January 22, 1922 WINNETKA TALK {| ES General Notice -- regular subscribers GLENCOE NEWS. in one line 15 cents a line Rates - };, x2! 30 cents a CHARGE 50 cents. used.. the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS Classified advertisements to residents of the district Glencoe inclusive whose names appear to either WILMETTE LIFE, paper. Average of five words to the line. 109 discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. | Deadline for Insertions--/lasificd ad Li will be charged only from Evanston to in the telephone directory, or who are WINNETKA TALK or 25 cents a in all three line in any two papers. MINIMUM No black face type will be ac- 5 o'clock for 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS, advertisements papers; Thursday o'clock for the Telephones : Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. : PAINTING AND DECORATING 13 HELP WANTED--FEMALE PAINTING AND DECORATING. NOW is the time to have your work done. You can save money by having it done Dbe- fore the spring rush comes on. Work guaranteed to be of highest quality. Phone Wil. 2718. TLTN17-1tp DECORATING -- NOW'S THE Get estimate. I save you money. Glencoe 971. TTN46-tfc YOUR time. Brandt. 8 PETS SALE -- DOGS. SCHNAUZER puppies. Latest fad. Intensely affec- tionate, playful. Exclusive in owner- ship. $50 up. Address 688 Center St. Phone Winn. 698-W, 8TN43-4tc FOR SALE -- PEDIGREED, IMPORT- ed, female Scottish terrier. Tel. Winn. FOR 1017, Forman. SLTN17-1te 100A SCHOOLS AND TUTORING INSTRUCTION IN ARTCRAFT FOR girls between the ages of 10 and 13. Class meets at my home every Satur- day morning from 10:00 to 11:30. Price 25c¢ a lesson... Audrey Alberga, 1623 Washington Ave. Tel. Wil. 2155. 10ALTN17-1ip TUTORING--EXP. TEACHER. HIGH school and grade subjects. Tel. Glen- coe 235. 10ALTN16-2te 12 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- AT FIREMAN'S BALL, COM- munity House, Winn. Jan. 15, lady's brown leather purse. Contents included small alligator purse with $2. Tel. Winn. 1456. 12T46-1tc LOST -- PAIR MAN'S BLACK LAMB- lined driving gloves at Indian Hill Sta- tion, Sunday, Dec. 16. Reward. Call Health Dept. Winn. 2500. 12T46-1tc 13 HELP WANTED--FEMALE HELP WTD. -- EXPERIENCED WHITE woman for plain cooking. English, Irish, or Scotch preferred. Ref. Req. Own room and bath. No washing. Family of 6 and 1 other maid. od wages. Mrs. Pierce, 656 Ardsley Rd. Winn. Tel. evenings, Winn. 2045. 13LTN17-2te HELP WTD. -- WILLING GIRL FOR general housework and plain cooking. Three in family, move to suburb. Mrs. Stake, 1205 Sherwin Ave., Chicago. Briergate 4388. 13LTN17-1tp HELP WTD. --. STENOGRAPHER FOR our Winnetka office. Must be experi- enced in shorthand. Prefer Winnetka girl. Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. 746 Elm St. Winn. 2199. 13T46-1te WOMEN WANTED TO TELEPHONE several hours a day from her own home fer a photographic studio in Evanston. Tel. Univ. 2714. 13LTN17-1tp WANTED -- NURSE, REFINED WHITE girl with references, to help with chil- dren and second floor work. Call Glen- coe 541. 13LTN17-1te HELP WTD. -- EFFICIENT WHITE maid for general housework, small fam- ily. Tel. Winnetka 1551. 738 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. 13TN46-1tp HELP WTD. -- WHITE MAID, GEN. housework. No washing. Grown chil- dren. Winn. 1158. 560 Elm St. 13T46-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework, 3 in family. No laun- dry. Glencoe 862. 13TN46-1te MAID, WHITE FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. No laundry. 370 Elder Lane, Winnetka. 13TN46-1te COMPETENT WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. Call Winn. 1402. 13T46-1tc WANTED -- WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework, 9 to 12, 5 days a week, $7.50. Phone Winn. 1627. 13LTN17-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework and to assist with care of children. $15.00. 1325 Gregory. Wil. 3775. 13LTN17-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework or to assist. Wil. 1472. 13LTN17-1te 17 SITUATION WANTED--MALE 24 FOR RENT--HOUSES SIT. WTD. -- BOOKKEEPING. SMALL sets especially. Sets opened and state- ments furnished. Phone Winn. 2725. 17TN46-1tp HOUSECLEANING, WINDOW WASH- ing, floor waxing, and odd jobs. Wil 3428. 17LT17-tte SITUATION WTD. -- EXPERIENCED chauffeur. House refs. Tel. University 3273-M. 17T46-1te 18 SIT. WTD.--MALE & FEMALE SITUATION WTD. -- GER MAN couple, man experienced gardener. Woman good cook. Address Wm. Wel- lenblim, 995 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods. 18LTN16-2tp SITUATION WTD. -- COUPLE, MAN as chauffeur or general housework, wife as maid or plain cook. Call Univ. 3573-W. 1ISLTN17-1te COLORED COUPLE WANTS POSITION, houseman or chauffeur, wife as cook. First class references. Also day work. Univ. 1SLTN17-1tp 19 BOARD AND ROOM WILL BOARD CHILD IN REFINED home, no small children in family. Wil. 757-R. 19LTN17-1tp ------ 21 FOR RENT--ROOMS HELP WTD. --WOMAN TO DO HOUSE- work every morning. Refs. Tel. Glen- coe 1339. 13TN46-1tc WANTED -- GOOD SEAMSTRESS. TEL. Glencoe 1421. 13LTN17-1tp HEATT.D FRONT ROOM, FURNISHED, single or double, excellent meals if de- sired. No objection to children. All conv®niences. Reasonable. 1819 Elm- wood Ave. Phone Wil. 3331. 21LTN17-1te 21 FOR RENT--ROOMS 14 HELP WANTED--MALE " 1 ". . v CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE WANTED TMA FROM 3580 hb $20 rooms for transients and residents. 629 a. m. daily, clen cur, assisl house Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. work. Winn. 1566. -1te 21LT17-tfc 16 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE WELL, APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- : keeping and sleeping rooms, 1% block MISS KINGSROD, DESIGNER AND dressmaker, will start your Spring sew- ing now: exclusive gowns, do all kinds of remodeling in your home. Univ. 7929. 521 Hinman Ave., Evanston. 16L.TN17-3tp SIT. WTD. -- PRACTICAL COLORED nurse. Adults or infants. 10 yrs. exp. Refs. Tel. University 3352-R. 16T46-1tp EXPERIENCED WHITE WOMAN wants laundry work or cleaning. Thurs- day, Friday, or Saturday. Tel. Winn. 601-J. 16T46-1tc SIT. WTD. -- EXP. WHITE NURSE TO take care of 1 or 2 chil, or 2nd work in small family. Refs. Tel. Winn. 502-7. 16T46-1tc AN EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS day work. Ref. from leading north shore folks. Wil. 1058. 16LTN17-1tp WANTED -- WASHING, IRONING, will call for and deliver. Tel. Wil 735-W. 16LTN17-1tp A NEAT COLORED GIRL WANTS work. Best of references. Tel. Glen- coe 280 16LLTN17-1tc COOKING OR SERVING MEALS; TAK- ing care of children. Wil. 3285. 16LT17-1tc GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY ALL hand work. Call for and delivered. Tel. Glencoe 106. 16TN45-2te LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and remodeling. Phone Winnetka 2022. 16T46-tfc SITUATION WTD. -- WILL DO TYP- ing work at home evenings. Tel. Winn. 645-R. 16T46-1tp SITUATION WTD. -- FOR WAITRESS or day work. Phone Winn. 415. 16TN46-1tp WANTED -- SEWING OF ANY KIND. Call Wil. 2093. 16LTN17-1tc EE -------------------------- 17 SITUATION WTD.--MALE SITUATION WTD. YOUNG MAN BOOKPR., TYPIST, BURROUGHS BKPR., TIMEKEEPER, GENERAL OFFICE ROUTINE, REFS. Phone Winn. 2022. 17TLTN17-1te WHITE MAN EXPERIENCED GARD- ener, handy about home, painting and repairs, etc. Drive and care for auto- mobile. Wil. 2623. 17LTN17-2te SITUATION WTD. -- YOUNG MAN-- HOUSEMAN, CHAUFFEUR OR DAILY HOUSEWORK. Phone Winnetka 2022. 17TLTNI17-1te to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 21TN46-tfc FOR RENT -- BEAUTIFUL LARGE well-furnished east front bedroom. Close to trans. Gentleman preferred. Tel. Winn. 775. 21T46-tfe FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM, private family. Gentleman preferred. Phone Winn. 1686. 21T46-tfc FOR RENT -- COMFORTABLE ROOM, hot water heat, in private home. Winn. 898. 21T46-1te FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM FOR gentleman. Hot water heat. 858 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 2864. 21T46-1tc ROOM FOR RENT -- 1 OR 2 PEOPLE. All apartment privileges. Near trans. Winnetka 2282, 21T46-1tp FOR RENT -- ROOM, HOT WATER heat, reasonable. 963 Willow Rd. Ph. Winn. 2844. 21T45-2tp FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT BY the week or month. Phone Wil. 2399. 21LTN17-tfe ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO GENTLE- men; near trans. 725 Prairie Ave. Ph. Wilmette 442. 21LT17-tfe FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOMS. 1109 Gage St. Hubbard Woods, III. 21LTN17-1tp FOR RENT -- LARGE FURNISHED room, suitable for 2 gentlemen. Call Winn. 404. 21LT17-1te FOR RENT -- 2 ROOMS NICELY FUR- nished with bath, 2 adults. $45 per mo. Tel. Wilmette 3529. 21LTNI17-1tp FOR RENT -- ROOM. GENTLEMAN preferred. Tel. Winn. 2669. 21T46-tfe LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR 3 Tel. Winn. 1920. SL TNII IS FOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM. Telephone Winn. 2794. SILINIT A 22 FOR REN T--APARTMENTS NORTH EVANSTON 4 ROOM APART- ment, extra Roll-a-way bed, wardrobe. Highest grade bldg. All transportation. Sub-lease $90.00. Tel. State 2244, Univ. 1868. 22LTN17-1te 24 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT 4 ROOM COTTAGE IN COUNTRY. 1 mile West of Ridge Ave. Partly fur- nished, $30.00 Room House with 9 acres, Barn, Gar- age, West of Wilmette, $35.00 Hot Water $60.00 Room Bungalow in Glen Oak Acres, Hot Water Heat, All modern conveni- ences, Garage, 375.00 J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, 111. Wilmette 364 = Room Modern Bungalow, Hgat, West of Ridge Ave., o 5 24LL.TN17-1tc FOR RENT -- SMALL WINNETKA home with garage, light and sunny; conv. to school and trans. Immediate poss. R. A. HOAGLAND, AGT. 416 Willow Rd. Phone Winn. 1381 24L.TN17-1tc 25 ~~ FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED HOUSE, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Sub-lease 3 months or longer. $150. Phone Glencoe 416. 25LL.TN17-1tc FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE 5 ROOM furnished house, very reasonable. Three months. Tel. Wil. 3792. 25LTN17-1te 26 FOR RENT--GARAGES FOR RENT -- GARAGE. thorne Lane. Mr. Pierce. Call eve- nings. Winn. 1630. 26T45-2tp GARAGE FOR RENT -- 610 CHERRY St. Winn. 1432. 26T46-1tc 533 HAW- 27 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT -- OFFICE SPACE, 2ND floor, suitable for doctor, lawyer or gen- eral office space. Rental from $20 to $50. Apply Rapp Bros., 522 Center St., Winnetka. 27TLTN17-tfe FOR RENT -- STORES AND SHOPS. Telephone Winnetka 62. 21LTN17-tfe 31 FOR SALE--HOUSES Winnetka Home Specials EVERY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING homes is a good purchase and the own- ers are serious in their desires to seli. Let us show them to you. 7 R. Mod. Frame, HA W. ht, 2 baths, $14,500. Stucco 2 flat-4R. each H. W. ht, $15,000 7 R. Stucco East, owner moved away, $15,500. Mod. Brick 2 flat, double garage, $18,500. 7 R. Mod. Stucco East, 2 baths, oil ht., $21,000. 7 R. Dutch Col, 2 baths, nr. school, $21,500 7 R. Col. Frame East, 2 baths, lav. 1st, vapor heat with oil burner, double gar- age, vacant now, immediate poss. terms, $22,000. R. Mod. Stucco home, wooded corner lot, 3 baths, attached garage, vapor heat, oil burner, 2 large glazed porches, center hall, $26,000. 9 R. stucco with 4 baths near Sher. Rd. and lake, extra width lot, hot water heat, $27,500. 9 R. Frame, 125 ft. wooded lot in fine section, yet conv. to schools, depot, stores, $27,500. LIST YOUR FURNISHED ROOMS WITH US. Hill & Stone 543 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winnetka 1544 31T46-1te Hubbard Woods NEAR LAKE AND SHERIDAN ROAD, very exclusive locality. Owner has moved away and will positively sacri- fice fine 10 rm. 6 bedrm., 3 bath, 100 ft. frontage, stucco residence with big sleeping porch, breakfast room, all In excellent cendition. Price $35,000 and will seriously consider any reasonable offer. We earnestly advise you to in- vestigate. Hokanson & Jenks Exclusive Agents 513 Davis Street EVANSTON Gr. 1617 31LTN17-1te -1 FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE STUCCO house, fine residence district ; conveni- ent to transportation, schools churches; 5 bedrooms, 2 baths; gar- age. $160 per month. ossession March 1st. Phone Highland Park 1299. MRS. P. C. WILLIAMS, REAL ESTATE 24LTN17-1te and « EVANSTON FOR SALE -- VERY ATTRACTIVE 6- room shingle home, hot water heat, nice yard and garage, convenient to Noyes Elevated, only $12,000. KROLL & SMITH 1611 Sherman Ave. Phone Univ. 919 31LTN-1ie