Sia WINNETKA TALK EY y 1 February 5, 1927 28 FOR SALE--VACANT 49 FOR SALE --HSEHD. GOODS INDIAN HILL CLUB BUILDING SITES WE HAVE SEVERAL EXCELLENT pieces of land for homesites, one of which is of special interest to you. If you want to build in this Indian Hill Club area, it will pay you to com- municate with us. Further particulars will be given on request. Hill & Stone 543 Lincoln Ave. Ph. Winn. 1544 32TN48-1tc e---- 34 REAL ESTATE WHITE ENAMEL 4 BURNER STOVE, porcelain lined ice box, both but few months old. Must sell so will sell * cheap. Laundry stove, wringer, baby stroller and small bed; 2 Simmons beds and mattress; dishes, utensils, ete. Also have new Thor washing machine and Oriental rug, 10x13. Shibko. Tel. Winn. 2239. 49LTN19-1te FOR SALE -- 6 BURNER RELIABLE Gas Stove in perfect shape. Only rea- son for selling is that we needed a large stove. Price $60.00. We also needed a larger washing machine so we have another bargain for someone in an Eden, for $25.00. Phone Winn. 35 or call at Bqrsbach's, 30 Indian Hill Road. 49TN48-1tc FOR SALE ONE ACRE -- 150x290. Very good loca- tion. Terms, $6,000.00 ONE ACRE -- 146x264, on State Concrete Road. $7,500.00 ONE ACRE -- WOODED, Hard Roads, Gas, Electricity, Restricted. Good loca- tion, $7,500.00 6 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, Lot 43x 240, Garage, 3 $14,500.00 6 ROOM 2 STORY RESIDENCE, Lot 40x 150, Furnace Heat, Garage, $16,000.00 J. H. Schaefer & Co. 831 Ridge Ave. Wilmette, IiL. Wilmette 364 34LTN19-1Tc = 38 WTD. TO RENT--HOUSES WTD. TO RENT -- UNFURNISHED house in Winnetka or Hubbard Woods, 4 bedrooms. Possession May 1. Ad- dress Talk B-181. 38T48-1tp WTD. IN GLENCOE -- UNFURNISHED house, 7 rooms or more and garage. On or before May 1st. Winnetka Talk B-1717. 38TN48-tfe WANTED -- ABOUT MAY 1ST. 7 RM. unfurnished house in Winnetka. Call Winn. 1322. 38T48-tfc 41 WTD. TO BUY--HOUSES ARE YOU PLANNING TO LIVE IN CALIFORNIA?--OWNER desires to exchange modern 9 room house located in Pasadena for North Shore Residence. Value about $30,000. For particulars, call Hokanson & Jenks, Inc. 513 Davis Street Greenleaf 1617 44LTN19-1te 46 FOR SALE--USED CARS 1924 SPECIAL DODGE TOUR. ~ $100 down, bal. $35 monthly. Other models on easy terms. Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave, Winn. 46LTN19-tfe FOR SALE -- FORD COUPE WITH box attached, exceilent running condi- tion, self starter. Phone Kenil. 1392. : 46L'TN19-1te S---------------------------------------- 48 ANTIQUES ANTIQUES CALLING THE ATTENTION OF COL- lectors to our remarkable assortment of antique tables! Tilt-top, drop-leaf, but- terfly, snake and gate leg, sewing and kitchen tables. Coffee and candle stands. Corner cupboards and school- master desks. And a splendid collec- tion of colorplate books, Colonial docu- ments and prints. MRS. L. E. DICKE 808 Washington Street 1% Bl. East of Ridge Avenue 1 Bl South of Main Street 48LTN19-1tc FOR SAL® -- ANTIQUE MAHOGANY four-poster bed, carved writing desk, piano. Phone Univ. 4153. 48LTN19-1te COLLECTION OF ANTIQUE FURNI- ture at reduced prices. 808 Oak St. Winn. 145. 48LTN19-1tc I ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 49 FOR SALE--HSEHD. GOODS FOR SALE -- TWIN BED SUITE, green enamel, full size bed suite, wal- nut deorated, solid Colonial mahogany dining room suflte, buffet, china cabinet, all reproductions of originals; solid mahogany combination china cabinet & bookcase ; solid walnut gateleg table- end table; venetian decorated coffee table, telephone cabinet, Colonial ma- hogany Gov. Winthrop desk; uphol- chairs; all high 'Winn. 2091. 49L/TN19-1tc living room . 1018 Ash St. Tel FOR SALE -- BIRD'S EYE MAPLE dresser. Chest of drawers. Twin Sim- mons ivory metal beds & springs. All in good condition. Very reasonable. Phone Winn. 568. 49T48-1tp FOR SALE -- OLD-ENGLISH PRINTS. Fox hunts, Steeplechases. Refrigerator. Parlor set. Oriental rugs. Tel. Winn. 1560. 49L.TN19-1tp FOR SALE-- GRAY & WHITE ENAMEL electric range. Perf. cond. Cost $275. Will sell for $75. Winn. 2143. 49LTN19-1tp FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT PIANO, $65. Clark-Jewel Gas range, $5.00. Phone Wil. 2397. 49LT19-1tc OVERSTUFFED COUCH AND CHAIR, down cushions, Spanish reproduction. 808 Oak St., Winnetka. 49LTN19-1tc FOR SALE -- FLOOR LAMP, BEIGE . over rose, perfect condition. $10.00. Ph. Winn. 1478. 49LTN19-1tc FOR SALE -- WALNUT & CANE dining room furniture. Very reasonable Tel. Winn. 863. 49TN48-1te FOR SALE -- LARGE SIZE SELLER'S Kitchen Cabinet. Cost $65, sell for $25. Phone Winn. 301. 49L'TN19-1tp 50 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHD, GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Fur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St.,, Ev- anston, Ill. Phone Univ. 189. 50LTN19-tfe ---- a1 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- BOY'S SHEEP-LINED woolen coat size 8, nearly new. Girl's dresses and coats size 12. Lady's dresses and coats. Two Spring suits size 38 & 40. Maid"s uniforms, white and colored, sizes 34 and 36. All reasonably priced. Phone Winn. 1577. 51LTN19-1tp FOR SALE -- LIKE NEW, IMPORTED evening and afternoon dresses, $5. Mole coat, $20, size 38 to 40. Tel. Winn. 1459. © 51LTN1Y-1te FOR SALE -- RADIO. FOUR TUBE Radiola, 3A Mahogany cabinet, built-in loud speaker, complete with batteries, $25.00. Phone Wil. 1294. 51LTN19-1tp FOR SALE -- NEW LAID EGGS DE- livered weekly. Trial doz. 50c. Paul Beem"s Poultry Farm, Zion, Ill. 51T48-1tp FOR SALE -- BARGAIN. KEYSTONE Movie Projector, $9.00. Extra reels 50c each. Wil. 1735. 51LTN19-1te FOR. SALE -- DARK BLUE REED baby carriage; good condition. Glen- coe 1290. 51TN48-1te FOR SALE -- VERY FINE A. B. CHASE upright piano. Reasonable. 519 Elder Lane. 51T48-1te FOR SALE -- TENOR BANJO ALMOST new, with case, pick, and extra strings, $20. Phone Winn. 897. 51T48-1tp FOR SALE --SMALL OIL HEATER & 50 gal. tank of oil, $20. 903 Ash St. Tel. Winn. 2119. 51T48-1tp FOR SALE -- SOLID MAHOGANY UP- right player piano. Good condition. Call Winn. 2071. 51LN19-1tc M-- 52 WTD. TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WTD. TO BUY -- INFANT'S HIGH chair, and baby bed or kiddy coop. Phone Rogers, Winn. 892. 52TN48-1tc WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10C per 1b. 1222 Central Avenue., Wilmette. 52LTN19-tfp 53 MISCELLANEOUS SILK LAMP SHADES MADE BY SAM- ple maker. Phone Wil. 1058. 53LTN19-1tp VILLAGE OF WINNETKA In the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois. General Number 451522 Special Assessment Notice NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED that the Vil- lage of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered that a local improvement consisting of a reinforced concrete pave- ment with integral curbs be constructed in Brier Street, Meadow Road and High Street, in the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Vil- lage Clerk of said village, and the said village having applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improve- ment according to the benefits, and a special assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, General Number 451522, the final hearing thereon will be held on the twenty-first day of February, A. D. 1927, or as soon there- after as the business of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance pro- vides for the collection of said assess- ment in ten (10) annual installments, with interest thereon at the rate of five per centum (5%) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, A. D. 19217. HARRY I. ORWIG, Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improve- ments of the Village of Win- netka, Cook County, Illinois, (and such appointment approved and confirmed by the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois,) to make said special assess- February 4, ment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T48-2te VILLAGE OF WINNETKA NOTICE OF AWARD OF CONTRAUL. Winnetka, Illinois, February 1, 1927. Notice is hereby given that the con- tract for the construction of a local im- provement in WINNETKA AVENUE, WILSON STREET and TEMPEL COURT, consisting of the widening of the existing pavement in said Winnetka Avenue and in said Wilson Street, by the construction of a reinforced concrete pavement with integral curbs, in the north side and the south side of said Winnetka Avenue, and in the easterly side of said Wilson Street, in said Tempel Court, and upon the necessary land to be acquired therefor, including all excavat- ing, grading, trenching, laying of storm sewer, constructing of one (1) catchbasin, connection of proposed storm sewer to existing catchbasin, removal of existing integral curb, removal of existing combined curb and gutter from the brick pavement, removal of concrete sidewalks, removal of old catchbasin covers, furnishing and setting to grade new catchbasin covers, removing and re- setting fire hydrants, removing and re- setting light poles, adjusting water valves, grubbing out and removing trees, con- structing concrete sidewalk approaches, constructing said reinforced concrete pavement, constructing concrete joint foundation, and removal of all surplus excavated materials, engineering services, and all other labor, materials and ex- penses neessary to construct said pro- posed improvement, all in the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, said im- prov: t and a ent being other- wise known as Winnetka Special Assess- ment No. 448,119, was awarded on Febru- ary 1, 1927, to the Highways Construc- tion Company, of Highland Park, Illinois, for the sum of Seven Thousand Eight Hundred twenty-six and 50/100 Dollars ($7,826.50). JOHN S. MILLER, President of the Board of Local Improvements of the Village of Winnetka. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T48-1tc Mr. and Mrs. Philip A. Rising, 2311 Lincoln street, Evanston announce the engagement of their daughter, Frances, to Arthur Burnham Durham, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Durham, 431 Abbottsford road, Kenilworth. No date has been set for the wedding. Miss Rising announced her engagement on Saturday at a bridge party. --_--0-- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nelson, 621 Cumnor road, returned to Kenilworth Monday from Cincinnati, Ohio. Mr. Nelson was there a week on business and also visited his parents, and Mrs. Nelson joined him for the week-end. GIVES LECTURE ON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE (Continued from page 50) as they are accepted by the individual, is to work a change in consciousness whereby his sense of pain or unrest, which is false, gives place to a sense of health and peace, which is true. The Great Discovery It will be remembered that Jesus, early in his ministry, healed all sorts of diseases and even raised the dead, through spiritual means. Finally, three days after his crucifixion, he came from the sepulcher, and appeared not once but several times to his friends and talked with them during a period of forty days. Then he ascended, that is, because invisible to the physical senses. He had demonstrated that in- dividual life is indestructible and con- tinuous. It might be thought that the sig- nificance of such a stupendous ac- complishment would never be forgot- ten, but, within two or three centuries, it was, very largely, until some sixty years ago, when, here in America, a spiritually minded and deeply religious woman, apparently approaching the end of mortal existence as the result of an accident, turned to her Bible for consolation. While she was read- ing one of the gospel accounts of heal- ing performed by Jesus, a sense of strength and freedom stole over her. She arose, dressed, and presented her- self to anxious friends, sound and well. But she was not content with this. She must understand the process of spiritual healing. To this end she searched the scriptures and devoted her life. She found that Jesus, in overcoming disease, setting aside ma- terial laws, and abolishing death itself, invoked absolute Science, which he understood gnd which others can un- derstand. In order that the world at large might profit by her discovery, she set forth the fundamentals of this Science in her great book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." After- ward she established the Christian Science Church with its periodicals and other means for disseminating and guarding the truth. Thus it was, in brief, that Mary Baker Eddy became the Discoverer and Founder of Chris- tian Science and earned the right to be called the Leader of the Christian Science movement. See Promise of Early Activity in Real Estate Denoting an early spring activity in choice suburban real estate, come re- ports from the thirty-acre subdivision in the southwestern part of Winnetka, known as Daughaday Acres, of the following recent sales: Chester H. Wolcott of 548 Orchard lane, Winnetka, has purchased one acre at the corner of Locust Private road and De Windt road, Mr. Wolcott has announced. This property will be improved by the early construction of an attractive home of Norman type. A. Montague Ferry of 504 Ash street, Winnetka, has purchased No. 4 De Windt road, including 1-1/8 acres. G. T. Hellmuth of 1705 Forest ave- nue, Wilmette, has purchased No. 6 De Windt road, including 1-1/4 acres. Joseph B. Coombs, of 142 Church road, Winnetka, has purchased 2-1/4 acres on the Hill road frontage of Daughaday Acres at 1085 Hill road. Building operations by the new own- ers will be launched soon. Sanitary sewers, village water, electricity, gas, and storm sewers are now available in this attractive location, it is pointed out. a i---- = A a gl :