RE I H : WINNETKA TALK September 25, 1926 "Classified Advertisements (Continued from page 44) 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- EARLY AMERICAN antiques--Big closing out sale--chairs, tables, beds, cupboards, large quantity of glass, old lamps, bronzes. Espe- cially large stock of rare old prints, also Godey's, flower, marine currier and Ives--many old 15th and 16th col- ored decorative maps. Everything at sacrifice .prices must move--only few days left. 917 Rush St. Chicago Also open evenings and Sundays. 17TLTN52-1te ANTIQUES SOLID WAL. CHESTS 4 AND 6 drawers, $10 to $25.00; Spindle and poster beds, $15 to $40. Hitchcock fiddle back, and large collection of antique chairs, mirrors, what nots hooked rugs, colored sandwich glass, odd tables, old lamps, fashion, Eng- lish, and sporting prints old colored plate books in sets and odd volume, anything in the antique line. Secretary desks. 808 Washington St. Univ. 9890. 17TLTN52-1te FOR SALE -- NEARLY NEW MAHOG- any dining room set, davenport, rock- ers, library table, white enameled bed, rugs and drapes. Will sell reason- able. Phone Winn 813. 1TLTN52-1te 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE -- ANTIQUES. CURLEY maple chests, pair fireside chairs, spoon back parlor set, small walnut secretary, high and low post beds, grandfathers' clocks, sheraton table, hepplewhite desk, china, glass, pewter. We deliver, Old Elm Shop Aurora, IIL So. Lincoln Ave. Past cemeteries. 17LTN52-1tp FOR .SALE -- FULL-SIZED SOLID brass bed, deluxe coil spring and mat- tress, costing $129, sell $40. 3% Sim- ons brass bed, spring and mattress, costing: $78, sell $25. Large-sized Sellers, oak kitchen cabinet, costing $65, sell $30. Inquire 1052 Gage St. Dr. Davis, Winn. 301. 17TLTN52-1tp FOR SALE -- ANTIQUE FURNITURE, consisting of bureaus, beds, tables, Butler's desk, 2 what nots, chairs, sofas, cradles, old glass, old lamps and lamp shades, china, etc, Small shop going out of business, attractive prices. 1854 Sherman Ave. Evanston. Heule Studios. 1TLTN52-1te FOR SALE -- AN UNUSUAL COLLEC- tion of antiques. Beginning Wednes- day, Sept. 29, for a short time. Drop in from 10 to 5 at 712 Vernon Ave., Glen- coe, and you may find just the piece you've been looking and longing for. Mrs. Edwin R. Keeler. 17LTN52-1tp FOR SALE -- REYNOLD'S HOT AIR furnace, in fine condition. 50 in. bird's eye maple dresser. Tel. Wil. 728-R. 17LT52-1te HAVE SEVERAL GOOD USED HOO- vers and 1 rebuilt Eden washer, 1 laun- dryette. They are all wonder buys. North Shore Electric Shop 554 Center St. Winn. 44 17TLTN52-1te FOR SALE --SOLID MAHOGANY DIN- ing room set, in fine condition. Brass bed, mahogany rocker, baby bed, ma- hogany table. All very reasonable. Phone Wil. 3080. 17TLTN52-1te FOR SALE -- MAN'S CHIFFOROBE, $50.00, cost $150.00. Small mahogany chair, $12.00, cost $2200. Good con- dition. Tel. Wil. 974-W. 17LTN52-1te FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT, OAK PIANO in good condition. $40. Phone Winn. 953. 17LT52-1te FOR SALE -- DINING ROOM, LIVING room, bedroom furniture and rugs. Tel Wil. 803-M. 17LTN52-1te FOR SALE OVERSTUFFED WINGED fireside chair in old gold velour, $25.00. Phone Winn. 260. ITLTN52-1te GAS RANGE IN GOOD Winn. 156. 17T29-1tc FOR SALE condition, reasonable. 1S WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--Sell--Exchange--New---Used Open daily. Tues. Thurs. Sat, 8 p. m. 1500 Willow Rd. Tel. Winn. 1212 18LTN52-tfe WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 18L/ITNG2-tfc WANTED TO BUY -- MEN'S CLOTH- ing and shoes. Also fancy dresses. Pay better prices than any dealer on the North Shore line. Call Kessel, Wil- mette 62. 19LTN49-4tp WANTED TO BUY -- BOOKS AND libraries. Write Minerva Book Serv- ice. 5310 University Ave., Chicago. IIL 19LTN50-3tp S. GOLDMAN JUNK HIGHEST PRICE PAID magazines, old clothes, Tel. Wilmette 3334. 20 AUTOMOBILES OAKLAND ROADSTER "24. SPARE tire, wheel lock, snubbers, spot light, collapsable top, good condition. Sacri- fice $110. 821-15th St.,, Wilmette. 20LTN52-1tp FOR SALE -- STEARNS KNIGHT sport model. Can be seen at Dearborn Garage. Dearborn St. and Grand Ave. See Manager. 20LTNb52-1tp FOR SALE -- ELECTRIC CAR AND charger, new batteries and paint. Also Rudd Instantaneous water heater and combustion oil burner. Tel. Winn 919. 20TN29-1te DEALER FOR RAGS, tires, tubes. 19T29-tfe condition. RESENT cost levels are much higher than those of ten years ago, so that each additional tele- phone installed now x increases the average investment per tele- phone. To maintain the service the com- : pany'srevenuesmust : keep pace with this Our National Efficiency ISITORS to the United States from other countries marvel at the effi ciency of our great industrial organiza- tions, of the skill with which great crowds are handled on occasions of public interest, and a score of other things in which the ability of American organizers to handle things in great volume is shown. Studies extending over half a century have brought the telephone service in America to its present efficiency. While this is most strikingly shown in connec- tion with big affairs and great emer- gencies, it is likewise to be found in the ordinary service, which is at the call of any and every telephone subscriber. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy - One System + Universal Service =~. . _ The principal tool or instrument be- hind these seeming marvels is usually found to be the telephone. Take tele- phone service out of our great factories, our great stores, our great expositions and congresses, and confusion will be likely to replace the smoothness and efficiency at which the visitors marvel. 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS LADIES--YOU CAN DO YOUR NEW York shopping in the Famous Monasilk Dresses. Dainty Underwear and the Dream Figure-mold corselette, not so heavy as corsette, more control than ordinary corselette, at my home or by appointment at your home. Mrs. Gertrude P. Ambler 315 Green Bay Road Phone Glencoe 934. 21LTN52-tfe FOR SALE -- MINNEAPOLIS HEAT regulator with clock, $125 outfit in per- fect condition for $35. Can be used with any heating plant. Phone Winn. 1486 or call at 653 Walden Road. 21T29-1te FOR SALE -- NEW LAID EGGS WILL be delivered to your door weekly if you will send a card to Paul Beem's Poul- try farm, Zion, IlL 21LT50-4tp FOR SALE -- BOILER FOR HOT WA- ter furnace. Suitable for small bunga- low. wAlso outlet tank. S. W. Bond. Phone Winn. 1688. 21LTN52-1te RADIO FOR SALE -- STROMBERG- Carlson 5 tube set; batteries and tubes. Make offer. Phone Glencoe 958. 221 Franklin Rd. 21TN29-1tc FOR SALE GENTLEMEN'S WINTER coat and dress suit. Large size. 815 Gregory Ave., Wilmette. 21LTN52-1tp FOR SALE -- BABY BED AND MAT- tress on wheels. Practically new. 252 'Walden Drive, Glencoe. 21LTN52-1te FOR SALE -- GIRL'S BICYCLE. VERY good condition. Phone Winn. 1815. 21T29-1te FOR SALE -- MAN'S BICYCLE, $5.00. Glencoe 960. 21TN29-1tc 22 FINANCIAL WE ARE OFFERING FOR THE CON- servative Investor, several First Mort- gage notes of $2,500.00 each, for a per- iod of 3 years from date, to net better than 7%. Call or write for further information. J. H. SCHAEFER & CO. 831 Ridge Ave. Phone Wilmette 364 Wilmette, Illinois 22LTN52-1te 24 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- A PAIR OF CHILD'S GOLD rimmed glasses, either on Lincoln or Foxdale. Call Winn. 1551, 24T29-1tc 25 CONTRACTORS AND JOBBERS WM. OTTEN "Mason Contractor County Line Rd. Tel Highland Park 899-Y-4, 25LTN52-1tp 31 . BUSINESS SERVICE +...REPAIRS NORMAN E: DALLY, 725 OAK ST. "HE TELEPHONE" FIFTIETH YEAR----1926¢ i { ¥ i mowers sharpened, grinding and elec- i Bicycles repaired and rebuilt. Lawn trical repairs. Prompt service. Edad Fis ct 317P29-tfc FIORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 41