u WINNETKA TALK November 27, 1926 HATS Clearance Reductions of VELOURS--FELTS--VELVETS Hats at half price or less Remarkable Values V/A DE Phone Winn. 320 Novelty Jewelry Sale 946 Oak Street Italian Silk Underwear LLLS SAILS ISS SSIS LASSI SSL SSS SSIS SSSI LSS LS SSL SILL SSLSSL LSS SL ASSL ISLS ITS SS SSIS SS SSSS ISS LISS SSL SSS SSSIS SSS ISS SSS SS SSS SSAA SASSY / AIMEE 568 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka Clearance Sale Afternoon Frocks -- Sports Clothes Dinner Gowns Hand Bags Imported Flowers SSS SI IS SSIISSSLS SASS IAS SIS SASS ALLS SSS SSSI SSSI SS SSSI SSS LASS SS SSSA SSSA 4 2777 7 7d 77 777d diiiiizrirriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidi 7 a didi sdididda Your Christmas Photograph will make the ideal gift Your ideas combined with the principals of Photo- graphy is what produces fine portraits. "Just as wanted" is the one big idea back of EUGENE Ls RAY methods--the thing that spells satisfaction. NCH oyburn Building 615 Davis Street Photographs in the Studio are as low as $6.00 per dozen. For Appointment Call Univ. 2238 Slush and Sleet Make Wet Feet . . . . but this can be remedied, bring your shoes to us. Let us rebuild them be- fore the bad weather sets in. The latest device permits us to re- sole women's shoe without nails or stitches. Ask us about this wonder- ful service. Annex Shoe Rebuilder's Store R. Wagner 8 Prouty Annex--Opposite C. N. W. Depot Telephone Winn. 991 Threshold Players Are Busy Rehearsing Play The Threshold Players of Glencoe are putting the final touches on the play, "The Judsons Entertain," which will be the first presentation since their organization. It is a clever, sparkling three act play, and will be presented in the new auditorium of the Glencoe Union church on Thursday and Friday evenings, December 9 and 10. Those who wish to become associate members of the Threshold Players may communicate with the treasurer, Miss Helen Martin, (Glencoe 363). This membership will entitle them to attend the performance of the coming play, and that of another to be given within 'the year. For those who are neither active nor associate members, single admission tickets are being of- fered. Single admission and associate membership tickets are being handled by any member of the Threshold Players. Mrs. Lyman Weld, 983 Vine street, and her sister entertained twenty-four friends at the College club, Chicago, on Tuesday, November 16, at luncheon and bridge. - 'Standard' Bathroom Equipment Enriches the Entire Home A fine bathroom, richly sim- ple in fixtures, appointments and arrangements, offers far more than its cost in the sat- isfaction it gives. Every modern home should have a bathroom like the one shown above. While this bathroom costs more than one with the tubs with legs, their years of assured service will long outlive the differ- ence in the first cost. Sold and Installed by VIC. J. KILLIAN Plumbing Contractor 874 Center Street Phone Winn. 1260 JOURNALIST IS OUT Second Issue of Skokie Makes Its Appearance; Takes Phenomenal Jump Magazine Circulation "The Journalist," a news-magazine published by the printing class and other pupils of the Skokie school, made its second appearance of the year when the November number was issued last Wednesday. Its popularity among the Winnetka pupils is steadily increasing and it will be necessary to print more than a thousand copies on the net issue in order to take care of the general demand for the publica- tion. This is an increase in circulation of about 200 copies and clearly demon- strates the manner in which it has been received. The cover page of the November issue is especially noteworthy as it has been printed in two colors, orange and blue. The engravure is that of a tur- key and represents a double run on the press. The entire paper has been printed in blue ink this month and a number of special cuts have been used which adds to the editorial neat- ness. With the increasing demand for the paper the printing class is encounter- ing difficulty because of the smallness of the school press. With the present equipment it is impossible to edit and print the paper in less than two weeks. With a larger press it would be pos- sible to print four pages at a time instead of two which would also make it possible to run the paper off on the press in just half the time. Under those circumstances it would also be possible to print fresher news. Be- sides financing the paper themselves the editors are hoping to be able to put aside a small amount of money each year toward the price of new equip- ment. This attitude is especially com- mendable. Perhaps Santa Claus or friends of school activity will find a means of assisting "those who help themselves." "King of Nomania" Play to Be Given by Pupils "King of Nomania," a "medium sized play about a bootblack, a miser, the great cabachan emerald, belonging to the king, and Christmas," will be pre- sented by the dramatic department of the Skokie school December 3 and 4. It was written by Percival Wilde es- pecially for children and the scene is laid in a country that has been "taken by politicians from the 'shelf' in order to make geography harder." Hence it will be of especial interest to chil- dren and almost of equal interest to grown-ups. The curtain will rise promptly at 7:30 and the play will be- gin at once in order to make it pos- sible for small children to attend. A large attendance is expectd. The opening of the Allen Linen Company Where you can buy Hand Embroidered Lunch Sets, Buffet Sets, Scarfs, Damasks, Towels, Handkerchiefs, Bridge Sets, etc. An attrac- tive line for the home. Christmas gifts, monogramming, initialling a specialty. Our prices are surprisingly low. Your inspec- tion is invited. Allen Linen Company 817 Elm Street Tel. Winn. 2826