACH; car used in demonstrating service; run only 3,000 miles; in new car condi- tion; only two months old; cost new, $1,600.00, for immediate sale, will sacrifice. Ask for Mr. Good's car. Ev- anston Motor Sales, 1840 Ridge Ave. Evanston. Wilmette 2277. 20LTN50-1te FOR SALE -- USED DETROIT ELEC- tric automobile and Rectifier for $300. The 'car is in good running order. The present price for a new car is $3,800 and for the Rectifier $380. Car may be inspected at 205 Chestnut St, Win- netka. Phone 27 for appointment. 20LTN50-1tp FOR SALE -- 1922 BUICK, 7 PASSEN- ger touring car, good condition, re- painted. Any reasonable offer consid- ered. Winnetka 549-J. 20T27-1te 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS LADIES--YOU CAN DO YOUR NEW York shopping in the Famous Monasilk Dresses. Dainty Underwear and the Dream Figure-mold corselette, not so heavy as corsette, more control than ordinary corselette, at my home or by appointment at your home. Mrs. Gertrude P. Ambler 315 Green Bay Road Phone Glencoe 934. 21L/TN48-tfe FOR SALE -- H. AND D. MOTOR- cycle $65.00; grand piano, $50.00; combination cook stove, $35.00; dining set, $25.00; rugs; invalid's wheel cycle; buggy; ice box; dresser. 1500 Willow road, Winnetka. 21TN27-1te FOR SALE -- PAIR OF MATED RAB- bits, $5.50, white male, Belgian haired female. Also Blue baby buggy, good condition, $8.50. Tel. Winnetka 2149. 21LTN50-1te FOR SALE -- FILLING FROM SHERI- dan Road in Glencoe. Driveway ma- terial. Will haul. Call at Sheridan Rd., Glencoe or Phone Keystone 0704. North Shore Excavator. 21TN26-2te FOR SALE -- YOUNG PARROT IN fine health. Large brass cage with stand and small traveling cage. Whole outfit, cheap. Tel. Winnetka 1821. 21TN27-1te FOR SALE -- FUR JACKET, BROAD- tail trimmed with Fox, beautifully lined. Size 36 or 38. Reasonable. Call Wilmette 364, Miss Nelson. 21LTN50-1te FOR SALE -- 5 CANDLE. SILVER finish dining room fix. Also 2 side lights for liv. room. 807 Cherry st, phone Winnetka 2002. 21T27-1te FOR SALE -- 4 BURNER HIGH stove, $15.00. Tel. Wilmette 928-W. 21LTN50-1te FOR SALE -- WHITE ENAMEL BABY bed. Cheap. Tel. Wilmette 3408. 21LT50-1tp FOR SALE -- BOOKS OF ALL DE- Telephone Wilmette 1951. scription. 21LTNG0-1te ! (MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 42)

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