14 WINNETKA TALK December 11, 1926 Eh ----- WINNETKA BUILDING NEWS Winnetka, 1. Vol. 1 It shouldn't be hard to select a Christmas present for us this year. We can't think of any- thing we don't need. The Charles M. Porter Co. are mak- ing rapid progress installing the sewer and drainage system for the Daughaday and Alles Subdivi- sion west of Willow St. We are furnish- Sand, Gravel and Cement ing Lumber, for this job. "What would you do if you had a buggy top? "I'd use a fine tooth comb." Having furnace trouble? Often it's merely a matter of coal. That's the beauty about Solvay Coke; it's so clean and freé from cin- ders and ash, that your furnace never clogs. "Ma," said a youngster, "there's a man in the kitchen kissing the hired girl" When his mother started for the kitchen he shout- ed "April Fool! It's only Pa!" Mr. John Hoth will have his attrac- tive new office build- ing and garage at Ash and Center St. completed the latter part of next week. 38 All you men who have your Christ- mas shopping done are requested to meet tonight in the telephone booth of Adams Drug Store. We certainly wish to congratulate the Square Club of Win- netka on its splendid presentation of "Follies Afloat." We saw it last night and enjoyed it thorough- ly. "George Washing- ton never told a lie, but he never had a small son to ask questions about this Santa Claus busi- ness," remarks Paul Reschke. Winnetka Coal - Lumber Co. 823 Spruce Street Winnetka 734 = Candle-light Vespers Still College Custom A candle-light vesper service will be held by the students of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college in Marienthal on Sunday evening, De- cember 12. Following the singing of Christmas carols and hymns, Miss Edna Dean Baker, president of the college, will tell the story "Why the Chimes Rang." This Christmas vesper service, held on the last Sunday before the students leave for the holidays, is a custom which all the girls in the dormitory learn to love, and to which they look forward from year to year. Another custom which the girls have brought into the new college from the old is that of the singing of Christmas carols through the dormitory by a certain group of students early on the morning on which they leave for home. Still "another, is the telling of the Legend of the Christ Child. This has been carried down from the early days when Elizabeth Harrison, now presi- dent emeritus of the college, told the legend Christmas after Christmas to the gradually increasing groups of students. It is beloved by the alumnae throughout the country, and those within reach will be most welcome to the chapel service in Harrison hall at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, Decem- ber 14, when it will be told by Presi- dent Edna Dean Baker, with musical accompaniment by Francis M. Arnold. ANNOUNCE SERMON THEMES "God is Calling You," is the sermon topic announced by Rev. James Austin { Richards for his sermon Sunday morn- ing at 11 o'clock, at the Winfietka Congregational church. In the eve- ning at 8 o'clock, Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin will preach on "The Weather: ,of Life." Bazaar Receipts Bring $1,800 for Girls' Club Fund Financially, the New Trier Girl's club bazaar was a splendid success. Approximately $2,000 was received, of which amount it is expected that $1,800 will be cleared. The money thus received is turned over to the directors of the corporation (the Girl's club is now incorporated under the laws of the State) and is then invested in bonds or other inter- est-bearing securities. A certain amount each year is given out in scholarships to deserving girls. Other amounts are loaned out for educational purposes, used in the purchase of books for needy children or other equally worthy purposes. Recently a box of 125 books were sent to Porto Rico to establish a library in the school where a former New Trier student, Miss Paula Otten, is teaching. Eventually it is hoped that a large enough fund will be invested to pro- vide interest enough to finance the loans, gifts, etc. of the club without drawing on the principle. At the pres ent time about $8,000 is on hand. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICE The lesson sermon at First Church of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday morn- ing, December 12, will be "God the Preserver of Man." Service will be held in the Masonic temple at 708 Elm street, at 11 o'clock, Sunday school at 9:35 o'clock and the testimonial meeting is held on Wed- nesday evening at 8 o'clock. The Christian Science reading room at 526 Linden street, is open daily from 12 until 6 p. m. Porcelain Crystal Faience Leather Pewter Lamps and Shades Christmas Is Near! May we suggest that be- fore you make the tire- some trip into the crowd- ed shops of Chicago, you come and see the many lovely things we have. Here you will find gifts as unique and interest- ing at prices no higher and oftener lower than those downtown. Many other Importations Painted Scarfs and Shawls HEPAINTEDBUTTERFLY ART- STUDIO BR 1054 GAGE STREET WINNETKA 1207 HUBBARD WOODS We feature our famous Home-made CHOCOLATES and BON BONS at 70¢ Per Pound We also carry several well known candies in fancy Christmas boxes and tins. We Mail Orders Out of Town Winnetka Sweet Shop 749 ELM STREET Opposite North Shore Station