September 18, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 31 foibles of undergraduate life figure NORSHORE THEATRE BALABAN & KATZ NEWEST THEATRE daily in the press, while editorials and Doris Kenyon is said to attain new | ; ® LEH 0 magazines and sermons are filled with | heights of emotional acting as the references to the advantages and dis- mother in First National's new drama, advantages of higher education. | "Mismates," which comes to the Nor- "Brown of Harvard" is a rollicking tale | shore theatre Sunday for a four-day of modern college life, full of profound | engagement. An unusually brilliant pathos and infectious humor, packed cast supports the star. Warner Baxter HOWARD AVE. BETWEEN"L' AND CLARK STREE with dramatic punch and unusual situ- [is the sincere lover, and friend in need. The Theatre for the Great North Shore ( ations and told with a directorial skill | Philo McCollough is immense as the that has reproduced life on the campus | weak, furtive and impressionable son --STARTING SUNDAY-- with startling fidelity. This film bub- |of the idle rich, and Mae Allison lends bles and effervesces with the vitality [her blonde beauty to aid in the comedy of modern youth. touches. The title role is taken by William | The midweek change in program 7 Haines, who with this one picture has |brings Thomas Meighan in "Tin Gods" 6b wi | leaped from obsecurity to the rank of [to the screen. He is supported by Re- T I N [ e 0 D fa 1) star. Others who appear are Mary [nee Adoree and Aileen Pringle. The kK Brian, Jack Pickford, who gives an [picture is directed by Allen Dwan and A Dramatic Story in which' Meighan reaches especially good performance, David adapted from the stage play. The greater heights than he did in "Manslaughter." Torrence, Francis X. Bushman, Jr. [principal scenes are in a Latin Ameri- pets tied Thomas Meighan--Renee Adoree Aileen Pringle and Edward Connelly. The picture will [can locale. ON THE STAGE be shown Friday and Saturday, Sep- H Stoddard 4d His* Band. 1 tember 24 and 25. There will also be THE NEW EVANSTON any "al Othe is Pan a comedy, "Buster's Heart-beat," and | . Sparkli *s S ialti a Pathe news reel. La Boheme," known and loved parkling Stage Specialties Wherever opera is sung, is now on Norshore Wonder Orchestra the screen! p . = HOYBURN THEATRE The tragic story of Mimi, the little Director. J Walter Davidson e same cause led the director, seamstress of the Latin Quarter, and leading woman and leading man of her poet lover, Rodolphe, comes Mon- Norshore Grande Organ \ "Diplomacy," Marshall Neilan's pro- day, September 20, to the New Evans- Chauncey Haines, Soloist duction, which comes to the Hoyburn [ton theatre, when Lillian Gish's latest theatre Monday, September 20, into [starring vehicle opens. Miss Gish, pictures. wistful meroine of many famous plays, G Neilan, now a well known producer- |has one of the crowning roles of her NOW PLAYIN director making pictures for Para- [career in Henry Murger's classic, pro- Mary Astor--Betty Compson mount, was stranded in New York. He [duced on a lavish scale by Metro- James Kirkwood hed been an actor on the speaking |Goldwyn-Mayer, under the direction stage and was unable to find work. |of King Vidor. Therefore it was necessity that led him | "La Boheme" is one of the most ap- Pe . 3) to apply at a studio where he became |pealing heart-interest stories in the The Wise Guy a combination of leading man and [whole field of the classics. The screen property boy. version was not taken from the opera Blanche Sweet, featured in "Diplo- |itself, but from the original Henri macy," was dancing with Gertrude Murger novel, of which the opera Come before 6:30 week days, Satur- Hoffman when their show closed. It |story was one episode. days 6:00, and enjoy the First De Luxe was necessary for Miss Sweet to get | The supporting cast is notable. John employment to keep the proverbial [Gilbert plays the leading male role of wolf from the door of her grand- | Rodolphe," and others in the cast are mother and herself. Pictures offered |[Roy D'Arcy, Renee Adoree, Karl an outlet and that's how Blanche [Dane, Edward Everett Horton, Gino Sweet started. Corrado, Frank Currier, George Has- Nai : ; ' ... sell and other well known players. ; gaye HL laying opposite Miss Actual reproductions of the quaint N E W E \V A N S T O N ly desirous of getting on the screen. Quartier Latin of Paris were con- Performance at Matinee price 25c. > : : |structed for the new picture, Miss y " lA ul Yarns | Gish's first American-made production THE BIG PICTURES FIRST portunity to work in a movie. Being if Some 'years. NOW SHOWING sans work or money, and having a . RUDOLPH VALENTINO newly acquired wife to support, he was en J ree "The SON OF THE SHEIK" d d didn't k y wi d Md | rents ior || Village Theatre OUR GANG--"THE 4th ALARM" made a test, and cast him in "The White Rose." MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY LILLIAN GISH ~ JOHN GILBERT Oddly enough, this trio all had their initiation into pictures under the guidance of Mr. Griffith. Now they stand at the very top of the profession--because necessity drove them there! on Nyus HIKe wine ; ---- . . oppel, Managing rector ob YT) Fron wine 18 LA BOHEME THE GRANADA With deluxe motion picture enter- Evenings 7:30-9; Mat. Tues., 3:30 tainment, with Albert F. Brown at the giant Wurlitzer organ and the Mon. Tues. Wold. and Thurs, H E H O B R largest stage orchestra in the country \ U playing favorite tunes, all is set for the Sent Pour Pars Pr i & formal opening of the Granada, the Sept. 20, 21, AN EVANSTON INSTITUTION beautiful new playhouse at Sheridan Rudolph Valentino FRIDAY and SATURDAY road and Devon, at 6 Saturday eve- ning. "THE SON OF DOUGLAS McLEAN The new jliowhonst Rl property " '0 f Loui d Mey farks, ow oT Chait hit ga Lk THE SHEIK" HOLD THAT LION its architectural inspiration from the famed Alhambra palace at Granada, Also, latest 2 reel Chas. Chase MONDAY and TUESDAY Spain, its exterior done in ivory, highly comedy and Pathe News. BLANCHE SWEET ornamental--a structure which has Fri. Sat., Sept. 24 and 25 been enlisting the interested curiosity JACK PICKFORD and 66 D I P L (4) M C Y [X) of passersby for many months while it MARY BRIAN A has been in the building. [13 : The opening show is expected to Brown of WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY bring to the stage 100 people in a big BN oriental speciality with dancing girls, Harvard GLORIA SWANSON harem maids, slaves and other color- Also, 2 reel Baster and Tige comedy : ful participants in the Arabian Nights and Pathe News. sem ffs " : "» . ' 9 9 EE Ya Lg "FINE MANNERS Benny Meroff is leader of the or- chestra.