46 WINNETKA TALK December 4, 1926 N \ AN \ 7. 9 7% Hinman Avenue at Davis Street, Evanston 242% 7 aN NN . . N\ New Fashioned Convenience N Combined with the old fashioned hospitality of NN The Georgian is every new fashioned convenience N which makes for your comfort. NN \ N Mechanical ventilating system which assures a pure, \ fresh air in every room, warmed air in winter, N cooled air in summer; automatic shower bath \ water regulators; mechanical refrigeration; and a N completely equipped sound-proof children's play- N room are only a few of the numerous new fashioned things which make for living contentment at The Georgian. Old fashioned hospitality and new fashioned con- venience make The Georgian pre-eminent as a furnished apartment hotel. Visit The Georgian at Hinman Avenue and Davis Street. You will enjoy the tour, personally con- ducted by one of the management. the (georgian An Address of Distinction Write for illustrated brochure showing facilities ---- %, 77 N00 FREDERICK E. LEWIS Resident North Shore Funeral Director Twenty-two years of suc- cessful professional service." §{ Personally recommended by | Chas. A. Stevens of Chicago and a host of others whom we have served on the north { shore. {1 We personally attend all calls, rendering the most careful, courteous and con- scientious service. Mrs. Lewis attends to all ladies' and children's calls. SLT Private De Luxe Ambulance Service The growing demand for prompt and reasonable ambu- lance service has made it nec- cessary for us to add to our Limousine Equipment, an In- valid Coach which is the last word in Ambulance Service. Located in Wilmette. Our Display Rooms Are Complete Our Motto: "Golden Rule" MRS. F. E. LEWIS FREDERICK E. LEWIS Lady Attendant Residence Phone Parlor Phone Wilmette 3552 = Wilmette 3552 Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Mayer of 1278 Scott avenue entertained Thanksgiving night in honor of several Northwest- ern university football stars, and mem- bers of Mr. Mayer's fraternity, the Delta Tau Delta. Mr. Mayer, an ex- Northwestern football player, included Leland Lewis, Ralph Baker, Waldo Fisher and many others in the group of the forty invited guests. =O The Winnetka Child Study class met this past week at the home of Mrs. Alfred Alschuler of 795 Lincoln ave- nue, tQ hear Professor Ernest Horn of the State University of Iowa. Pro- fessor Horn is an authority on educa- tion, and addressed the members of the club on, "The Spiritual Needs of Adolescence." PEN TO, Miss Jeanette Mayer of Norfolk, Neb., Weston Benjamin of Rush Medi- cal colloge, and Miss Helen Foster of Beverly Hills, were the guests of Miss Margery Windes of 873 Spruce street over the past week-end. --C-- Mrs. Thomas H. Ratcliffe of 804 Lin- coln avenue has returned from Wash- ington, D. C., where she visited her daughter, Miss Vivian Ratcliffe. Beauty Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiates from them. Ury lesskeptalwayscleanand healthy, EYES lack this alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par- ticles and keeps them clear and bright. Contains no belladonna. Our illustrated books on "Eye Care" or "Eve Beauty" are FREE on request. The Murine Company Pept. 33, Chicago INE, FoR YOUR EYES Rathbones Leaving Tomorrow to Spend Winter at Capital During this last week of their stay in Kenilworth, Congressman and Mrs. Henry Riggs Rathbone of Kenilworth have been guests of honor at the fol- lowing affairs: Mrs. John Glenn Shaf- fer entertained at luncheon Monday at the Woman's Athletic club, and in the evening, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Staver gave a dinner for them. Tues- day, Mrs. Frederick T. Vaux enter- tained at luncheon at the Lake Shore Drive hotel, and in the afternoon Mrs. Rathbone was the guest of Miss Olga Menn at the Junior Friends of Art tea to hear the Cadman lecture. That same evening, Congressman and Mrs. Rathbone were guests of honor at a dinner given by Dr. and Mrs. A. W. Hoyt at the Chicago Athletic club, followed by a theater party. Wednesday, Mrs. Andrew F. Sheriff gave a luncheon and bridge for Mrs. Rathbone, and Mrs. Charles Hayes of Winnetka was hostess at a dinner and box party for the Rathbones in the evening. The following day, Mrs. Willis Orville Mance gave a luncheon and bridge at the South Shore Country club. A dinner was given that evening by Mrs. Florence Firench, editor of the Musical Leader, to which several of the Chicago Opera company stars were invited to meet the Rathbones. Mrs. John L. Little will be a luncheon hostess today, and this evening Mrs. George E. Sevey will entertain the Rathbones at a dinner and opera party. The Rathbones are leaving Kenil- worth tomorrow for New York, where they will spend a week or ten days before establishing themselves in Washington for the congressional sea- son. They will reside at the Lafayette Square hotel. In February Mrs. Rathbone plans to leave for Palm Beach, to go from there to Nassau and Havana. For those who are building bigger in- comes -- North Shore First Mortgage Gold Estate Bonds. They represent dependable safety, with profit. - v b's 1) 6oLEE 1564 Sherman Avenue Evanston 6015 Broadway The Little Marmon will soon be here May we send you a catalogue? MARMON NORTH SHORE Longbeach 6428 " rr --