October 2, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 39 Complete Plans for Wedding of Cornelia Keith The marriage of Miss Cornelia Keith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keith, 310 Warwick road, Kenilworth, to Cleon Larson of Appleton, Wis., will place at 8:30 o'clock Saturday evening, October 9, at the Church of the Holy Comforter. The Rev. Leland H. Danforth the mony. Miss Keith will be attended by her sister, Miss Margaret Keith, as maid of honor, and the bridesmaids will be Miss Elizabeth Hannah, Miss Jean- nette Cherry, Miss Verna Larson, sis- ter of the groom, and Miss. Muriel Bad- ger of Detroit. Miss Keith's brother, Tom, 'will act as ring bearer. The best man will be Si Larson, brother of the groonu . The ushers will be Cameron MacNeil, John Kaith, brother of the bride, Walter P. Vaughn and Leslie Buckman. Mrs. Fred Bulley, 220 Sheridan road, take will perform cere- entertained at a kitchen shower for Miss Keith on Monday. A personal shower was given in her honor on Thursday, September 30, by the Misses Elizabeth and Alice Shipman, 432 War- wick road. Saturday, October 2, Miss Jeannette Cherry, 422 Abbottsford road, will give a luncheon and bridge at the College club. Mrs. R. B. Stolp, 336 Warwick road, and her daughter, Mrs. O. L. Heath, will entertain at a linen shower on Wednesday, October 6, in honor of the bride. Wednesday eve- ning, Miss Elizabeth Hannah will be hostess at a dinner dance at the Edge- water Beach hotel. Thursday, Octo- ber 7, Miss Muriel Badger is giving a bridge at the Orrington hotel, Evans- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Keith are giving the bridal dinner at their home on Friday evening, October 8. Mr. Larson will have the bachelor dinner at the Palmer House Thursday evening. Alumnae of N. U. Plan Autumn Social Events A tea at Willard hall October 15, a dance at the Orrington hotel Home- Goemmg day, November 6, and a lunch- eon in the ballroom of the Orrington the day of the dedication of the North- western stadium, Nov. 13, are high spots in the early autumn social calen- dar of the Associate Alumnae of Northwestern university. Plans for these events were made when board members were entertained at a tea Friday by their new president, Mrs. Carleton Pendleton, 629 Haven street. The Home-Coming day dance will be open to other alumni of the uni- versity and the luncheon of November 13 will be a reunion of alumni. Ne. = A Real Estate Bond secured by North Shore property rep- resents the utmost in safety -- safety with attractive earning power. 1564 Sherman Avenue Evanston Porter G. Fox Buys Kenilworth Home Site Porter G. Fox, of the firm of Car- man Fox and Snyder, of 208 South La Salle, street, Chicago, has purchased through R. M. Johnston and company, 340 Linden avenue, Wilmette, the southwest corner of Warwick and Es- sex roads, Kenilworth, on which he is planning to erect a beautiful home, this fall. This is one of the prettiest build- ing sites in Kennilworth, having a frontage of 180 feet on Warwick and 221 on Essex. OLD FRIENDS MEET Mrs. J. Fowler Ament of Evanston gave a luncheon Saturday, September 25, in honor of Mrs. H. R. Kaiser and her daughter, Madeline, of Pasadena. A unique feature of the affair was the meeting of five of the guests who had known each other for fifty years, and the tales of their girlhood days were most interesting to the younger guests. Those present were Mrs. Kaiser and her daughter, Madeline, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Chandler, Miss Bickel, Miss Mar- jorie and Elizabeth Armstrong, all of Winnetka, Mrs. Dodson, Miss Sarah Armstrong of - Evanston, and Mrs. Walling of Highland Park. THIMBLE CLUB TO MEET The Eastern Star Thimble club will meet at the home of Mrs. W. H. Gruver, 835 Locust street, Tuesday, October 5, for an all day session commencing at 10 o'clock. The fol- lowing week another all day meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Nelson, 314 Walnut street, be- ginning at the same hour. The day will be October 12. Ralph Varney of 535 Cherry street left last week to sail from Boston for France where he will be joined by his family who have passed the summer abroad. They all will sail for the United States from Southampton No- vember 10, ep Mrs. J. W. F. Davies and her son, Gould, returned to Winnetka last week from their summer home "Indian Hill," Lake Hamlin, Ludington, Mich. after an entire summer spent there. 514% MONEY Have funds to loan on choice im- proved North Shore Suburban res- idence property at 5% % interest. See us on renewals. E. G. Pauling & Co. 5 N. Lasalle St. Main 0250 dence an eighty agents. This dignified Colonial resi- in Lincolnwood, North Evanston, occupies There are five bedrooms and three baths. Two car garage. An exceptional offering at a very reasonable price. Shown by Full details from exclusive OKANSON ENKS North Shore Properties . Telephone Greenleaf 1617 500 Davis Street EVANSTON foot corner lot. appointment. INC. A Prize Garden of PEONIES If you want to take prizes with your peonies at next year's garden shows plant Northbrook Peonies now. They're prize winners. They are scientifically grown in our own North Shore soil. Special care in cultivation makes espe- cially fine "blooms. Here's a"prize winning group select- ed especially for North Shore gardens. Every one is a winner--every one a beautiful flower you will be proud to have -in your garden. They are the foundation of every good collection. North Shore Special Foundation Quality Group All rating 85 or over out of possible 100 points--American Peonv Society Rating--column at left of list shows exact rating. 9.3 Festiva Maxima, one of the finest AWHILEE ov veicusvvinnsiseavesnenn $0.75 9.2 M. Jules Elie, immense glossy PI yo ri Ce ie Cia i a seen 1.00 9.0 Sarah Bernhardt, Apple Blossom Pink Sige ied ddd 2ndidiatnes ies 2.50 §.9 Marie Crousse, Salmon Pink .... 2.00 8.8 Karl Rosefield, rich velvety CrimSON ois vens i add ec reassnane 1.50 8.7 Reine Hortense, soft flesh Pink 2.00 8.7 Claire Dubois, deep Violet Rose, large flOWer ........c.ccsecmseans 1.00 8.6 Eugenie Verdier, beautiful baby Pink ui vse iosss osriions vase ves 1.00 85 La Perle, Lilac, center-flecked CriSON asses srvrvrssssmmeroens 1.00 8.5 Octavie Demay, delicate shell PIR se nine seve gin nmivs va 1.00 13.75 If you would rather make your own se- lections let us send you a copy of The Master List America's Blue Book of Fine Peonies. There you will find all of the best varie- ties arranged for an intelligent and easy choice. The Peony is the flower of the north. It is easy to grow. You can leave it un- disturbed from year to year and each year have attractive blooms. Get ac- quainted with peonies--learn to know them--they will repay your interest with a wealth of beauty. Come and See Us Just five miles west of Glencoe on the Dundee Road are Northbrook Gardens. Drive out and choose your own peony roots or we can mail them to you by parcel post prepaid. If you can't come and see us send for your copy of The Master List. We will be glad to mail it to you. Northbrook Gardens Box J. I. Glencoe, IIL