16 WINNETKA TALK October 2, 1926 WINNETKA BUILDING NEWS Vol. 1 Winnetka, IIL. No. 30 All men are born It will be of unique girl the other night. free and equal, but design to harmonize Finally she said, "I'll most of them get with the house built be back in a minute. married. two years ago. We I'm going to put on en are furnishing all my new percolator." We sell a very materials, watch the "Aw," he says, complete line of quality as the work "you look all right Face Brick. Axel progresses. as you are." Johnson ordered a ro : - big car of No. 20 Vaudeville wit; Mr. Wm. Salmen Buff for his new "They can fool some of the Wm. Salmen home on Vernon and of the people some Co; Builders, with Woodland Avenue, of the time, and their offices at 909 Glencoe. Notice them some of the people Linden Avenue, Hub- as you go by. They some of the time, bard Woods, has re- will be on the job but they can't fool cently returned from next week. some of the people a ten week tour of 3 some of the time." Europe, and reports H " ; rite of J -- that he is glad to ere lies the wite o I just can't but re- be back in good old Hiram Green, mind you again, that U. S. A. The work He wouldn't buy her while the weather on several buildings a washing ma- has been somewhat under construction Be ne . h cool the past week, has been ably car- ut when o'er the it will be a whole ried on during his tub her life she'd lot cooler before absence by Jules and a, i bay long. Have your Adolph Salem, jun- e¢ hastened to buy coal bin filled now, jor partners in the her a monument. or at least partially. firm. --- Call Winnetka 734 RY Mr. Wm. Cramer and be assured of The melancholy of Chisago is bulls getting quality fuel. days have come. ing a house for Mr. -- But we can't see Paulsen at Tower A Glencoe fellow anything to be mel- Rd. and Greenwood. was calling on his ancholy about. Winnetka Coal - Limber Co. 823 Spruce Street Winnetka 734 Repeat Orders Confirm Quality 50 more Graham Brothers Motor Coaches for the Department of Street Railways, Detroit-- 198 in all, A confirmation of the high quality, dependable service and low-cost operation characteristic of all prod- ucts bearing Graham Brothers name. An order that every organization requiring transportation, whether by Bus or Truck, can follow as an infallible guide to judicious buying. Graham Brothers Trucks, with Dodge Brothers 3/4-Ton Commercial Cars, meet 90% of all hauling requirements. 1-Ton Chassis (G-BOY) $ 927.50 1%-Ton Chassis . . . . . 1293.00 2-Ton Chassis . «.. ... . 1574.00 Motor Coach Complete . . 3977.00 Delivered WERSTED MOTOR CO. 562 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka 165 GRAHAM BROTHERS MOTOR COACHES $OLD BY DODGE BROTHERS DEALERS EVERYWHERE * x Receive Word of Death Urge All Voters of Local Woman Abroad to Register Again Word has been received of the death ; of Mrs. Jerry Kucera, 1050 Oak street, for Fall Balloting which occured on August 27, in Mora-| Be sure to register at the polls on via. October 2 or 12. This is an entirely Mrs. Kucera and her husband were |new registration. So everybody must celebrating their silver wedding an- |register. Any individual who does not niversary by returning to Europe to register on October 2 or 12 will on visit friends and relatives. While tak- election day experience considerable ing a sight-seeing trip through Mora- delay and difficulty, and may lose his via, Mrs. Kucera was stricken with a|yote entirely. g cerebral hemorrhage, and died within | Many voters in Winnetka have for a half hour. 1 She Is Survived bv 1 Kichand |many years past depended upon the thes Til re 2 Se gl ane |election officers to register their TY tii "Eu ane cs names registration day, but the Bs he ally Ss og Winnetk: > > precincts are now becoming so heavily a n innetka 10r | populated that it is almost impossible eleven years poy : c ; , hy : : | for election officers to know all of the Mr. Kucera, who was with his wife names and addresses of the persons at the time of her death, returned im- [entitled to vote. As a consequence, on mediately to this country, on the S. S.| election day, if the judges do their duty George Washington. While on the re- |as prescribed by law, they compe! those turn trip, the boat was struck by a|persons who are not registered to vote hurricane, and for a time its safety |phy affidavit. was feared for. 3 Register on October 2 or 12! Come personally to your polling place and see that your name is placed upon the poll books. Announcement Appoint Balmes Township THE NURSERY "Thistle" Commissioner of An alarming increase of the Canada thistle along the north shore has re- sulted in the appointment of John Bal- John Ostrowsk mes as thistle commissioner by the y New Trier Township board of com- missioners recently. This action was is taken at the semi-annual meeting of the board. The Canada thistle is a ! menace to crops and spreads very Open for Business quickly. Mr. Balmes will conduct a survey of conditions in the various at his new location on Park communities in the township and also Avenue, one mile west of on land which is not in any village. Green Bay Road. Steps will be taken to eliminate the thistles wherever found and owners of property on which they are found will be requested to have them removed from their grounds. P. O. Box 223, Highland Park VISIT OUR STUDIO before vou decide on that Wedding Gift Special Sale on Lamp Shades Interior Decorating HEPAINTEDBUTTERFLY ART STUDIO 1054 GAGE STREET WINNETKA 1207 HUBBARD WOODS Hubbard Woods TAXI SERVICE Wm. Merrill Day and Night METER CABS--TOURING CARS BY HOUR OR TRIP Phone 828 Winnetka 915 Linden Avenue Hubbard Woods i .