16 WINNETKA TALK January 15, 1927 I ec S-Ni 4 Telephone Winnetka 933 THE COMFORT SHOP FOR YOUR Permanent Waving, Marcel, Water and Finger Waving, Facial and Scalp Treatment, Shampooing, and Manicuring Ladies' and Children's Hair Trimming PROMPT EFFICIENT SERVICE 797 Elm Street JENNIE ANDERSON, Prop. SHOPPE CITT IRR [I Announcing the Arrival of Early Spring Millinery Adaptations of Latest French Modes 946 Oak St. WINNETKA Ph. Winn. 320 -- A --- -Hd pec FRESE IEIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIEIEEIIISSIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEESI i i n ] IH i" n nn mn nn u i i H n 1 n i mn 11) tH mn o mn n n 1 " 1 mn un mn un " 1 n u n 1 i" " i i n be n # The Kind of Meats i i i i Folks Prefer H " HERE'S just one reason we serve so many folks with " " Ts meats . . . here they are sure of good, clean products H mn suchas they feel safe in feeding the family. Nn i i i i 1 i i u i : Peters Market : i Meats of Quality Only HH i Winn. 920, 921, 922 © 734 Elm St. 4 1 i WINNETKA i EE fe nS eR . EE EE EE mm mo mm mm on nn C. of C. Votes Approval of Drainage for Skokie The Winnetka Chamber of Com- merce at its meeting last Monday eve- ning voted to go on record as sup- porting the movement to drain the Skokie, acting in conjunction with other north shore villages, until such a time as the Park board or some other | body offer some better plan. The drainage of Skokie is not a dif- ficult engineering proposition, it was pointed out, and the estimated cost of the undertaking has been placed at something like a million dollars. One large open ditch starting up at High- land Park and extending on down through the Skokie area of Glencoe, Winnetka and Wilmette would accom- plish the result desired. Some of the many advantages which would result from this contemplated undertaking, was set forth in an article by George Park, a vice-presi- dent and also chairman of the civic committee of the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce, in the January 1 issue of Tug WINNETKA TALK. Mr. Park has long been interested in this project, and on Wednesday eve- | ning of this week, spoke before the | meeting of Glencoe Chamber of Com- merce on the subject. CIRCLE MEETING The Cherry Street circle will meet | Tuesday, January 18, at 10 o'clock, for an all-day meeting, at the home of Mrs. E. Irving Belote of 1136 Oak street. Mrs. Ed J. Thompson will be assistant hostess. 4 Let us equip your set with Light Power Socket Phone for prices and sug- gestions for best service. THE RADIO SERVICE SHOP 3 18 Prouty Annex Phone 1840 Rhythmics Develop Balanced Growth, Control, in Child By Carleton Washburne The classes in rhythmics being held at Community House under Miss Ma- bel Katherine Pearse connect up directly with the work in the Winnetka schools and are of so much value to the children that I am taking this method of informing parents about them. Miss Mabel Katherine Pearse is the leading exponent in the middle west of the Bentley System of Motor-Mental sO music Rhythmics. This sounds somewhat terrifying as does her description which follows : "The work aims at a balanced | growth, bringing into muscular activi- ties a quality of the spirit. Through the technique of relaxation, freedom from physical and nervous inhibitions is obtained. This results in the na- tural use of the body as an instrument for an unselfconscious expression of each individual." To laymen, however, watching this {work in rhythms, and often to the mu- | sician, the results of the work seem somewhat simpler. Children are given a sense of rhythm in music, are given control over their bodies, and given a type of relaxation very much needed in these strenuous days. - The music work in the Winnetka Public schools makes considerable use of rhythms, especially in the lower grades, and has done so for a number of years. Members of the music de- partment in the schools have taken Miss Bentley's course and familiarized themselves with this system. It is therefore very fortunate from the standpoint of the schools that many children may have the opportunity of carrying the rhythm work further un- der Miss Pearse's competent direction. FRIEND OF HOSPITAL Mrs. James Greenebaum of 940 Cherry street, is one of the active north shore members of the Chicago Lying-in hospital and dispensary, which publishes a magazine called "Mothers' Aid." Mrs. Greenebaum has for many years been a member of this associa- tion, and has followed its history down to the present day, with the Univer- sity of Chicago taking such an active interest in it. Why Have 554 Center St. If You Haven't Got Appliances? WE HAVE THEM ! Whether you're wanting a Fuse or a Washer, or any ap- pliance "in-between" we have them. Lamps -- Curling Irons -- Waffle Irons -- Grills -- Washers -- Ironers -- Vacuum Cleaners -- Etc. North Shore Electric Shop O. L. PORTER Everything and Anything Electrical Electricity Phone Winn. 44