WENNETKA T-A LK January 1, 1927 565 Lincoln Avenue Winnetka HE TT TT TTT Final Clearance Winter Dresses Yo Original Price St. PAINT of all kinds. Tubes and Special colors Phon. Win, 344 HELPFUL MONEY SAVING SERVICE FREELY GIVEN ON ALL YOUR PAINT PROBLEMS PAINT Rasmesen 's STORE Painting and Decorating WOULD DRAIN SKOKIE George Park of Winnetka Chamber of Commerce Urges Action to Reclaim Beautiful Valley The beauty and sanitary condition of the Skokie valley, which have com- manded the attention of north shore residents for more than twenty vears, is the subject of the following article by George Park, a vice-president and also chairman of the civic committee of the Winnetka Chamber of Com- merce : "Its beauty has been extolled, but the sanitary condition has lain dor- mant. Money by municipalities, has been spent to exterminate the mos- quito, but none has yet been expended to remedy the unsanitary condition of sewage contamination by its stagnant waters. "The Winnetka Chamber of Com- merce knows its menace to health, its unfitness for home-sites already con- structed, its proximity to the village, flooding many basements, and of its destroying much property. Homes borders, depositing sewage through septic tanks and cesspools, and some ------ mn yh MARINELLO ~~ BEAUTY SHOP | 733 Elm Street For Appointment Winnetka 822 { have been built on its east and west | without any attempt to purification. Engineers with municipalities, have acquired data for its drainage, en- |countering no difficult engineering problem, and property owners are will- |ing to be taxed, knowing the great en- (hancement of property value and | health, by its drainage. While the citi- | zens who occupy the ridge between the [lake and the valley, suffer the menace to health from this valley sewage con- tamination. The Winnetka Chamber of Com- merce invokes action and will co-oper- ate with any municipality, civic or commercial body, or property owners of the Skokie valley, so that this pes tilential stagnant body of water may become a thing of more beauty than its primal ruggedness. Drainage that would building of homes in this beautiful val- ley would draw from the cultural wealth producing population of Chi- cago, who are hindered in all directions {to expand for the lack of home-sites | to build on. Hence, the cliff-dwelling |apartments where families are com- [pelled to live, while the Skokie valley, which is from twenty to forty feet above the lake, lies dormant, and often flooded, and that condition is a mystery of endurance to north shore citizens. invite the TAKEN BY DEATH Funeral services for Mrs. Helen Gelineau Bastien, mother of Alvin E. Bastien, 1010 Hubbard lane, were held Tuesday, December 21, in the Pres- byterian church at St. Anne, Ill. Mrs. | Bastien passed away Monday, Decem- | ber 20, in her 84th year, at the home {of her daughter, Mrs Christopher Mil- ler. She was a native of Bourbonnais, i1ll., and the widow of Octave Duclos Phone Bastien. Congregational Church 7 [a= a ame THATOATRTAATAATEATSATAATAATAATAATAATEATAATOATANTANTY 7 B------------------------------------------------ I. Sunday, January 2nd Morning-- 9:30 Kindergarten, Primary, 7th, 8th and High School Grades of the Church School. The Women's Class. The Men's Class. 10:00 The Young Men's Class. 10:15 The 4th, 5th and 6th grades of the Church School. 11:00 Morning Worship. Sermon by Rev. J. A. Richards, "The Timeless Christ." Evening 6:00 The Winnetka Sunday Evening Club. 7:00 The Young People's Club. 8:00 Evening Worship. Sermon by Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin, "Experiments in Unselfishness." Wednesday-- 10:00 Meeting of the Women's Society. Lunch at 12:15. 35c. 8:00 Mid-week Service. ul shoes Make Wet Feet . . . . but this can be remedied, bring your fore the bad weather sets in. The latest device permits us to re- sole women's shoes without nails or stitches. ful service. Annex Shoe Rebuilder's Store 8 Prouty Annex--Opposite C. N. W. Depot Slush and Sleet to us. Let us rebuild them be- Ask us about this wonder- R. Wagner Telephone Winn. 991 Chimney Need Repairing? We do all repair work on property-- including Brick, Stone, Cement, Plaster and Stucco Wash. We give each job our personal attention. Shortridge & Saxton 419 Richmond Road, Kenilworth Phone Ken. 2735 TT