\ WENNETKA TALK December 4, 1926 XLILSLSSLILS ALLEL LL LASS LSS LS SSL LLL SSS LLL S SSS LLL ASSL SLES S SSSA SSS SS SITS SSSI SASS SSS S SS SSS ASSIS LSS SISAL SIAL SSSA ISIS SS SISLS 2 AIMEE 568 Lincoln Avenue, Winnetka Announces a Complete Line of Hand Bags -- Evening Bags -- Imported Flowers For Your Christmas Selection Clearance Sale Afternoon Frocks -- Dinner Gowns -- Sports Clothes Hand Bags Imported Flowers 2 2777 Nldaaiddddrididdidaddacddia iad liiiiiiiiiiiily N \ \ N \ N N N N N N N N ASSEN EEESEEEESEEEEEEEEEAN - Cl - : earance! - = Felts -- Velvets and Velours C1 - $S -- $10 " u = ™ Reduced for Immediate Clearance x ™ Unusual opportunity to purchase a smart winter hat at « m 2 very great savings. » au = : rte. , = | u | . 946 Oak Street Phone Winn. 320 ® . Italian Silk Underwear Novelty Jewelry - Better Than Aladdin's Lamp Our new facial lamp treats the skin quickly and pleasantly while it aids in removing skin impurities. Hubbard Woods Beauty Shoppe Phone 857 1081 Gage Street Hubbard Woods AS GOOD AS EVER Because your gown is soiled is no reason why you should dis- card it. We dry clean, dye and' press ithe modern way and can restore coarse or delicate fabrics to their original color and beau- ty. Let us take any garment you select as a trial job. We know that you will be delighted and ready to give us your dry clean- ing work regula'ly. H. E. ODHNER 1050 Gage St. Tel. Winn. 278 Prize Winning Judge of Live Stock Visits Here Herbert Jones, of Cordell, Oklahoma, a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Selby, of 325 Maple avenue, Wilmette, was a guest at their home Monday night. Mr. Jones is a Senior at the Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical college and a member of the stock judging team from that college which won the highest honors in competitive judging at the International Live Stock show in Chicago. This is the second successive year the team from this college has won the honor. The team's score was 4,407 points out of a possible 5,000, which gave it first place among the twenty- three states competing. Walter Strong of 1377 Tower road has returned recently from Europe. He will address the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations luncheon to be given in the ballroom of the Palmer House today. His subject will be "Facist Italy." --(-- F. G. Cheney of 648 Pine street, ex- pects to return the end of this week from a business trip to New York City. 'Standard' Bathroom Equipment Enriches the Entire Home ivvey iwouern home should have a bathroom like the one shown above. While this bathroom costs more than one with the tubs with legs, their years of assured service will long outlive the differ- ence in the first cost. Sold and Installed by VIC. J. KILLIAN Plumbing Contractor 874 Center Street Phone Winn, 1260 NAME WALTER MCPEEK AREA SCOUT EXECUTIVE North Shore Suburban Scout Council Names Officers in Ses- sion Last Monday United Front Scout activities for North Shore towns began December 1. At the first meeting of the Executive board of the new North Shore Council of the Boy Scouts of America, held ! Monday night of this week in the city hall at Highland Park, Albert G. Snite of Highland Park was chosen council president. Vice-presidents chosen were Dr. Douglas H. Cornell of Glencoe; Roy Jarrett of Kenilworth; Dr. George Roberts of Lake Forest and Maurice Mandeville of Lake Bluff. Mr. Henry Fowler of Wilmette was chosen council treasurer. George R. Harbaugh of Wil- mette was selected as council commis- sioner. The meeting brought a large atten- dance with almost one hundred per cent of the board members present. A constitution was adopted, the regular meeting night of the second Tuesday of the month, was set, and various for- ward looking plans were made for the new year. Following the board meeting, the Executive committee met and con- sidered applications for the local execu- tiveship and selected Walter McPeek, formerly of the Chicago staff and more recently a member of the national field staff. Mr. McPeek has had a wide and varied Scouting experience dating back more than twelve years. He is a grad- uate of the University of Chicago and of the National Training School for Scout Executives. The location of the area headquar- ters office was discussed, the considera- tion centering around where the "serv- ice station" might be located to be of greatest service to volunteer leaders. The committee is continuing the in- vestigation. Winnetka men who are members of this Executive board are: Maj. Max Woldenberg and H. IL. Woolhiser. tate etd dete LL LLL LLL LT When you want something different, something home- made in Baked Goods try the Village Home Bakery 730 Elm Street 550 St. of all kinds. ' PAINT Rasmesen's Faint PAINT: Tubes and Special colors HELPFUL MONEY SAVING SERVICE FREELY GIVEN ON ALL YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS Painting and Decorating Phone Win. ------N yA Fa