February 26, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 33 AID HOSPITAL FUND) a clean, quiet, light, well-aired room, ---- SC ---- - at a total cost of $47.50. Winnetka Supporters Working to Raise This admirable work is carried on Winnetka's Share in $1,250,000 Fund by the hospital, and while not so ap- | for Lying-in Hospital pealing as the call for help for the| destitute poor, is a vital part of the | work of the hospital. Under the able! direction of the . Winnetka building fund committee| ©Since the Maxwell Street dispens- | which is securing the fund necessary [ary was established, four years before in the affiliation of The Chicago | the founding of the hospital in 1895, Lying-in hospital with the Univer-| 42.699 women have recejved treat- sity of Chicago, Winnetka friends and | ment there, with a mortality rate of | supporters of the hospital are con-| only twenty-four one hundredths of tributing to the $1,250,000 fund needed | One tenth of one percent. As a.proof to build adequate and well- equipped | of the efficiency of the institution, the | buildings. The buildings will be a new | average cost to the hospital of these [.ying-in hospital and dispensary and | cases, which usually receive care for Mothers' Aid pavilion. two weeks, is only $15.28. All dispens- The Winnetka committee consists| 3TY Service is iree. of Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. Laird Bell,| This is a portion of the history of Mrs. Hugo Hartmann, Mrs. Isaac| the hospital, a very small portion, and Rothschild, Mrs. William B. Hale and | the fund of a quarter of a million dol- | Mrs. William C. Boyden, who are in-| lars is proposed by the board and | cluded in the list of Winnetka people | friends, to supply the needed beds and vitally interested in raising the fund.| care, and thus to provide a laboratory The work for the hospital is wide-| of research. "The proposed plan em- spread and far-reaching. One of the | braces not only all branches of speci- outstanding and distinctive objects of | alization and surgery, but also depart- this hospital is to provide for the| ments for teaching and training of "wives of professional men, of clerks, | Physicians," the board announces. teachers, officers, artists and clergy-| "The most striking feature of the men, who will not accept charity but | Plan is the establishment on the uni- cannot pay the usual high hospital versity campus of clinical departments charges, and are having more and | which are to function in the graduate more difficulty in finding hospital ac-| school of science. This makes the commodations." Yet these are the | medical sciences a definite part of the very women whose children improve | university, tying them up wth pre- the American stock and they should | medical sciences, such as biology and not be discouraged by financial| chemistry, which have been highly In An After Dinner Smoke in the Men's Lounge! --or a quiet little chat in the French Room. Round out the perfection of The Georgian's delicious meals by taking advantage of the privilege we offer you of these two delight- ful rooms. Ask to be shown The Georgian suites--for spaciousness, individual charm of decoration, full complement of household equipment they Hotel rooms as troubles from having children. Thirty | developed in the University labora- low as $80 the cannot be compared. to forty percent of the work of the| tories. = month. Suftes: I. OF. y . " ' K . tei or ares = two to eight ; ying. in hospital is part-pay and bene- | In moving to the Midway, the rooms, $165 to It costs no more to live at fits this class of women. | hospital will be incorporated in a $550. An article in the Century magazine community of intense medical investi- of June, 1926, written by a young| gation. Under the new plan it should lawyer's wife, who has had two babies | become an international clearing house born in the hospital, describes her | for the obstetricians and gynecologists ve a or am experience vividly and enthusiastic-| of the world. It will be for the United An Address of Distinction ally. This young mother had the care | States a duplication of the famous DAVIS AT HINMAN, EVANSTON of a trained specialist d of excel-| F Klinik (W 's Clinic) of |= lent_nurses; she spent two weeks in | Vienna." |S 43 Years' Experience as Cleansers TTthe (georgian EE ------- Personal and Household % Laundry FRENCH LAUNDRY 806 DEMPSTER ST. VICTOR ORTLUND, President EVANSTON, ILL. -- 1 Cm ---- AEGNSN--_:--G= SSE... ---- | TT Ee eT TCC CC PHONE - WILMETTE - 571 ; (NO TOLL)