February 26, 1927 WINNETKA TALK Headmasters Meet In Cambridge; Discuss School Problems nol Dunlap Smith, Perry Dunlap Smith, headmaster of | | tended a meeting in New the North Shore Country Day school, | attended the meeting of the Headmas- | ter's association at Cambridge, February 11 and 12. This is an organi- zation of the headmasters of public and private schools throughout the country, its membership being limited to one hundred active members. Seniors at Harvard gave up rooms in Massachusetts hall for the delegates and the meetings were held in the fac- ulty room at Harvard. While on his trip east, Mr. Smith vis- ited the Shady Hill school. He spent a day each at Harvard, Yale and Vas- Shore Country Day now attending those colleges. The program at the Headmasters' meeting included discussions on the in- telligence tests as used for admission to college. These were by Prof. Brig- ham, of Princeton, who is in charge of the subject for college hoard examina- tions, and by the President of Connec- ticut College of Women. Dean Briggs spoke on the life of President Elliott. Problems of what to do with the boy who does not get into college, and music as an entrance unit for college, were discussed by Prof. Lewis, of Tufts college; Mr. Baldwin, of the Hartford public schools and Eugene Rando'ph Smith. Morton Snyder, secretary of the pro- gressive educational association, sum- marized the work of the progressives during the past ten years. At the dinner at the Harvard club, in Boston, Dr. Davidson spoke on the de- velopment of the Glee club at Harvard college, and President Lowell, of Har- vard, spoke on "The need of keeping the end in view when we become in- volved in methods." RECOVERING Miss Georgia Marks of the Winnet- ka Trust and Savings Bank is at pres- ent recovering from an illness of sev- eral weeks duration at the Sacred Heart Sanitarium in Milwaukee. Mass., | eal | backer, sar, visiting the graduates of the North | school who are | | Committee Is Named for Advancement of Education headmaster of orth Shore Country Day school at- York, re- cently, the object of which was to en- deavor to secure a degree of uniform- ity in entrance regulations in colleges, and to lessen objections raised by schools to these regulations. Mr. Smith was asked to be on a com- | mittee to study these regulations. This committee has been appointed by the Carnegie Foundation, for the advance- ment of education. Mr. Smith was ap- pointed as a member on the committee to represent schools west of the Ap- palachians. On the committee are Dean Penny- of Harvard; Prof. Corwin, of Yale; Prof. Brigham, of Princeton; Prof. Jones, of Columbia; Prof. Mec- Lellan of the University of Pennsyl- vania and heads of other schools in the east. Mr. Smith while in New York, visited the Brooklyn Polytechnic Preparatory Country Day School for Boys. The length of the name of this school, as compared with the North Shore Coun- try Day school, Mr. Smith feels makes the latter a very short name. Former Skokie Principal Visits With Old Friends Willard W. Beatty, for four years principal of the Skokie school and at the present time superintendent of schools in Bronxville, New York, has been visiting with old time friends in Winnetka for the past few days. Mr. Beatty is enroute to Dallas, Texas, where he will attend a meeting of the superintendent's section of the Na- tional Educational association confer- ence now being held in that city. Johanna Birgtle Andersen Dressmaking COATS AND DRESSES Removed to 434 Provident Ave, Tel. Winnetka 757. HATS announcing the arrival of Early Spring Millinery Prices ranging from *10 to *16-2 946 Oak St., Winnetka Phone 320 - . - 4 = Floor and Furniture POLISH Floor Polishing Brushes Motor Driven _=2 For Rent $1.50 per day It's remarkable how quickly you can bring the original freshness of newness to your furniture and floor by the application of Johnson's * Prepared Wax and Liquid Wax polish. call for any other kind. Try it once and you'll never Eckart Hardware Co. 735 Elm St. Ph. Winn. 843-844 WINNETKA FEATURING: | 804 Elm Street WINNETKA Spring footwear Exposition : New Modes for All the RT WINNETKA SHOE STORE H. Luensman, Prop. SHOE REPAIRING OF MERIT Telephone Winn. 694 -------------------------------------------------------------- A ----------------------ssSSSSss