oe EAR. -- ---s A TT, November 20, 1926 WINNETKA TALK Impressive Rites Mark Dedication of Dyche Stadium Northwestern university dedicated Dyche stadium with impressive cere- monies Saturday afternoon preceding the game with Chicago. The stands were well filled when the dedication ceremony started at 1:30. Headed by the Northwestern band the dignitaries who were to participate in the ceremony marched to the center of the field where a platform had been placed for the speakers. Thomas O. Harwood, chairman of the committee on dedication of the stadium, intro- duced Nathan William MacChesney who presided. The first speaker was George A. Mason, president of the stadium cor- poration. Speaking through the mi- crophone which broadcast the speeches to the assembled audience, Mr. Ma- son thanked those who had cooperated in completing the plant. On behalf of the stadium corporation he presented the stadium to Robert W. Campbell, president of the board of trustees. Eulogizes W. A. Dyche Mr. Campbell spoke briefly, stating that "the stadium marks a notable step forward in the development of sports at Northwestern." He eulogized William A. Dyche, business manager of the university in whose honor the stadium was named. "No man living has done more than he to conserve and to develop the resources of Northwes- tern university. An alumnus of the in- stitution, he had been unsparing in his personal and sacrificial service for his alma mater. To him more than to any other we owe the initiation of the plan to develop here a great sta- dium and athletic field." Mr. Campbell then formally turned the stadium over to the University Walter Dill Scott who pledged "myself to the trustees, to the alumni and to all lovers of clean sports to do all that in me lies to maintain and further the ideals of good sportsmanship to which this institution has ever been com- mitted." To Play Like Gentlemen The stadium then was turned over to Professor O. F. Long, chairman of the faculty athletic committee who in turn committed the plant to the director of physical education, K. IL. Wilson. In accepting the stadium Mr. Wilson said, "I do so not only on behalf of the department of physical education but also on behalf of all our teams and indeed on behalf of all our student body. We are all proud of the tra- ditions of Northwestern university. We shall fight hard to win on this field, but win or lose, we shall seek al- ways to play the game as honorable gentlemen who carry the royal colors of Northwestern university." Following the speeches the entire body marched to the north end of the field where the Stars and Stripes and the Northwestern banner were raised to the top of the flag pole while the band played the National anthem. Mrs. William V. Merriman, formerly of 140 Euclid avenue, Glencoe, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles O. Aspenwall of 1195 Tower road, has been visiting her parents for the past month. Mrs. Merriman and her daughter, Elsa, left this week for their home in Reading, Pa. --O-- Mrs. Melville C. Chatten of 1025 Dinsmore road has as her guest, her sister, Mrs. Martha Coleman Sherman of Denver, Col. Friday, November 19, Mrs. Chatten entertained several friends during the afternoon in honor of her sister, who read original poems. ---- Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Marble of 844 Lincoln avenue, who are taking a trip west, are at present in Hollywood, Cal. : Ae dhe Ontrance tv the Novth DBhore Hotel Announcing Columbia New Process Records and Viva-Tonal Phonographs THE VIVA-TONAL COLUMBIA IS "LIKE LIFE ITSELF" Here is living naturalness, true balance, the full range of each musical instrument --of the human voice. You no longer hear a reproduction; you hear the original performance held for you in suspension until the Viva-Tonal Columbia gives it life. : Hear this marvelous instrument once and vour appreciation of reproduced music will be increased a thousand times in one magic minute. Be as critical as you please, make careful comparisons--you will be unable to withhold your admiration. Cabinets that are masterpieces of artistic craftsmanship are priced from $90.00 to $300.00. QQ Ghickering & Sons - Marshall & Wendell - Brewster «SV HP ZEIT RPE THEY'RE HERE! Columbia New Process Electrically Recorded Records Paul Ash--Ted Lewis and other fav- orites playing the latest dance hits are here, as well as the famous Columbia Fine Art Series of Musical Masterworks. Come in and hear them--you will be as- tonished at the perfection of recording and the entire absence of surface noises. Think of it! Records that do not scratch! Let us put you on our mailing list. You will want to know about the new releases. Courteous and intelligent record service just inside the door. THE AMPICO Ghe hickering Sfudios x Carleton Rawumeyer PIAROS S527 Davis Street ~ Svanston lllinols