rN. ian tad WINNETKA TALK February 5, 1927 a SS Sh OIL TO BURN A Grade for Every Burner HUGHES & COMPANY General Offices, 844 Rush St. North Shore plant, Howard at McCormick Blvd. Superior 6481-2-3-4 Greenleaf 3456 Telephones: Niles Center 217 Rogers Park 0982 The Little Marmon May we send you a catalogue' Is Here MARMON NORTH SHORE 6015 Broadway Longbeach 6428 Phone Glencoe 70 + 0M OR 5Ii RESH milk! furnishes fatigue. ~reatest health food. energy quart a day. --fresh, rich and pure. -nbstitute. courteous salesmen, -- fresh milk is the secret Rich in the vitamines that build firm muscle and strong bones. to offset It is truly Nature's It rink Bowman's Milk--at least a It is milk at its best It has the DAIRY COMPANY MilR, YEARS THE STANDARD OF QUALITY natural, delicious flavor that fresh milk alone can have; there is no Te'ephone our nearest distributing station, or order from one of our North Shore Men Will Attend Big Fraternity Fete The Interfraternity association of Chicago, a group of more than forty college fraternities whose 12,000 local alumni make up its membership, has announced its tenth annual banquet to be held at the Palmer House, Chi- cago, Thursday, February 10. The interfraternity association was formed in 1915 to promote good fel- lowship among college fraternity men in Chicago and vicinity and to ad- vance the common welfare of the fraternities of which they are mem- bers. Banquets are held annually in February, the one this year being re- stricted to an attendance of 1,200, which is ten per cent of the total mem- bership of the association. Richard Henry Little, the "R. H. L." of the Chicago Tribune, Line-O-Type column, will act as toastmaster and speakers include Jess Hawley, Dart- mouth Football coach, and Max Ma- son, president of the University of Chicago. Elaborate entertainment fea- tures have been provided including a complete stage from which one of the head-line vaudeville acts in Chicago will be presented. A large number of north shore men are members of the association. J. Milton Coulter, of Winnetka, a mem- ber of Kappa Sigma, is in charge of speakers; and Charles J. Eastman, of Winnetka, national officer of Phi Gamma Delta, is chairman of the ad- vertising committee. ENGAGED Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Rising an- nounced the engagement of their daughter, Frances, to Arthur B. Dur- ham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dur- ham of Kenilworth, at a bridge given Saturday afternoon at the Rising home, 2311 Lincoln street. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Maloney 535 Warwick road, Kenilworth, spent the last week in New Orleans. Lies in Healthy EYES It's not so much the size or color of the EYES that makes them beautiful. Rather, it's the glow which radiates from them. Ur» lesskeptalwayscleanand healthy, EYES lack this alluring lustre. Millions of women throughout the world promote EYE health and beauty with Murine. It cleanses EYES of irritating par- ticles and keeps them clear an bright. Contains no belladonna. Owr illustrated books on "Eye Care" or "Eve Beauty" are FREE on request. The Murine Company Mept. 33, Chicago RINE. EYES Beau SCHOOL OF POLITICS League of Women Voters and N. U. to Hold Institute at Harris Hall Early in March An institute on "Government and Politics," conducted by the Illinois League of Women Voters in co-opera- tion with Northwestern university, will be held in Evanston at Harris hall, March 2, 3 and 4. The subjects to be studied will run through three days and will include the federal constitution, public welfare in government, election laws in Illinois and international relations. The speakers will be Prof. Kenneth Colegrove, Prof. William Bailey, Dr. A. J. Todd, Dr. Frank Whitmore, and Dr. J. Cox of Northwestern univer- sity; Dr. S. P. Breckenridge, Dr. Je- rome Kerwin, Dr. Rodney Molt, and Dr. Jacob Viner of the University of Chicago; C. M. Doty, assistant corpor- ation counsel of Chicago; Judge Ed- mund K. Jarecki; Miss Anne Davis, director of vocational guidance in the public schools; Mrs. James W. Mor- risson. The presidents of the north shore leagues--Mrs. Harvey Edwards of Ev- anston, Mrs. C. P. Evans of Wilmette, Mrs. Mark Cresap of Kenilworth, and Mrs. John VanderVries of Winnetka, are handling the arrangements of the institute. There will be a dinner March 3 at the new Georgian hotel and lunch- eon at the same hotel the three days of the session. Tickets will be sold by the members of the league co-operat- in in the plans for the institute. Groups from New Trier, Horace Mann, Go Sleighing Taking advantage ot the crisp winter weather, two advisor groups at New Trier High school, gave delightful sleigh-ride parties, followed by refresh- ments at the Gray and Creen shop at Indian Hill, a week ago. Miss Burchard's advisor group and Miss Brown's group, about thirty in number, gave a party a week ago Thursday. Chaperons for the party were Miss Price, Miss Burchard and Miss Brown. The same afternoon, Miss Helen Walkup's advisees also held a sleigh-ride party, followed by refreshments at the Gray and Green shop. Miss Helen Sparks, fifth grade teacher at the Horace Mann school, and the students in her room, were entertained at a sleigh party, Thurs- day afternoon, January 27, by Miss Anne Liddle. Following the ride, the group was taken to the Cardinal Tea room. Georgian Hotel Arranges for Many Party Affairs Among the affairs being planned for the future by the Georgian hotel is the luncheon and bridge for women to be given on Wednesday, February 9. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 o'clock, and pivot bridge will be play- ed in the ballroom. There will be a prize for each table. Mrs. Blanche Peck Wanner, who is hostess at the Georgian, is in charge of the affair. On Valentine's day there is to be an evening bridge party for both men and and women. Pivot bridge will again be played, and a prize will be award- ed each table. MONEY TO LOAN First Mortgage 69, Retinaneing and New Bulldings WL. PECK CO: 39 So. La Salle St, Central 0625 >