.. rr by the group of lovely songs which sown in more than a hundred years by March 19, 1927 WINNETKA TALK 11 It is being organized now ad the NE EEE EEEESEEEE ENE EEES EEN ENNENY ' o Greeks of Chicago have undertaken to At Woman s Society raise $100,000 towards its establish- fn 847 CENTER STREET, WINNETKA - ment. Within six weeks a $1,000,000 | H ® was raised in England and France |g WwW AM WwW N - The women of the Congregational Bong Greeks to Dug ths Ameren a ILLX L. E TE . church met Wednesday for an inter-| school. ~~ Admiration for American esting program of sewing, music, and ideals and Sharssiey 2 sapressed by ® SHEET METAL WORKS - lecture. The Stitch in Time club had | these contributions. A large percent- an attractive display of aprons which age of the three Thonsand or more Sta - ROOFING SLATE FLAGGING . met the needs of many customers and | dents in these schools are Moslems, the table of good food displayed by the | Mr. Rowland pointed out. " Asbestos Tewwucss, - Cash and Carry club was most tempt- Special comment was made on the Slate--T ile Floors--W alks ing. progress which has taken place in Tur- | Hl = The hours of sewing were lightened | key the past few years. The seeds = TELEPHONE WINNETKA 225 n v LA Miss Helen Bradford sang, accom- panied by Mrs. D. K. Morrison. Dur- ing the business session, letters were read from the church missionaries, and in response to a plea from Mrs. Reyn- olds of China, it was proposed to start a class at once in the making of sur- gical dressings to meet the needs of hospital work in that country. Both missionary families expressed deep ap- preciation for the thoughtful gifts in the Christmas boxes sent them from the church. Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds are expecting to leave China in April and to be here in June for their first, furlough. May 4 and 5 were the dates an- nounced for the White Elephant sale. Articles of all kinds are being solicited to meet the requests coming to Mrs. Ayres Boal and her committee, Mrs. David Lasier is to have charge of a gift table and asks for contribu- tions of new articles from each mem- ber of the society. Mrs. J. O. Ely had charge of the de- votional moments. After luncheon Paul Rowland gave an interesting address on the work in the American colleges in the Near East, showing slides to illustrate the pros- perous conditions in these schools, their attractive locations and the cos- mopolitan character of their students. Representatives from twenty nations are in attendance at Roberts college. At Beirut, nineteen nationalities are found among the students. The medi- cal school at Beirut is receiving help from the Rockefeller foundation be- cause of the high standards of its work. The school at Smayrna is in a rich agricultural district, and is located in the charming valley where Homer wrote his "Iliad." In Bulgaria the college at Samakov has three hundred students. Plans have been laid for a great school there and as it is possible to secure means, the buildings will be erected. The young people are especially capable and energetic. The fifth school is the Woman's col- lege at Constantinople, not far from Roberts college. It has magnificent buildings, far beyond those of any other American college abroad, Mr. Rowland stated. English is the language used in all these schools. Athens, Greece is to have a new American college, he announced. Is your Coal Bin Empty? If so-- Why not install a WILLIAMS "7 IL.OMATIC ~ HEATING «=. Qil Burner 4 North Shore Dewey Hoke 706 Vernon Ave. Ph. Glen. 1000 Glencoe Res. Glen. 101 the missionaries are now bearing fruit and doors are being opened in all coun- tries, but especially in Turkey among the Mohammedans. Turkey is chang- ing in many ways, Mr. Rowland feels. The fez is discarded for the soft felt hat, the women are unveiled and mod- ern dress is even commanded for them, while European food is recommended and schools opened to teach its prep- aration. A modern newspaper pub- lished in Mecca was perhaps the most startling evidence he gave of the ad- vance of civilization. ; Mr. Rowland spoke with authority, having until recently been connected with the American college in Bulgaria and having lived in the Near East many years. Northbrook Will Vote on Band Tax April 19 Northbrook, not to be outdone by her sister villages along the north shore, will also vote on the proposition to take advantage of the law permit- ting villages to levy a tax not to exceed two mills for the maintenance of a municipal band. Northbrook has been growing so rapidly in recent years, that she has now reached proportions of an up-to- date, thriving village and R. Lauer, president, feels that the band would be a valuable adjunct to aid in making complete the pleasures of the commun- ity life. The Northbrook village election will be held Tuesday, April 19, and Presi- dent Lauer says he believes the band proposition will carry by a good ma- jority. North Shore Window and House Cleaning Co. GENERAL ALL-AROUND WORK Established 1919 I. Moore, Mgr. 2 Prouty Annex Phone Winn. 1994 EE EEE EE EEE ENE EEEEEENEEEENEN Tongregational Church it Morning-- SUNDAY, MARCH 20, 1927 9:30 Junior Church Worship in the Church for 7th, 8th and High School Grades. Sermon, Mr. Davies. "The Quest for Opportunity." 9:30 Assembly Room, Kindergarten; Matz Hall, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades. 9:30 Men's Class, Women's Bible Class. 10:00 Young Men's Class. 10:15 Junior Church Worship in the church for 4th, 5th and 6th grades. Mr. Paul McPherson will be in charge. 11:00 Morning Worship. Sermon Mr. Richards. "Thorough Religion." Evening-- 6:00 Winnetka Sunday Evening Club. 7:00 Young People's Club. 8:00 Evening Worship. Sermon, Mr. Richards. "The Originality of God." Tuesday, March 22nd 10:00 Lecture by Mr. Richards, Neighborhood Room, on Paul. Subject for this Tuesday, "The Remak- ing of Paul-Experience." 11:00 Lenter Study Class under the leadership of Mrs. Edwin E. Brown. 8:00 Union Lenten Service. will speak. Luncheon at 12:15. Wednesday, March 23rd Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard WINNETKA FOLKS By C. R. Patchen ELL THIS \ ILL BE IS THE BEST | IN THE Book | oR EVER READ USE) yl 750 Elm Street TWO DOLLARS FOR. A BOOK WHAT PO YOU THINK I'M MADE OF -- MONEY ? CALM YoursELF] GET THE LATEST FICTION FOR A FEW CENTS A WEEK AT -- PEAR - | COMMUNITY, Your favorite authors for less than a song. Our circulating library is open to you--read what you want the year through at a trifling cost. We're pleased to please you--here! COMMUNIT Y PHARMACY suRIAAGY MARBLES for the Kiddies 1c and up Phone Winnetka 164