Winnetka Local History Digital Collections

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 2 Oct 1926, p. 49

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WINNETKA TALK ax ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EE ------------------------------------------------------------ rr ------------------------------------ October 2, 1926 (Continued from page 47) Er ---- 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE HELP WANTED -- RESPONSIBLE white girl to care for 2 small children by the hour. Prefer one without school duties. Call Sunday morning. Winnet- ka 2648. 655 Garland Ave. 12T30-1te HELP WANTED -- GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework and help with care of children from 8 to 4:30 every day ex- cept Sat. and Sun. $10 per week. No objection to colored. Ph. Winn. 1019. 12TN30-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, day time only. Apply 1405 Edgewood Lane. Monday after- noon. Tel. Winnetka 2379. 12TN30-1te HELP WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR general housework. Small family. Small house. No laundry. References. Mrs. F. F. Fowle, 233 Ridge Ave. Phone Winn. 2629. 12TN30-1te WANTED -- GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF 2 children every afternoon except Sun- day. from 2:00 to 6:00. Mrs. Ji S. Holland, 1370 Scott Ave. Winn. 1954. 12T30-1tc HELP WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR general housework. No laundry. Small house. Good wages. Room and bath. 303 Fairview Ave. Tel. Winn, 852. 12TN30-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework, all or part time. 4 adults, no laundry. Mrs. McMahon, 509 Washington Ave., Glencoe 836. 12TN30-1te COMPETENT HELP WANTED -- white girl for general housework. 3 adults in family. Smal house. No laundry. Good wages. Must have references. Tel. Winn. 59. 12LTN1-1te AN ARTIST WANTS GIRLS OF REFINEMENT AND CUL- 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE HELP WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR general housework. Small family. No washing. Phone Glencoe 871. 12LTN1-1te WANTED -- LAUNDRESS, WHITE, ON Monday or Tuesday. Tel. Wil. 1416. 12T30-1tp HELP WANTED -- WHITE WOMAN for cleaning every Friday. Phone Winn. 1783. 12T30-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework, small family, good home. Call Winn. 1402. 12T30-1te WANTED -- YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST with housework and care of children. Glencoe 520. 12TN30-1te ---- 1 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED man cook for private family or bache- lor apt. Winnetka. References. Phone Drexel 3349. Address 428 E. 46th Place, Chicago. 14T30-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- FIRST CLASS gardener wishes position on private place. Excellent references. Phone Winnetka 1036. 14LTN1-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED chauffeur desires position. Best north shore references. Tel. Univ. 1761. Mr. Lee. 14LTN1-3tp SITUATION WTD. -- (COLORED) chauffeur and mechanic. 20 yrs. ex- perience. F. Williams. Oakland 7082. 14LTI-TYp SITUATION WTD.--PRIVATE CHAUF- feuring or truck driving. Wife willing to do housework. Ref. Roosevelt 4898. 14LTN1-1tp ( SITUATION WTD. -- (COLORED) chauffeur. 8 yrs. experience. G. More- head. Oakland 1169. 14LT1-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- AS JANITOR OR to care for furnace. Phone 'Winnetka 286. 14T30-1tp ture fo sell hand made Christmas | WANTED -- FURNACES TO TAKE Cards. Phone Univ. 6389 after 8:00| care of by experienced man. Winn. pP. m. 12LTN1-1te 1086. 14T30-2tp HELP WANTED -- WHITE GIRL, | SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED general housework. Small family. man wants furnace and housework. Goed wages. No laundry. References Tel. Wilmette 3233. 14LT1-1te required. Phone Glencoe 1235. 12LTN1-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE girl for cooking and 1st floor work. Must be neat and good plain cook. New home, every modern convenience. Phone Kenil. 2135. 12LT1-1te HELP WANTED--BY HEARTHSTONE Tea Shop. Someone to help with dishes in the evening from 6 to 9. Tel. 'Winn. 1895. 12LTN1-1tp WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE Woman for cooking and first floor work. HOUSECLEANING, WINDOW WASH- ing floor wiping, and odd jobs. Tel. Wilmette 3428, 14LTN1-tfe SITUATION WTD. -- POSITION BY experienced chauffeur. Phone Univer- sity 3261-J, 14-LTN-1te 15 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE SITUATION WTD. -- NORTHWEST- ern University graduate desires a few private piano pupils. Miss Elizabeth References required. Call GI Zipond, Lake Forest, Ill. Tel. 1618. 15TN30-1te EA SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED HELP WANTED -- GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; 3 in family ; no wash- ing; references required. Wil. 3010. 12LTN1-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE girl for general housework, wages $18. Mrs. P. Blair, 661 Blackthorn he Winnetka, TIL 12LTN1-1te HELP WANTED -- NEAT AND RE- fined young girl for mother's helper. References. Phone Winn. 1028. 12LTN1-1tc HELP WANTED -- EXPERIENCED, very neat, good cook, reliable girl. Two in family. * No washing. References. Tel. Winn. 422, 12LTN1-1te HELP WANTED -- GIRL, WHITE, TO assist with housework and 2 children. Winnetka 1962. 12LTN1-1te WANTED -- for eenerq] GERMAN, NEWCOMER housework. Stay nights. Phone Wil. 3484, 12LLTN1-1te HELP WANTED -- LAUN- dress, cleaning. Steady work every week. Phone Winn. 2291. 12LTN1-1te HELP WANTED -- GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. References required. Phone Winn. 1915. 12LTN1-1te WANTED--SCHONI, GIRL OR YOUNG girl to assist with housework. Call Wil. 3557. 12LTN1-1te WANTED --WHITE MAID FOR COOK- ing and downstairs work. Call Glen- coe 1039. 12TN30-1te D with 3 year old boy de- sires position in private home. Tel. Wil. 682. 15LT1-1tp WANTED -- A POSITION OF NURSE or chamber maid, middle aged Catho- lic. References. Call Wil. 682. = 15TN30-1te SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED dressmaker, by the day. Can furnish good references. Call Greenleaf 1142. 15LTN1-1te SITUATION WTD. -- WASHING AND ironing for Mon. Exp. white laundress. Ref. Call University 5647. 15LT1-1tp WANTED--WASHING, IRONING AND cleaning by the day, by Swedish woman. Tel. Wil. 2486. 15LT1-1te SITUATION WTD. -- WHITE WOMAN wants work 2 days a week. Phone 'Wil. 2239. 15LTNL-1te SITUATION WTD. --LAUNDRY WORK done at home. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone Winn. 2-J. 15T30-1te I -------------------- 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS BARGAIN FOR YOUNG COUPLE BOUGHT 4 MONTHS AGO; WORTH $3,000. Will take $550 for all or will separate beautiful furnishings for 4- rm. apt.; 3-piece silk mohair parlor 8-piece walnut dining set: 4- piece walnut bedroom set: two 9x12 Wilton rugs; library table; floor and table lamps; 5-piece breakfast set, and silverware. Will take $550.00 for all. WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL 832 Leland Ave.. near Sheridan Road. housework, white. Tel. Glencoe 9883. Chicago. . Tel. Sunnyside 6190. Will 12TN30-1te arrange for delivery. 17LTN1-5tp WANTED--WHTTE GIRI, BY THE DAY | FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT PIANO part time for care of child. Winn. » 2083 12TN30-1te (Hazelton Bros.) $35.00 if sold Satur- day. Wil. 1253. 17TN30-1te 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS 17 FOR SALE--HOUSEHOLD GOODS ANTIQUES SOLID WAL. CHESTS 4 AND 6 drawers, $10 to $25.00; Spindle and poster beds, $15 to $40. Hitchcock fiddle back, and large collection of antique chairs, mirrors, what nots hqoked rugs, colored sandwich glass, odd tables, old lamps, fashion, Eng- lish, and sporting prints old colored plate books in sets and odd volume, anything in the antique line. Secretary desks. 808 Washington St. Univ. 9890. 17LTN1-1te FOR SALE -- EARLY AMERICAN antiques--Big closing out sale--chairs, tables, beds, cupboards, large quantity of glass, old lamps, bronzes. Espe- cially large stock of rare old prints, also Godey's, flower, marine currier and Ives--many old 15th and 16th col- ored decorative maps. Everything at sacrifice prices must move--only few days left. 719 Rush St., Chicago. Also open evenings and Sundays. 17TLTN1-1tp FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE --WHITE enameled bed, springs, mattress; en- ameled top kitchen table; dark oak ta- ble; also hall runners: bric-a-brac ; kitchen utensils; gas range, rugs, etc. other useful and attractive articles. To be sold at 341 Woodland Ave., Winnet- ka, 9 to 5 Saturday, Oct. 2. 17LTN-tfe FOR SALE -- ANTIQUE FURNITURE, consisting of bureaus, beds, tables, Butler's desk, 2 what nots, chairs, sofas, cradles, old glass, old lamps and lamp shades, china, etc. Small shop going out of business, attractive prices. 1854 Sherman Ave., Evanston. Heule Studios. 17LTN1-1te ANTIQUES BIG COLLECTION OF GLASS, IN- cluding milk and colored; interesting pine pieces; drop leaf tables; walnut arm chair, frame in splendid condition ; mirrors and chests: wall brackets. Glengables, 376 Park Ave., Glencoe. 17LT1-1tp FOR SALE--GREEN BEDROOM FUR- niture ; double bed, covered box spring and mattress, chest of drawers and table, $25.00. Also double brass bed with covered box springs and mattress, $10.00 Ph. Winnetka 1523 or call 601 Ash St. 17LTN-1te FOR SALE -- WESTERN ELECTRIC sewing machine, solid mahogany, con- sole type. Used slightly. Cost $125.00. Sell $75.00. Tel. Wilmette 3845, 17LTN1-1te FOR SALE -- BROWN MAHOGANY Adam dining table; 6 chairs, one arm, blue horsehair seat. Winn. 1508. 17T30-1te FOR SALE -- 4 BURNER GAS STOVE. Low oven. Good condition. Tel. Winn. 26563. 730 Center St. 17T30-1te ---------- 18 WANTED--HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household gocds. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Rv- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 18LTN1- tfe WINNETKA FURNITURE STORE Buy--=Sell--Exchange--New--Used Open daily. Tues, Thue, St 8 Pm i Rd. el. nn. 15% Willow 18LTN1-tfc 19 WANTED--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED -- USED 35x5 CORD TIRES. Good condition. Kelly's preferred. Phone A. G. Berry, Winnetka 284 after 6:30 p. m. 19T30-1tp HOUSECLEANING, AND TIME TO sell used books. Write Minerva Book Service, 5310 University Ave., Chicago. 19T30-3tp DEALER FOR RAGS, S. GOLDMAN JUNK HIGHEST PRICE PAID magazines, old clothes, tires, tubes. Tel. Wilmette 3334. 19T30-tfe WANTED TO BUY -- BOOKS AND libraries. Yorite Minerva bo Mo versit, ve., ca, a ice. 5310 Un y cage, II ANTED -- FUR COAT, COON PRE- WANE Size 36-38. Address Wilmette Life B-70. 19LTN1-1tp HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN'S , all grades. Tel. Wil, 1351. Sloting, S18 19LTN1-4tp 20 AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE -- AN UNUSUAL COLLEC- tion of antiques for a short turn. Drop in from 10:00 to 5:00 at 712 Vernon Ave., Glencoe, and you may find just the piece you've been looking and long- ing for. Mrs. Edwin R. Keeler. 17TLTN1-1te FOR SALE -- FORD TOURING CAR with new side curtains, gray enamel top. Small dresser with bevelled mir- ror. Oak library table. Lady's desk. Odd chairs and plz Wilten Tus, tan blue design. . ? e aad-biu E 21LTN1-1te FOR SALE -- OCT. 2, 1 TO 4 P. M, davenport bed, Victor victrola, brass bed, box springs, mah. dining set, wing chair, other furniture. 1078 Spruce St. 17T30-1te FOR SALE -- ANTIQUES. MAPLE post and spool beds. Tables. Chairs in sets of 6. Chests of drawers. Blanket chests, etc. Phone Winn. 462. 17TN30-1tp BARGAIN -- KLEEN HEAT OIL Burner. Was too small for house. It is in very good condition and I will sell it cheap, including 50 gallon tank. Tel. Winn. 1451 17T30-1te FOR SALE -- SINGLE WICKER stroller; large twin wicker carriage ; high chair; baby bed and mattress on wheels. All in excellent condition. Glencoe 1058. 17LTN1-1te FOR SALE -- DINING ROOM SET, table and six chairs, tabled wired for electrical appliances. Price, $40. In- quire at 325 Maple Ave., Wilmette. 17TLTNI1-1tp FOR SALE -- LYON & HEALY PIANO, chean, Sanitary cot $3.00. Floor lamp $3.00. 161 Prairie Ave., second floor. Phone Wilmette 788. 17LTN1-1te FOR SALE -- FULL SIZE BRASS BED, spring and mattress $17.00. Mahogany library table, $7.00. Phone Wilmette 1414. 17LT1-1te FOR SALE -- BABY BED AND MAT- tress on wheels. Practically new. 252 Walden Drive, Glencoe. 17LTN1-1tp FOR SALE -- BLACK EBONY PIANO in good condition, $50.00. Call Winn. 3557. 17TLTN1-1te FOR SALE -- AMER. RAD. HOT WA- ter heater. Also oil heater. Phone Winn. 1414. : 17LTN1-1tp FOR SALE -- WALNUT CONOVER upright piano, beautiful tome, $50.00. Also, few odd chairs. Tel. Winn. 2389. 17LTN1-1te FOR SALE -- QUEEN ANNE SOLID mahogany cabinet. Ph. Winnetka 1053. 17LTN1-1te FOR SALE -- ORIENTAL RUG 7 X 9. Runner 10 x 3. Winn. 2330. 17LTNI1-1tc CYLINDER SEDAN, good running order, fully equipped, heater, etc., good tires. Will sell for $150, or will exchange for small tour- FOR SALE--6 ing. 506 Park Ave., Phone Wilmette 3308. 20LTN1-1te FOR SALE -- MAXWELL CLUB coupe, 1923. Original paint, looks like new. Snubbers, 2 bumpers, spotlight. Motometer, 6 good tires. Will demon- strate. No dealers. Winn. 1369. 20T30-1tp FOR SALE -- DODGE SEDAN 1924 Heater, good tires. Reasonable, cash or terms. Phone evenings, Wilmette 2642. 20LTN1-1tp FOR SALE -- FORD ROADSTER 1926. 5 cord tires. A-1 condition, $200.00 cash 215 Catalpa Place, Wilmette. 20LTN1-1tp FOR SALE -- BUICK 6. GOOD CON- dition. Model 1922. 1111 Cherry St., Winnetka. 20LTN1-1tp FOR SALE -- FORD ROADSTER 1924 model, in good condition; engine A-1. Phone Winn. 198. 20TN30-1te ---- m-- 21 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- SEVERAL BEAUTIFUL white dresses, hand-embroidered, real lace, $5 each; 12 sectional bookcases, $2 each; 1 satchel, 4 suitcases. $3 each; 1 French clock, $5; 4 etchings $5 each; sick room table $3; Phono- graph and records for learning Span- ish $3; framed pictures $1 each; 1 Radium gas heater $3; 50 ft. of track for toy electric engine, $3; boy's fire truck $3; bob sled $1; erector set $1; football 50c. Fhone Winnetka 89. 21T30-1te FOR SALE -- NEW LAID EGGS WILL be delivered to vour door weekly if vou will send a card to Paul Beem's Poul- try farm, Zion, 111. 21LTN50-4tp FOR SALE -- PORTABLE GARAGE 20x40. Practically new. Painted. Rea- sonable terms. Tel. Winn. 900. 21TN30-1tp FOR SALE -- LADY'S DARK BROWN Marvella coat, size 40. Phone 1414. 21LTN1-1tp MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 46

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