= Wo January 8, 1927 WINNETKASTALK 23 British American Club Plans Bobbie Burns' Dinner Party The North Shore British American club are sponsoring a Bobbie Burns dinner to take place in the Assembly room of the Community House, Tues- day, January 25. The club gives dances and holds regular card and business meetings during the year, but it gives but one Bobbie Burns dinner. The members are served with a true Scotch menu. Aside from the entertainment offered in the unique plan for the dinner, there will be between-course acts furnished and other forms of amusement. The committee in charge of the ar- rangements for the party consist of Robert Nicholls, president of the club, Thomas Simpson, W. G. Roberts, Jack, William and James McFadzean, Mrs. W. G. Roberts, Mrs. Alec McFadzean, Mrs. S. Hinks, Mrs. G. Kirby, Mrs. Jack Melrose, Mrs. George Marshall and Jack Melrose. There are only two hundred avail- able places for dinner, so reservations must be made early, the committee an- nounces. By calling the treasurer, W. G. Roberts at Winnetka 1434, or writ- ing 1121 Merrill street, Winnetka, res- ervations may be made. J. G. McFad zean at Winnetka 533-M my also be phoned for reservations. BON VOYAGE PARTY TONIGHT Mr. and Mrs. William B. Pavey of 845 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka are en- tertaining several Chicago, Oak Park and Winnetka guests at dinner, Satur- day evening, January 8, in honor of Mr. Pavey's sister, Miss Anne Pavey. The occasion will be a bon voyage party for Miss Pavey who is leaving the latter part of January on a Medi- terranean cruise of several months. Miss Pavey has been visiting her brother here in Winnetka while con- ducting her handcraft shop during the month of December, selling hand-wov- en articles made by the southern mountaineers. Correct Glasses An aid to your eyes is an aid to your health. The person who is suffering from failing eyesight is encouraging other ills. Correctly fitted glasses will result in wonderful benefit to you, Phone for an appointment -- Drs. Bersch & Stone Optometrists 1177 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette Office Wilmette 2766 Res. Wilmette 3881 8:30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. Evenings by Appointment Hrs. I | N. U. Shapes Men for | Annual Track Events| Twenty-five men including twelve | letter men responded to Coach Frank | Hill's call for track candidates at | Northwestern this week. The squad | has started workouts in preparation | for the opening meet of the season | against Notre Dame at Evanston Sat- urday evening, January 22. Coach Hill will begin his sixth sea- son at the Purple institution with a team well fortified in several events and with a fair sprinkling of able per- formers in the others. Loss by gradu- ation of Bill Martin, last year's captain and national half mile champion will leave an opening in the ranks which will be hard to fill. Martin was a star contender in any of the middle distance events and ran as anchor man on most of the crack relay teams which Coach | Hill turned out. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Huszagh of 609 Sheridan road and Mr. and Mrs. John Huszagh were in New York City for Christmas visiting Mrs. R. IL. Hus- zagh's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Wickett. National College Gives Tea for High School Grads The president and members of the faculty of the National Kindergarten and Elementary college will hold a tea on Monday afternoon, January 10, for the graduating mid-year students of New Trier, Deerfield Shields, Evanston Township and north side Chicago high [schools who are interested in the type of training offered by the college. Tea will be served in the alumnae room, Harrison hall, from 3 until 6 o'clock, and the guests will have an opportunity of seeing the building with classes in session. Registration for the second semester of the college year will be held on Monday, January 31, and a cordial in- vitation to the tea next Monday is ex- tended to all young women who are interested in the regular classes or in more advanced courses which open at that time. Jack Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Mason of 188 Myrtle street, re- turned this past week to the Universi- ty of Wisconsin to resume his studies. He is a member of the sophomore class. Marriage of Kenilworth Girl Event of December Announcement is made of the mar- riage of Miss Bernice Schur, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred #. Schur of Ken- ilworth, to Alfred H. Labahn of Chi- cago, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Labahn of Algonquin, Ill, which took place December 30. Mrs. Labahn attended the University of Illinois and is a graduate of the Chicago Normal School of Physical education. She is a member of the Delta Zeta sorority. Mr. Labahn was graduated from the University of Illi- nois and is a member of the Phi Pi Phi fraternity. They will make their home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Law and family of 659 Lincoln avenue, left Wed- nesday, January 5, for Biloxi, Miss., to spend four or five months. ---- Miss Carol Whitman, daughter of' Mr. and Mrs. Roland D. Whitman of 640 Hill road, has returned to resume her studies at Wellesley. ala Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Octigan have just moved into their new home at 767 Mount Pleasant road, Winnetka. Telephones: Fountain Square Wil. 3700; Univ. 1024; Continuing Our $60,000 Purchase Sale SILKY ANATOLIANS, average size 3x5, $35 values, $18. Rogers Park 1122 Evanston of Oriental Rugs 7 to 14 Underprice of eager buyers in the Oriental rug department! PERSIAN IRANS, average size 3.6x6, $75 values, $39.50. Finest Silky Lilihans Antique Runners Nazaket Silky Lilihans Persian Heriz Fine Chinese Antique Hereka Royal Saruk Kashan Saruk Imperial Kashan 2.6x4 9' to 15' long 10x8 4 13x8.6 3 10x12 Ld 12x9 " 15.6x9.6 1 12x9 n 21x12 44 19x11 " Value § rr" i These few prices will tell you why every day sees crowds $ 29.50 Lord's--First Floor 3500 1" 3200 n Early selection will permit you a wider variety. 45 Now 125 " 275 3 500 n 350 & 385 n 000 3 950 44 69.00 163.00 345.00 193.00 249.00 650.00 583.00 1975.00 1850.00