43 WINNETKA TALK March 12, 1927 OO Buying A HOME is life's most important in- vestment. Let us help you invest so well that the solution of your problem will remain 0 permanent for the years of A the future. HoxAnsox ENKS AND INC North Shore Properties 513 Davis Street : DD CCCCCCCCCCCCOO ITTIT TELE EL EEE LL LLL LL LL EL LL LLL lL LLL yyy y] EVANSTON : Greenleaf 1617 LL FOR RENT 2-3 and 4 room apartments. New Bldg. May 1st Poss. Electric Refrigeration, Clothes Dryers, Roll-away Bedsii.o iva nw vii a on 8 $60 to $95 7 room house; 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, dressing room, sun parlor, vapor heat, large lot, available April Ist EE ne Ps a EE $200 FOR SALE 4 rooms, Bungalow, H. W. heat, Breakfast porch. Excellent condition. Lot 50x140...... $9.300 6 rooms, Shingle, 3 yrs. old, H. W. Heat. Open porch, good neighborhood. Lot 50x140...... $16,500 8 room stucco house; 5 bedrooms, hot water heat, 1 Car. gafage, Jot BORIQO +... + ovina $16,500 6 rooms, Stucco. Very large rooms. H. W. heat. Won- derfully landscaped grounds, 75x140...$21,000 7 room brick, 3 years old, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, sleeping porch, screened porch and sun porch. Lot 75X150. Price... da. cu oi ven $33,750 JD TalUA STIN&@ Winnetka 185 899 Linden Avenue EXIT TITEL EEE LEE LEE ELE EEL EERIE EEL EE LL ELE REL EL Lb RL bl LLL bbl LL] TEL EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EEE EE EEE EE ELE EEL EL EL LLL LLL L ELL All Ed EE heheheh hha -- Quinlan & Tyson, Announce Several Quinlan & Tyson, Inc., announce the closing of the following sales: John and. Effie Forbes sold to Wil- liam M. and Marian McNamee the 9-room brick and stucco house at 940 Forest avenue, Evanston, on a lot 50x130. The property was bought for a home and investment. O. H. Arm- strong of the Evanston office of Quin- lan & Tyson, Inc.,, was the broker. 0. H. and Margaret B. Armstrong sold to Mrs. Irene deKieffer the 7- room frame house at 2218 Central street Evanston, on a lot 50x150. D. H. Boone of the Evanston office of Quinlan & Tyson, Inc., was the broker. Ramsdel R. Lasher of Los Angeles, Cal, sold to Samuel Segal of the prop- erty at 741 N. Dearborn street Chi- cago, size 25x115, improved with a four-story brick building at an undis- closed consideration, subject to mort- gages aggregating $24,000. Frank Al- den was the attorney for the sellers and Otto Weiner represented the pur- chasers. About fifteen years ago, the Lashers traded a residence in High- land Park for this property. At that time, it was valued at around $8,000. Harvey T. Fletcher, Jr. of the Chi- cago office of Quinlan & Tyson, Inc, was the only broker. Elmer J. and Imogen F. Dick sold to Paul R. and Rose C. O'Donnell the 7-room brick home at 1522 Lincoln street, Evanston, on a lot 50x210. O. H. Armstrong of the Evanston office of Quinlan & Tyson, Inc. was the broker. Carl A. Sponberg sold to E. B. Davidson the vacant property on the east side of Prairie avenue between Harrison and Lincoln street, Evanston. R. N. Peterson of the Evanston office Realty Transfers {at 2516 Noyes street, Evanston on a of Quinlan & Tyson, Inc, was the broker. Roy W. and Margaret E. Pervier sold to O. H. and Margaret B. Arm- strong thé 7-room brick Colonial home lot 66x170. J. L. Corcoran of the Ev- anston office of Quinlan & Tyson, Inc, was the broker. Evanston Business Site Transfer Brings $100,000 Frank W. Daemicke has just sold the property at 815 Davis street, Ev- anston, improved with store and flat building on a lot 25x146, to an undis- closed purchaser (the City National bank taking title), for a reportéd con- sideration of $100,000. Plans are now under way to remodel this property and improvements will include a new heating system and en- tire new store front, which will greatly enhance the value of this property. E. E. Stults Realty company repre- sented the seller and Hokanson and Jenks Inc., the buyer. BUYS EVANSTON PROPERTY C. Blomgren, Jr., has purchased from Henry C. Grant the northwest corner of Asbury and Chancellor streets, Ev- anston, where he intends to improve the property immediately with a brick home containing seven rooms and two baths. Thomas Hodgson of Hokan- son and Jenks, Inc., represented both parties. BUYS WILMETTE HOME W. G. Stacey and company, real estate brokers, have sold through their Wilmette office the new colonial resi- dence at 318 17th street, Wilmette, built by Albin Abramson to R. Oilar of Chicago. Mr. Oilar is plan- ning to occupy his new home about April 1, "Economy" because full is optional. room apartments charmingly furnished at rentals that do not place upon you the expense of hotel dwelling --yet grant you all the desirable 1--2--3 Dalai gh i Bh bo de es i hh fn dd fh A 4 eh 0 de fh i ee ad 8 CO fe IE die dd J J LH J db dd hd Beautifully Furnished "Economy" Apartments hotel service or hourly maid service he EIMGATE stdin rTM features of apartment hotel serv- ice. Unusually well furnished and at- tractively arranged for light, space, comfort. To be certain of one of the few remaining apart- ments--visit us today or tele- phone Greenleaf 2100. A rr ToT oY idm WISE