March 12, 1927 WINNETKA TALK i. "A Working Faith" Theme of Lenten Discussion Series "A Working Faith" is the general subject of a series of five meetings for the study of the Bible, which have 7 been outlined by a group of men and women of Christ church, and which will be held during the Lenten season at various Winnetka homes. A direct outgrowth of the mission, held recently in the parish by Bishop Nathaniel S. Thomas of Wyoming, and aimed at carrying on with the thought and the impression so force- fully made by that week of intensive effort, these meetings will be led by the Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard, rector of Christ church. They will dea! di- rectly with a study of the Bible. Each session, however, will point at the de- velopment of a particular religious idea and the five together will elabor- ate the thought of a faith which works. Monday is the evening chosen. Be- cause, however, the conflict in dates with the day chosen for the Village caucus the first will be held on Tues- day, March 15, at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Blatchford, 605 Arbor Vitae road. The other four will come on the remaining Monday evenings of Lent, and all will start at 8:15 o'clock. The special topic upon which the thought of the first meeting will center will be "The Soil in Which It Grows." The following sessions will consider "The Difficulties Which It Must Over- come," "The Life Which It Inspires," "The Power to Which It Leads," and "The End towards Which It Moves." While these meetings are being spon- sored and arranged by a number of the men and women of Christ church, it is announced that they will be open to any of the people of the community who may care to attend. Last of Study Classes Held by League Monday The last of the series of study classes held in the Camp Fire room of Com- munity House under the auspices of the Winnetka League of Woman Vot- ers, was held Monday morning, March The subject "Legislative Mes sures" was under discussion and was con- ducted by Mrs. R. S. Childs and Mrs. Carlton Prouty. This meeting was turned over to class discussion in an- swering and questioning the course of questions presented. Mrs. Vander Vries read to the class the bjll on shortening the ballot which Mr. Castle our representatives, introduced this last week. Hostesses for this meeting, Mrs. G. A. Watson, Mrs. W. G. Clark, Mrs. Paul Chase, Mrs. T. Webster and Mrs. Lyman Weld, served a delicious luncheon in the International room Several Permits for Homes Issued to Local Builders Building permits have been issued in Winnetka to Ellis F. Hillner for a two story concrete residence of seven rooms at 516 Meadow road, costing $10,500. F. I.. Chapman has taken out a per- mit for a two story frame residence at 795 Pine street, costing $9,500. P. M. Granstrom has been granted a permit for a two story frame residence at 520 Meadow road, costing $10,000. P. R. Cunningham has taken out a permit for a two story frame, brick and stone veneer residence with at- tached garage, at 745 Ash street, cost- ing $20,000. J. Wiliam Macy of 966 Hubbard lane, gave a program of vocal solos at a supper-bridge party held at the Evanston Country club on Friday, March 4. OUR VULCANIZING AFTER THE SPILL When a tire goes bad ask us about the vulcanizing possibilities of its recovery. You can depend upon our opinion and our work. AUTO LIMERICKS By BOB JOHNSON We once knew a chap named McGuire Who never had punctured a tire But he took a spill A'speeding down hill Our work he's now forced to admire. 806 Oak St. Johnson Motor Service Tires Vulcanized and Repaired Firestone Tires and Tubes Ph. Winn. 2048 Hamilton Club to Foster Formation of Boys' Clubs Tentative plans for the establish- ment of a series of boys' clubs, of the type recently established by the Union League club, were made at a meeting of the discussion committee of the Hamilton club, held on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 26. Following an address on the subject by Robert Klees of the Union League. club, resolutions were passed by the committee instructing the educational committee of the club to investigate the boy problem. | MARINELLO BEAUTY SHOP 733 Elm Street For Appointment Phone Winnetka 822 | actions of his elders. business and success. help your boy. Ambition--Your Boy and SAVINGS That growing boy of yours is impressed by the While still young he should be instilled with the importance of thrift to future What better way have you of stirring his ambitions than to have him start a SAVINGS ACCOUNT in this bank? We encourage young people. Let us Daily 7:30 A. M. to 3 P. M. RAG a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ol BANKING HOURS Saturday 7:30 A.M. to 12 M. Saturday Evenings 7 P. M. to 8 P. M. | Hubbard Woods Trust & Savings Bank 952 Linden Avenue Hubbard Woods