54 WINNETKA TALK March 12, 1927 Winnetka's Boy Scouts in Midst of Busy Season Our Newest Creation in Modern Memorials | J. H. ANDERSON | MONUMENT CO: | has its headquarters at Community House. 5751 Ravenswood Ave.. Chicago, Illinois. Write for catalogue. movement was initiated. The current season has proved one of the busiest in the history of the Winnetka Boy Scout organization, which The Winnetka unit is a pioneer in Scoutdom, having been inaugurated under the direction of Dr. J. W. F. Davies, director of Community House, a short time after the Boy Scouts of America PAINTING rr=olela¥NEINIC Jonaees~TelWin. 344 EUGENE PERMANENT WAVE A process that stim- ulates growth and re- tains wave longest. $15.00 | Both men and women available for haircut- ting. ZN Hubbard Woods Beauty Shoppe 1081 Gage St. Hubbard Woods Ph. Winn. 857 Myron T. Adams to Address Congregational Men's Class "The Organization of Public Move- ments in Great Cities" is the title of a ta'k to be made by Myron T. Adams before the men of the Winnetka Con- gregational church next Sunday, March 13, at 9:30 a. m. Mr. Adams will deal with special phases of his work in New York and Chicago. On Sunday, March 20, at the same hour Paul Hutchinson will speak on the official relations between the United States and China. Announce- ment of succeeding meetings will be made from week to week. The men meet in the American Legion Room of Community House. Winnetkans to Attend Services at Bryn Mawr Representatives from Winnetka Con- gregational church will journey to the ew Bryn Mawr Community church Sunday morning at 9:30 o'clock where they will attend morning wor- ship. This is a new church, of Gothic architecture, quite similar to the one being planned by the Winnetka Con- gregation, and. the visit is made to ascertain how they like it. Those who will make this visit will be the mem- bers of the church council, their hus- bands and wives, members of the church building committee and the church building finance committee. Don't Put Off Cement Repairs If your Sidewalk or Porch needs attention, don't let waiting make it worse. We do all repair work on property-- including Brick, Stone, Cement, Plaster and Stucco Wash. We give each job our personal attention. Shortridge & Saxton 419 Richmond Road, Kenilworth Phone Ken. 2735 Call up for Experienced Service. Spring Gardening Shrub Pruning Landscaping, Black Dirt, Fertilizer at LAKE SHORE GARDEN and HOMES SERVICE N. Anderson, Prop. Phone 456 Legion Inducts Thirty-four New Members Monday Winnetka Post, No. 10, American Legion, is now one hundred percent in point of membership as compared with last year's enrollment, notwithstanding the fact that there are yet a few mem- bers who have not paid their dues for the present year, it is said. In the event these come in later, the post membership will show a fine gain over that of the past year, due, primarily, to the membership drive of a few weeks ago, when thirty-one new names were added to the roster. The new members were initiated at a meeting of the post Monday evening, at which Dr. Frank W. Blatchford, post commander, presided and con- ducted the ceremonies of initiation. The meeting Monday evening fol- lowed a dinner, at 7 o'clock, and a forty-five minute program by Axel Christensen, of radio station WHT. Dr. W. W. Hawkins, commander of Wilmette post, and Vice-commander Betts, of the Evanston post, were guests. There were about sixty post members present. Parents' Association of Day School Holds Meeting A genera! meeting of the Parents' as- sociation of the North Shore Country Day schoo! was held in the girls' gym- nasium Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Dean William Scott Gray, of the De- partment of Education of the Univer- sity of Chicago, will speak on "A knowledge of the alphabet as an aid in learning to read," and will discuss other developments in the teaching of reading. Winnetka Violinist to Broadcast Radio Program Valona Brewer, violinist of the Col- umbia School of Music faculty, and solo violinist at the Winnetka Con- gregational Church, will give a pro- gram over W. G. N. on Sunday, March 13, at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Brewer will share the program with Edward Da- vies, the well-known bass singer. Ray- mond Allyn Smith plays accompani- ments for both artists. Mrs. Brewer's number will include the "Prize Song" from Die Meistersinger, a gavotte by Bach, Frasquite, by Kreisler, and sev- eral other selections. =