-- October 9, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 47 To ---------------------------------------------------------- | CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS General Notices-- inclusive whose names appear in the Classified advertisements will be charged only to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe telephone directory or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates-- 30 cents Average of five words to the line. all cash with order advertisements Ave., Wilmette, 15 cents a line in one paper. No METTE LIFE or alt three papers ; TALK and Friday 5 p. m. for the 1 REAL ESTATE a line in all three papers. when brought to our office at 1222 Central or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. ; + Classified advertisements will be accepted Deadline for Insertions--, to Wednesday 5 p. m. for the WIL- Thursday 5 p. m. for the WINNETKA GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920- 25 cents a line in any two papers. MINIMUM CHARGE, 50 cents. black face type used. 109% discount on 1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. | | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 80 ACRES NEAR STATE ROAD. BAR- gain and on terms. $48,000.00 148 Acres on State Road, near Elgin, building worth $20,000.00. Terms. $57,200.00 20 Acres on State Road, near Golf Club Bargain. $40,000.00 1 Acre--We have several one acre par- cels, wonderful location $4,500.00 7 Room, 2 story brick, hot water heat, garage; 100 ft. front; real home in country. Terms. $16,500.00 For investment or home sites: Beautiful lots in the country, gas and electricity in.; hard roads. As low as $35.00 per foot. J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, TIL 1LTN2-1te YOU FOLKS WHO WANT A WOODED LOT NEAR the lake and low in price--let us show you a 75 foot lot in South Highland Park between Sheridan Road and the lake. Sewer, water, gas, electricity, sidewalks and concrete street and curb in and paid in full. Price $85.00 per foot. This property will advance just as you have seen Wilmette, Kenilworth and Winnetka property advance. R.M.Johnston& Co. 340 Linden Ave. Phone Wil. 68 KENILWORTH HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER, ATTRACTIVE Kenilworth residence, on lot 100 x 175, beautifully wooded. Nine rooms, also tile breakfast and sleeping porches. Few minutes from trans. school, high school and lake. Living room 20 x 30, beautifully decorated, 4 large sleep- ing rooms and 2 tile baths on second, 2 maids' rooms and bath on third. Va- por heat, oil burner. Attractive terms. 336 Essex Road, Kenilworth 1845. 1LTN2-1te ATTRACTIVE HOME 6 ROOMS, MODERN THROUGHOUT, landscaped yard, natural shade; con- venient location; in fine condition; 1 car garage. All for $14,500. or will make extra good terms to responsible party. F. H. Gathercoal 1213 Wilmette Ave. Tel. Wil. 225 1LTN2-1te Real Estate to Exchange WILL ACCEPT NO. SHORE HOME; 7 or 8 rooms not over $30,000 value, in exchange for Rogers Park 6 apartment building. Well located. Price $55,000. Equity $21,000. See us at once. The McLane Co. 525 4th St. Wilmette 2818 1LTN2-1tc Great Acreage Sacrifice FOR CASH OWNER WILL TAKE LESS than $30,000 for over 3 acres of super- bly wooded grounds and brick house, all of which cost him $40,008 in choic- est section of Glencoe. Heinsen Realty Company Owner's Agents 720 Elm St, Winnetka Winn. 254 1LTN2-1te Owner Anxious to Sell HIS ATTRACTIVE 8 RM. STUCCO house 3 yrs. old; choice N. E. loca- tion; water ht.; 2 baths; 2-car garage; Ige. wooaed lot. $20,000. Can be easily financed. F. Coleman Burroughs 1157 Wilmette Ave. Ph. Wilmette 640 1ILTN2-1te FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES nd VACANT P. W. Bradstreet and Co. Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 162 1T31-tfe MUST SELL MY 6 ROOM, ALMOST new Brick Colonial, will sacrifice for quick sale. 1738 Washington Ave. Open for inspection Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Come and look this over. If you want to buy a home and get a bargain see this. 1LTN2-1tc 1 FOR RENT--ROOMS 1z HELP WANTED--FEMALE FOR RENT -- LARGE, FRONT ROOM HELP WANTED -- MAID FOR GEN- nished housekeeping apartments. Also 1 single room. 726 11th St. Tel. Wil 992-M or 3155. 4LT2-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 4LT2-tfc COMFORT- Private home. Gentleman pre- FOR RENT -- SINGLE, ably furnished room. Convenient to village. ferred. Tel. Wilmette 796-W. 4L2-tfc FOR RENT -- ROOM. GENTLEMAN preferred. Tel. Winn. 2669. 4LTN2-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM, central location. Meals optional. Wil. 801. 4LTN2-1tc FOR RENT -- ROOM WITH RUNNING water. 969 Elm St., Tel. Winn. 2399. 4T31-1te FOR RENT -- ROOM AND BOARD. 630 Temple Court, Kenilworth. Tel. Win- netka 2103. 4TN31-1tc FOR RENT -- ROOM. NEAR TRANS- portation. Call Glencoe 923. 4TN31-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM FOR gentleman only. Phone Winnetka 1662. 4T30-3tp FOR RENT -- SINGLE ROOM, 902 ASH street. 4T31-1tc FOR RENT -- ROOM. Tel. Winnetka 870. 4T31-1te FOR SALE -- WILL SACRIFICE MY beautiful 6 room stucco home, hot wa- ter heat, breakfast nook and large sun- room, and garage. 3 years old. South- east Winnetka. Must be seen to ap- preciate same. Call Winn. 882. 1LTN2-1tfc FOR SALE --AT NORTHBROOK, NEW house, 5 rooms and bath, just com- pleted. Modern. H. W. Ht. St. paved. Price $9,000. Tel. Northbrook 113. 1LTN2-1te EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN LOT 55 X 135. IMPROVEMENTS IN now. Price $1,350.00. Address Wil- mette Life B-76. 1LTN2-2tc FOR SALE -- FIVE BUILDING LOTS in Wilmette, all for $10,000. Terms. Address Wilmette Life B-79. 1LTN2-1tc WANT TO SELL MY 6 ROOM, ALMOST new brick Colonial. Will sacrifice for | quick sale. Tel. Wil. 1650. 1LTN2-1tec 4 2 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT 5 ROOM FRAME COTTAGE, IN GLEN- view, all improvements; 2-car garage, .00 J : H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Avenue. Wilmette 364 Wilmette, Illinois. 2LTN2-1te FOR RENT -- UNFURNISHED HOUSE in Hubbard Woods. Seven rooms, 2 baths; hot water heat; 2-car heated garage. Immediate possession. Tele- phone for appointment Winn. 705. 2TN31-1tc FOR RENT -- FURNISHED, VERY AT- tractive small home. Best location. Convenient. Oil heat and garage. Spe- cial bargain for 6 months. Call Win- netka 1391. 2T31-1te FOR RENT -- 9 ROOM HOUSE, UN- furnished, 6 months or longer, with 3 baths. Concessions. 139 Hawthorne Ave. Tel. Glencoe 810. 2LTN2-1te WANT TO RENT--MY 6 ROOM HOME. $85 per month. Tel. Wil. 1650. 2LTN2-1te HOUSE FOR RENT -- 5 ROOMS, 3 screened in porches, extra lavatory in basement. $90.00. Tel. Winn. 2557. 2LTN2-1tc EE 3 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS WANTED IN S. E. KENILWORTH, A 100 ft. lot about $155 per ft. Cash buyer. Wilmette Life B-74. 1ILTN2-1tc FLAT FOR RENT -- 5 ROOMS AND bath. Heated. $60.00. 491 Madison St. Glencoe. Tel. Glen. 343-R. 3TN31-ite ---------------------------------------------- I ---- 5 FOR RENT--STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT -- PRIVATE OFFICE IN Franklin Bldg., Elm and Linden Sts. Winnetka, with or without serviges of stenographer and office attendant. Fredk. B. Thomas & Co., Winn. 5TN31-tfe FOR RENT STORE IN WINNETKA -- 561-A Lincoln Ave. Ayres Boal, 122 S. Michigan Ave. Tel. Harrision 1043. 5T31-tfe FOR RENT -- STORE AND SHOPS. Telephone Winnetka 62. S5LTN2-tfe 6 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT -- GARAGE WITH CON- crete drive and wide turn around. 42% Maple Ave. Phone Winn. 2021. 6T31-1te T WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES WANTED TO RENT -- SMALL HOUSE. Reasonable. State particulars. Ad- dress Wilmette Life B-77. 7LTN2-1tp 10 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS WANTED -- TO RENT -- ROOM AND board. Address Winnetka Talk B-62. 10T31-1tp 11 HELP WANTED--MALE HELP WANTED -- EXP. HOUSEMAN, some driving. Refs. required. Phone Winn. 2360. 151 Euclid Ave., Winn. 11T31-1te 12 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- WOMAN TO telephone for me several hours a day over her own 'phone. Splendid renum- eration. Phone Univ. 2714. 12LTN2-1te WANTED COMPETENT WHITE general! houseworker, experienced cook, must speak English. Two in family, no laundry. Private room and bath. Wages $18 to $20. Phone Winn. 375. 12LTN2-1te WANTED COMPETENT WHITE maid between 25 and 35 for general housework, plain cooking. Two adults, 1 small child. Near transportation. Ref. 379 Ridge Ave. Winn. 1379. 12LT2-1te HELP WANTED -- MAID. General housework. Small house Sha small family. Exp. Refs. A TS. . E. Maxwell, 1133 Pine St. Tel. Winn. 495. 12LTN2-1te with kitchenette for light housekpg.| eral housework. Plain cooking. No Also bedroom, single $5, double $8. Ph. laundry. Pleasant home. Best wages. Winn. 621 after 5 o'clock. Mrs. Gooder. Tel Winn. 1149 4T31-1tc 12TN31-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM. | HELP WANTED -- MAID, WHITE. Single or double. Prefer gentlemen. Must be splendid cook and for down- 5 min. walk from station. Phone Win-| stairs work. References required. Call netka 334. 4T31-1te Winn. 103. 454 Sheridan Road. 12T31-1te FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE FUR- WANTED -- HOUSEKEEPER, SMALL modern apartment, Evantson, no wash- ing, family two, duties include some nursing. Address Wilmette Life B-80. 12TN31-1te HELP WANTED EXP. WHITE maid for general housework. Good wages. Refs. req. 924 TRueclid Ave. Hubbard Woods. Tel. Winn, 1299. 12LTN2-1te HELP WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR general housework.--Experience not Jecessarv. Own room and bath. Tel. Winn. 1253. 12T31-1tc WANTED -- WHITE GIRL TO ASSIST with housework and one child. Good wages. References. Tel. Winn. 676-M. 12T31-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework to come daily except Sun- day. Apply 941 Tower Rd., Winnetka. 12T31-1tc WANTED -- TELEPHONE SOLICIT- ors for full or part time at home. Ex- perience not necessary. Phone Univ. 2238. 12LTN2-1tc HELP WANTED -- NEAT RELIABLE maid for general housework. Near trans. Good wages and good home. Phone Winn. 1946. 12LTN2-1te HELP WANTED -- COOK. EXPERI- enced. Good references. Family of 4. 708 Prospect avenue. Phone Winn. 68. 12LTN2-1te EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL: GEN- eral housework: good cook: three in family. Near "L". Ref. required. Wil. 2274. 12LTN2-1te WANTED -- YOUNG WHITE GIRL TO assist with housework; no experience necessary; good home. Wil. 3561. 12LTN2-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT GIRL FOR cooking and downstairs work Must have references. Phone Kenil. 2532. 12LTN2-1te HELP WANTED -- GIRL TO TAKE care of children between hours of 2 and 6 p. m. Call Winn. 2246. 12LTN2-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Small family. ona Winn. 156. 12LTN2-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework or to assist. Tel. Wil 1472. 12LTN2-1te HELP WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR general housework. 3 in family. Call Glencoe 961. 12LTN2-1te HELP WANTED -- GENERAL MAID. 3 in family. Experience not necessary. Phone Winn. 583. 12LT2-1tp HELP WANTED -- MAID TO HELP at meal times over week-end. Winn. 1450. 12LTN2-1tp WANTED -- HOUSEKEEPER, GEN- eral housework, 2 in family. Winn. 2589. 12LTN2-1te HELP WANTED -- GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework 3 in family. Tel. Win- netka 397. 12T31-1tc HELP WANTED--MALE AND FEMALE HELP WANTED --COUPLE, COLORED. Experienced. General housework. Ret- erences required. Tel. Winn. 1761. 13T31-1tp 14 SITUATION WANTED--MALE SITUATION WANTED -- JAMAICAN young man wants position as porter, houseman, butler or caretaker in priv- ate family or any other department. Phone Winn. 1263. 14LT2-1tc SITUATION WTD. -- TO TAKE CARE of furnaces for the winter, odd jobs and housework. Box 374, Glencoe. 14TN31-2tp SITUATION WTD. -- AS JANITOR OR to care for furnace. 411 Fairview Ave. Phone Winnetka 286. 14T31-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- WHITE CHAUF- feur, willing to do house and en work. Address Box 143, Winnetka, 111. 14T31-1tp (MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 48)