52 WINNETKA TALK January 29, 1927 B. W. Blow Is Regaining Health in Tucson, Ariz. Word from Tucson, Ariz, is to the effect that B. W. Blow, well known Winnetka contractor, and president of the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce, who has been in failing health for several months, is gradually regaining full vigor in the Southwestern climate. Mr. Blow was accompanied to Tucson by "Paul Reschke, Winnetka cement contractor. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Bell of 1352 Tower road, Hubbard Woods gave a tea Tuesday from 4 to 6, in honor of Basil Sydney, who has been appearing in the North Shore Theatre guild's performance of "Henry IV." The guests of the host and hostess were the board of directors and members of the com- mittees of the guild. For Sleighing Parties if you call us, we'll prepare a wonderful spread and you can make the Gray and Green the stop-off-- Any number can be prepared for, providing you give us at least one hout's notice. Phone Winn. 2268 GRAY and | GREEN EAT SHOP Doris Arnold, Mgr. 464 Winnetka Ave. Indian Hill HOME FROM THE WEST William J. Hagenah of 395 Greenleaf | avenue, Glencoe, is expected to return | from an extended business trip to Cali- fornia within a few days. Mr. Hage- |nah has been in the West about a | month. Miss Ruth Hypes of Evanston was hostess at a tea from 3 to 6 Wednes- | day afternoon in honor of her house | guest, Mrs. H. S. Gilbertson, who is | now residing in Lansford, Pa. Mrs. | Earl White of Evanston is giving a | bridge this afternoon in her honor. Mrs. A. C. Goodnow and her sister, Mrs. Samuel White, are entertaining a small group of Evanston friends who are Wellesley alumnae at a lunch- eon next Wednesday for Mrs. Gilbert- son at the Goodnow home, 439 Hazel avenue, Glencoe. Mrs. Gilbertson will be in Evanston about ten days. a Mr. and Mrs. Franklin M. deBeers of 814 Grove street, Glencoe, enter- tained ten couples at a buffet supper Sunday evening, January 23, in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence G. Troop of 260 Lincoln drive, who left this past week for Cuba. Painting and Decorating --If Done Now-- will be completed to better ad- vantage. These interior jobs can best be done now, before the Spring rush for outside and inside work swamps your decorator. Phone for an estimate. A. FRANCO Painter ¥ Decorator Winnetka 480 Rosewood Ph. Winn. gos Have Your Shoes Rebuilt! Not Repaired Worn out soles and run All work guaranteed. Annex Shoe Rebuilder's Store 8 Prouty Annex--Opposite C. N. W. Depot down heels are unhealthy R. Wagner Telephone Winn. 991 ---------- Sunday School Children Enjoy Sleighing Party | Rev. E. Ernest Rohrbach of 910 Elm | street, pastor of the First Scandina- | vian Evangelical church, in co-opera- | tion with Eric Nelson, superintendent | of the Sunday school, entertained the children of the Sunday school on a sleigh-ride party held Monday night, January 24. Two sleigh loads of! youngsters participated in the fun. Fol- lowing the ride the group adjourned | to the Sunday school rooms for re- freshments. DISCUSS USE OF SUNDAY The Young Men's class of the Win- | netka Congregational church will dis- | cuss, "What Is the Best Use of Sun- day," at its session Sunday morning, January 30. [ HOME ON VACATION Richard Houren and Hal Hudson, of Winnetka and Steve Driscoll, of Glen- coe, were at their homes, from Notre Dame university, over the week-end. Mrs. E. O. McNair, of Buffalo, N. Y., is visiting her son Mr. and Mrs. E. O. McNair, Jr., of 265 Woodland ave- nue, Winnetka. Mrs. McNair, Sr. is on her way to California, and expects to leave Winnetka for the West, Sat- urday, January 29. - se Mrs. William P. Sidley of 739 Hum- boldt avenue, Winnetka has been en- tertaining Mrs. Allen Forbes of New York city this past week. Mrs. Forbes expects to remain in Winnetka until Monday, January 31. Cy Mr. and Mrs. John Hindrum of De- troit have returned to the village and have temporarily taken the Myron Harshaw house at 1096 Oak street. The Harshaws have moved to 535 Willow road. iC Mrs. P. L. Sutherland of 708 Willow road, will return Saturday, January 29, from a two weeks' trip, visiting her mother, Mrs. N. Landon Hoyt, who is spending the winter at Green Cove Spring, Fla. --(---- Mr. and Mrs. Ryland A. Wolcott of 932 Euclid avenue entertained at din- ner Wednesday, January 26, for twenty guests. --r-- Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Rummler of 1015 Starr road entertained ten friends at dinner on Saturday evening, Jan- uary 22, at 7 o'clock. my MARINELLO BEAUTY SHOP 733 Elm Street For Appointment Phone Winnetka 822 4 'COMMUNITY HOUSE CALENDAR (Week of January 31, 1927) Monday, January 31 Morning-- Women's gym class Kindergarten Afternoon-- Fancy dancing Evening-- Voung Men's gym class Business Men's gym class Modern Woodmen of America Classes in English Triangle club Tuesday, February 1 Morning-- 3 3rush and Pencil class Public Speaking class Kindergarten Community Sewing class Afternoon-- Motion picture matinee Evening-- Young Women's gv class Friendship Circle Royal Neighbors Classes in English Motion pictures New Trier Rifle club Wednesday, February 2 Morning-- Kindergarten Women's society Brush and Pencil class Afternoon-- Small boy's gym class Evening-- Young Men's gym class Czecho-Slovakian club North Shore nurses North Shore Art league class Thursday, February 3 Morning-- Kindergarten Women's gym class Public Speaking class Parliamentary Law class Afternoon-- High school boys' gvm class Camp Fire girls Bible Study group Fancy dancing Evening-- Community Drama club Boy Scouts Business Men's gym class North Shore Art league class Friday, February 4 Morning-- Kindergarten Rotary club luncheon Afternoon-- Motion picture matinee Pathfinders Blue Birds Evening-- Motion pictures Young Men's gym class New Trier Rifle club Panthers Saturday, February 5 Afternoon-- Boys' gym class A. Vickery, 552 Center street, is ill |'in the Highland Park hospital. Phone Winn. 225 Slate and Tile Roofing Sheet Metal Work Slate Walks and Terraces - Interior or Exterior WILLIAM L. WENTE Sheet Metal Contractor 874 Center St., Hubbard Woods | } | +