ASB Sys Ee, 12 WINNETKA TALK March 12, 1927 EGGS guaranteed strictly fresh Received Daily Freshest Egg Co. C. R. West Telephone Winn. 2644 1016 Pine Street Track Stars to Compete at N. U. Gym This Week| Track athletes of the Western Con- ference will gather at Northwestern university this week-end in the seven- teenth annual Big Ten Indoor Track and Field games which will climax the indoor season. Over 300 athletes, the pick of the middle west, will partici- pate in the classic event. Growing popularity of the middle distance events is seen in the entry lists for the meet this year. In the 440 yard run the coaches have entered forty-nine athletes which is almost twice as many as in any other event, with the exception of the half-mile, which has thirty-eight entries. Madame Van Buskirk, street, is returning at the first of the week from Orlando, Fla. She ing in Delphi, Ind., en route home. 1096 Spruce is visit- MUSICAL KINDERGARTEN Winnetka Miss Edith Eilers Community Barbereux System of Educational Unfoldment START ANY MONDAY Children two to five years of age accepted. Individual Singing and Piano Lessons. House Telephone Univ. 6587 Wouldn't you like to find, back of every hot water faucet, an haustible supply of steaming hot water, at any time? NO WAITING!-- NO WASTE! A Hoffman Automatic Water Heater does away with all hot water complaints. You never run short. You never have to wait. With this service in your home you have limitless hot water available any time at the turn of the faucet. No costly mansion can have greater hot water con- venience. And you can have it installed at once by making a deposit of only One Dollar. The balance can be paid monthly in convenient amounts. Don't let another day go by without seeing the Hoffman demonstrated. Stop in and learn about this wonder heater. VIC. J. KILLIAN, Inc. Plumbing Contractor 874 Center St. Brings the Greatest Convenience at the Lowest Cost inex- Camp Fire Sparks Winnetka Camp Fire girls tained their mothers and the Fire Council at a social meeting in the Camp Fire Room of Community House, Thursday afternoon, March 10. There were greetings from council members and guardians, and "stunts" enter- Camp " and songs by the different groups, and | "a delightful social hour, when Mothers and girls and guardians talked in- formally of Camp Fire and its work. Fire Mrs. The Litahni group of Camp Girls (Mrs. Philip Fisher and John Winscott, guardians) cooked their supper in the out-of-door fire- place outside of the Camp Fire Room, Thursday, March 3. The Akiyuhapi group, (Miss Mildred Olsen, guardian), held a Ceremonial Meeting, Tuesday, March 8 in the Camp Fire Room. The following re- ceived honor beads for achievements: Louise Wagner, Ethel Pierce, Nancy Thomas, Margaret Meleney, Connie Addenbrooke, Grace Erickson. Spring weather has suggested more out-of-door joys to the Camp Fire girls. Some of the groups are planning spe- cial trips for the Spring vacation. Mrs. Marshall's and Mrs. Guilford Windes' group expect to go to the Dunes. Mrs. Fisher's and Mrs. Winscott's group will have an outing at Mrs. Fisher's farm in Michigan, and will help plant severa! thousand small pine trees on the place. This is "Tree Year" in Camp Fire and Camp Fire girls all over the country are making an effort in tree-planting and the study of for- est-conservation. Miss Dorothy M. Olson, of 736 Roger avenue, Kenilworth, will entertain at three tables of bridge this evening. 'Appraise Health of Large Cities Throughout State A new inventory of municipal health service in the larger cities of Illinois which will amount to a self appraisal by local health officers, is now under- way in Illinois, according to an an- nouncement made by Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state health director. All cities of 30,000 or more, except Chi- cago, are included in the project. Ac- count will be made as closely as pos- sible of every dollar spent and of every service performed whether offi- cial or voluntary and these factors will be weighed against the apparent results obtained. Each city will be ap- praised on a percentage basis and com- pared with what is regarded as mini- mum standard practice and with each other as well. "Last year state officials made an examination of municipal health serv- ice in the fifteen leading cities," said Dr. Rawlings, "and reported an aver- age of 50 per cent efficiency although four of the cities enjoyed first class health protection. This year each local health officer is taking his own measure and that of his city, using the same form and system as that em- ployed last year. "The findings will be compiled by the State Department of Public Health and combined into a single report. This report, which will be available to all interested citizens, will bring out the points of excellence and the shortcomings of each city and offer recommendations for improvements where such are indicated." BUYS WINNETKA PROPERTY Mark W. Cresap, 239 Essex road, Keni'worth, has puchased four acres of land located betwen Hibbard road and the Mancel T. Clark home in Win- netka. gregational 2 Church AES SUNDAY, Morning-- 9:30 Church School Class. 'Worship. Davies. Evening-- Goodwin. Morning-- Lecture on Paul, munity House. are invited. MARCH 13TH 7th, 8th and High School grades. of the worship. "The Use of Conscience." 9:30 Joint session of young Men's Class and Men's 10:15 4th, 5th and 6th grades of the Church School 11:00 Morning Worship. Sermon by Rev. J. W. F. "An Adventurous Invitation." 6:00 Winnetka Sunday Evening Club. 7:00 Young People's Club. 8:00 Evening Worship. "Where Prayer Leads." Tuesday, March 15th 10:00 First of a series of Tuesday morning Lenten by Mr. Richards, Community House, Neighborhood Room. All invited. 11:00 Lenten Study Class. Leader, Mrs. E. E. Brown. All Sermon, Mr. Davies, Sermon, Rev. Thomas A. Camp Fire Room, Com- Wednesday, March 16th Morning-- 10:00 Meeting of the Women's Society. Evening-- 8:00 Union Lenten Service in the Church. Speak- er, Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin. FY