gh November 20, 1926 WINNETKA TALK 31 Preparing for the Thanksgiving Dinner ~/ 8 That everything may move smoothly and graciously for ycu, the hostess, we present these things that may contribute to ap- pointment of the home and the dinner table. And this, mind you, is only a glimpse of what you may discover in this store. Linen Table Cloths from Ireland, $14 Snowy white cloths of that wonderful Irish linen, so beautiful in its new designs. Napkins to Match, Doz.......... $12 Seal Community Silver Cockial Tableware for the 1 : . 3 nd Discerning Hostess Crystal-clear wine At Rosenberg's Commun- glasses with thistle de- ity Silver is found in every sign on thin blown glass. phase of its beauty. In the * . : Adam, Grosvenor, Bird of Chinaware of Fine = Paradise, Hampton Court >: and Patrician patterns, it * . . 3 h Distinction Goblets and 7x Jb fyrooee Bo Sherberts $7.50 Doz. Chinaware in open stock from Theo- dore Haviland, France, in 'Paradise' pat- tern; china from England, from Bavaria and Czechoslovakia. 29.Piece Chest Sparkling glassware in beautiful thin crystal Mixing Electric = glass with thistle design. $34.50 Third Floor Community silver stainless Bowls Percolators steel set, beautifully plated : and guaranteed 50 years. $1.98 $7.50 China bowls 6 cup aluminum Guest with neat blue de- percolators, fully sign: this is a 5- guaranteed; in lov- Towels : : piece set in gradu- ing cup design. $1 00 Hammered Silver Vegetable Dish, $10. ated sizes. ad Silver Relish Dish, with handle, $15. Beautiful Italian Fruit and Flower Comb. Bowl, $25. Linen towels. em- Hammered Silver Water Pitcher, $1o. C . S . h broidered -on. fine Silver Creamers and Supers, 38.95: p Hammered Silver Candle Sticks, $2.95. arving ets wit dy 181 ity watersl Beverage Shaker for Ice Drinks, $7.95. Second Floor First Floor Horn Handles $10.95 Beautiful 3-piece sets of stainless steel. A set to be proud of. A 2-piece set is priced at $2.95. Maids' Dainty Apron Sets $1.39 - $3.45 Dainty apron sets of or- gandy and dimity, lace trim- med; embroidered head bands "Wear -Ever" Roasters AW. A to match. % JA : 1S \ SE opm, = Maids' Uniforms V | I N| $3.95 $4.95 $5.95 $2.95 - $6.50 Irish poplin, soisette, pongee linene uniforms in black and desired shades. West Room--Second Floor Imagine the luscious golden brown turkey that these roasters will make. These are attractively priced. T hired Floor Rosenberg 'S Davis Street--Downtown Evanston SOONER OR LATER EVERY REPRESENTATIVE FAMILY WILL HAVE A CHARGE ACCOUNT AT ROSENBERG'S