Lo TR >» _. ¥ Lh WINNETKA TALK £\8 EE B02 BE BE DIRECTORS Henry R. Hale . ) é Louis B. Kuppenheimer Sanborn Hale ' Victor Elting : Ncble Hale EB RR RH RE AAAI OFFICERS .) Henry R. Hale : $ President } Louis B. Kuppenheimer b y Vice President Sanborn Hale Cashier A George W. McKinney Assistant Cashier 6X A nother Yuletide . . . another year but we've found no words that we think will sound sweeter to you than... Our Sincere Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 4 WINNETKA STATE BANK Nn ST. LAST OF LINCOLN AVE. ER HHA HA : BANKING HOURS a CERNE EED trys 8am fo 1230p m. nd Zlo8rm. VARA AVRARARAN Re oo Re Tee ¢ & 2 Uy =