Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 18 Sep 1926, p. 50

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Winn. 2083. 12LTN51-1te HELP WANTED -- YOUNG GIRL FOR ~ mother's helper. References. Call Winn. 1271. 12LTN51-1te 48 WINNETKA TALK September 18, 1926 (Continued from Page 47) 12 HELP WANTED--FEMAIE 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS ED. -- TE MAID BETWEEN | SITUATION WTD. -- REFINED IN- , Ee He ail WANTED -- WHITE MA ON THURSDAY, SEPT. 16TH, THE A Live Young Man WANTED -- TO LEARN THE REAL estate business. All co-operation giv- en and leads. Must have good record. Experience unnecessary. person. MC LANE & CO. 525 4th St. Wilmette 2818 11LTN51-1te Apply in WANTED -- EXPERIENCED HOUSE- man to wash windows and general cleaning one day each week. Must be thoroughly experienced and have north shore references. Inquire ileal Estate office 543 Lincoln Ave., Winnetica 1ITN28-1re WANTED -- MESSENGER; MUST BE 16 or over. Hours, 2 to 10 p. m. Apply Western Union, Wilmette. 11LTN51-1te 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE EXPERIENCED M AID for general housework. References required. Call Glencoe 909. 12LTN51-1te WANTED--WHITE MAID THOROUGH- ly experienced. General housework ; plain cooking; have laundress; family of 4. $16.00-$18.00 week. 826 Elmwood Ave.,, Wilmette. Tel. Wil. 2588 12LTN51-1te HELP WANTED -- GENERAL MAID, good plain cook, pleasant disposition. 2 adults, 2 children. $20 a week. Mrs. John Ritchie, 565 Arbor Vitae Rd., Tel. Winn. 1579. 12T28-1tp WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl for general housework. 3 adults. $20.00. References. Tel. Wil. 2091. & 12LTN51-1tp MAID WANTED FOR GENERAL HSE. work. To sleep out. 6 room bungalow. 227 Mary St, Hubbard Woods. Phone Glencoe 1169. 12LTN51-1tp WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework ; plain cooking; small fam- ily; no laundry. Tel. Glencoe 836. . 12LTN51-1te WANTED -- RELIABLE WHITE GIRL or woman for general work. Stay nights. Phone Wilmette 3484. 12LTN51-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework, white; small family; no washing. Phone Winnetka 1070. 1192 Asbury Ave., Winn. 12LTN51-1te HELP WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR general housework. Small house. Small family. No laundry. Phone Winn. 1119. 12LTN51-1te HELP WANTED -- EXPERIENCED, white girl for general housework. Small family. References. Phone Winn. 626. 12L.T51-1te WANTED --WOMAN OR GIRL WHITE, general housework, small family, good home, no laundry. Tel. Wil. 2665. 12TN28-1te HELP WANTED -- GIRL; EXPERI- enced ; general housework; references : good pay. Phone Glencoe 840. 12TN28-1te HELP WANTED -- WOMAN T0 serve evening dinner 3 or more times a week. Tel. Winn. 632-M. 12725-1tp HELP WANTED -- C. BLE GIRL to take care of stock and fine merchan- dise in exclusive gift shop. Tel. Win- netka 1811. 12TN28-1te HELP WANTED--COMPETENT RELI- able maid for general housework ; ref- erences required. Phone Winn. 1925. 12T28-1te WANTED -- A COMPETENT WHITE girl for general housework. No laun- dry. Phone Glencoe 472. 12LTN51-1te 23 and 35 for general housework; 2 year old child. Private room and bath, Near transportation. 879 Ridge Ave. Phone Winn. 1379. 12LTN51-1te telligent young woman to take care of children by hour or day. Call Win- netka 823. Mrs. Michaelin. 15T28-1tc HELP WANTED -- GIRL TO ASSIST with housework, home nights; will con- sider school girl who lives nearby. 872 Pine St. Tel. Winn. 2741. 12T28-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT RELIABLE maid, general housework. May go home nights. Phone Glencoe 1047. 12TN28-1tc HELP WANTED -- WHITE GIRL; family of four. Tel. Winn, 492. 12LTN51-1te WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR GEN- LAUNDRY WORK. CAN HANDLE large amount of washing, will call and deliver. Tel. Glencoe 856. 15T28-2te SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED white nurse to care for children. Tel. Winnetka 2336. 15TN28-1tp WANTED -- LARGE WASHING TO BE done at home by reliable laundress. Tel. Glencoe 616. 15TN28-1tc SITUATION WWTDD, -- GENERAL housework and cooking. Tel. Winnetka 1274. 1571'28-1te furnishings of the W. P. Little resi- dence at 932 Forest Ave. Wilmette, will be placed on sale. 17LTN50-2te FOR SALE -- SIX BURNER RELI- able gas stove. Good condition, $15.00. Wil. 1672. 17LTNbG1-1te FOR SALE -- SMALL SOLID MA- hogany chair, $12.00 cost $22.00 like new. Tel. Wil. 974-W. 17LTN51-1te FOR SALE -- FOLDING SOFA IN good condition. Also table. 4 Prouty Annex, Winnetka. 17TN28-1te FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY SIDE- board $60. Iredale Warehouse, Center St., Winnetka. 17TN28-1te 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 12TN28-1te WANTED -- WHITE MAID GENERAL housework, small house, 3 in family. Tel. Winn. 1955. 12TN28-1te HELP WANTED -- WHITE GENERAL housework or mother's helper. Phone Winnetka 2662. 12TN28-1te HELP WANTED -- MIDDLE AGED woman for general housework. Win- netka 1915. 12TN23-1te eral housework. Must like children. 16 SITUATION WANTED--MALE Phone Glencoe 370. 12TN28-1ic AND FEMALE HELP WANTED -- LAUNDRESS,|SITUATION WTD. -- COLORED white. Tel. Glencoe 988. couple as cook and houseman; ex- perienced ; best references. Tel. coe 6106. Call after 6 Pp. m. Glen- 16TN28-1tp SITUATION WTD. --_-- MARRIED couple, colored. Housework, cooking and driving. References furnished. Will leave the city, Oakland 5527. 16LTN51-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- RESPECTABLE colored couple desires position. Work together or separate. Call Oakland 6646 or Winn. 938, 16LTN51-1tp 13 HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE HELP WANTED--MARRIED COUPLE; 2 in family; no yard work; no laun- dry. Man able to drive car. Must furnish excellent references. Address 125 Beech Road, Glencoe, or call Glen- coe 278. 13LTN51-1te 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED -- BY GAR- dener and houseman on private place. Age 33. Married, no children. 12 years experience on North Shore. Address Wilmette Life B-39. 14LTN51-1tp SITUATION WTD. --FIRST CLASS gardener with years of experience wishes permanent position with respon- Address Winnetka Talk sible party. B-51. 14-TN28-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED chauffeur, colored, wishes position. Winnetka. refs. Willing to do house- work. Phone Drexel 5235. 14T28-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- EXPERI- enced chauffeur desires position. Best north shore references. Tel. Univ. 1761, Mr. Lee. 14LLTN51-3tp SITUATION WANTED -- EXPERI- enced chauffeur with reference. Phone Univ. 3261-M. Call at 7:00 P. M. 14LT51-1tp SITUATION WANTED -- CHAUFFEUR 10 vears experience. Address Winnetka Talk B-37. 14LT51-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED chauffeur with references, Phone Uni- versity 3261-M after 7 p." m. 14LTN51-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- TO TAKE CARE of furnaces for the winter, odd jobs and housework. Box 374, Glencoe. 14TN28-1tp HOUSECLEANING, WINDOW WASH- ing, floor wiping, and odd jobs. Tel. Wilmette 3428. 14LTN51-tfe SITUATION WANTED -- COLORED chauffeur. References. Five years ex- perience. Univ. 2759-R. 14LTN51-1te -------- 15 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE SITUATION WTD.--BY WOMAN WITH six weeks old baby. Wants house- work where she can have baby. Ad- dress Wilmette Life B-43, 15LTNG51-1te SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED woman, washing, ironing, or cleaning HELP WANTED -- EXPERIENCEL white maid, good cook. Phone Win- netka 396. 12TN28-1te WANTED -- LAUNDRESS WHITE, Monday or Tuesday. References re- quired. Winnetka 429. 12LTN51-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL BY THE day or part time for care of child. by the day. References. Call Green- leaf 1142. 15LT51-1te SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED teacher will tutor grammar grades, for information add. Wilmette Life B-52. 17 FOR SALE--HOUSHHOLD GOODS ANTIQUES 18TH CENTURY CURLEY MAPLE slant top desk, mahogany Empire sec- retary desk, Sheridan Secretary in walnut, high 4 post maple bed, original canopy; pair fireside 2 drawer sewing tables; set of 6 spindle back chairs, arm chairs and several odd and pairs of unusual chairs; large collection of rare, colored sandwich glass, hooked rugs, rosewood Melodian, tilt top and sewing tables, 6 gate leg cherry dining tables. Pewter and Brass. Jenny Lind and a number of choice beds to select from. French, sporting, and fashion prints. 808 WASHINGTON ST. 17TLTN51-1te FOR SALE -- NEW COLLECTION just arrived. Rare clews platter, Land- ing of Lafayette, dated 1824. Exqui- site historical Lafayette satin coverlet. Quaint old quilts. Old Eng. Windsor chairs. Also Hitchcock & Yorkshire. beauitful china and glass. Old lamps, mirrors, and clocks and many other authentic antiques. 312 South Ave., Glencoe. Tel. Glencoe 732. 17TN28-1te FOR SALE -- ANTIQUES. CURLEY maple chests, pair fireside chairs, spoon back parlor set, small walnut secretary, high and low post beds, grandfathers' clocks, sheraton . table. Hepplewaite desk, china, glass, pewter. We deliver. Old Elm Shop So. Lincoln Ave. Past _ Aurora, Ill Cemeteries 17TN28-1tn FOR SALE -- MAHOGANY DINING room set, table, six chairs, sideboard. Living room mahogany table desk. Electric vacuum clearer. Brass and iron beds with mattresses. Kitchen table and utensils. Call Saturday af- ternoon or Sunday, 1086 Laurel Ave., Winnetka. 17T28-1te FOR SALE -- 14 PUFFED PONGEE window shades, never used, fit 30 to 36 in. windows. One cedar box couch with two pillows; carpet; chairs; brass bed and hair mattress; bird's eye maple table and rocker. 364 Jackson Ave., Glencoe. 17T28-1te FOR SALE --LARGE, OVERSTUFFED, blue velour davenport, $35. Mahogany davenport table, fine condition, $20. 2 room rockers, $3.00 each. 542 Longwood Ave. Glencoe. 17LTN51-1te FOR SALE -- 4 PIECE BEDROOM set, mahogany dining room set, library table. Other articles. Leaving town. Selling reasonable. Phone Winn. 788, 17LTN51-1tp FOR SALE -- GAS RANGE IN GOOD condition, $10. McDougall kitchen cab- inet, largest size, in good condition. Very reasonable. Tel. Winn. 2207. 747 DRESSMAKING AND ALTERING DONE at home. Wilmette 3206. 15LT51-1te SITUATION WTD. -- FOR GENERAL Jousework, no washing. Tel. Winnetka 15TN28-1tc Lincoln Ave. 17TN28-1te SITUATION WTD. -- SITUATION IN |FOR SALE -- ROUND, OAK DINING office; 5 years exp. Phone Wheeling room table. 2 living room chairs, double 21. 15LTN51-1tp bed, spring and mattress. $15. Used Phone Winn. 17TLTN51-1te FOR SALE -- BEDROOM SET; dresser, 3 chairs, table, bed with spring and matress. Painted white. Tel. Win- one year. Radiola, $20. 698-J. 15TN28-1tc WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 18LTN51-tfe WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--Sell--Exchange--New--TUsed Open daily. Tues., Thurs., Sat, 8 p. m. 1500 Willow Rad. Tel. Winn. 1212 18LTN51-tfe St -------- 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY -- MEN'S CLOTH- ing and shoes. Also fancy dresses. Pay better prices than any dealer on the North Shore line. Call Kessel, Wil- mette 62. 19LTN49-4tp WANTED TO BUY -- BOOKS AND libraries. Write Minerva Book Serv- ice. 5310 University Ave., Chicago, Ill 19LTN50-3tp WANTED -- OLD AUTOMOBILES, trucks, and electrics. Tel. University 1986. 19LTN50-2tp WANTED TO BUY -- SIDEWALK bicycle for six year old girl. Call 'Winn. 472. 19LTN51-1te 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -- AUTOMOBILE. WILLYS Overland Touring, model 85. "6" cylin- der continental engine; good winter top and seat covers; rear view mirror; spot light and stop light; 4 good tires and 2 spare tires with extra tire car- rier; engine and car in good condition. $160.00 cash or terms. Phone Glencoe 236. 20TN28-1te SE- FOR SALE -- HUPMOBILE "8" dan; Hupmobile "6" Sedan. Used very little as demonstrators. To be sold at a bargain. HANSON MOTOR CO. 557 Chestnut St. 'Winn. 330 20T28-1te FOR SALE -- FORD ROADSTER, NEW 1926, complete with five cord tires A-1 condition. Cash. Leo Kari, 215 Catal- pa place, Wilmette. Call evenings. 20LTN51-1tp -- FOR SALE -- MOON, 6 CYLINDER, California top, splendid mechanical condition, new tires. Cheap, price for immediate sale. Phone Winn. 2767 for appointment. 20T28-1te FOR SALE -- USED DETROIT ELEC- tric, in excellent condition, with recti- fier. $300. Phone Winn. 27. 20LTN51-1tp FOR SALE -- CHRYSLER "70" ROAD- ster. Like new. $1,050. Tel. Kenil. 2304. 20LTNG51-1te 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS LADIES--YOU CAN DO YOUR NEW York shopping in the Famous Monasilk Dresses. Dainty Underwear and the Dream Figure-mold corselette, not so heavy as corsette, more control than ordinary corselette, at my home or by appointment at your home. Mrs. Gertrude P. Ambler 315 Green Bay Road Phone Glencoe 934. 21LTN51-tfe FOR SALE -- YOUNG PARROT IN fine health. Large brass cage with stand and small traveling cage. Whole outfit, cheap. Tel. Winnetka 1821. 21LTN-1te FOR SALE -- ONE OR TWO LOTS IN a beautiful section of Memorial Park cemetery. Keystone 6366. 21LTN51-1te FOR SALE -- GREY CARACUL jackette, dark squirrel collar. Men's tuxedo, size 36. Tel. Winn. 2170, 21LTN51-1te FOR SALE -- BLUE REED BABY buggy in good condition, $8.00. Tel. _ Winnetka 1605. 21T28-1te 1 netka 993. "17T28-1te MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 46

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