a a se a be IR 4 We OH i * WINNETKA TALK March 19, 1927 Muenzer Trio Gives Fine Chamber Music Program A most enthusiastic audience greeted the Muenzer trio at the Kenilworth Assembly hall last Sunday afternoon when its members appeared in a musi- cale given by the North Shore Chamber Music association. The program was most excellently performed and every- one felt it was the best of the season thus far. The next concert will be given Sun- day afternoon, April 3. Wallenstein, the principal cellist of the Chicago orchestra, will be the soloist. Kenilworth Scouts Will Enjoy All-Day Hike Trip Scouts of Kenilworth Troop 13 will take an all-day hike to Camp Howe on Saturday, March 19, it was an- nounced early this week. The hike will be: under the direction of Scout- master 'Robert W. Townley and will offer an opportunity for those Scouts desiring to do so, to pass their field tests. The hike will be postponed to a later date, according to Mr. Townley, should the weather turn out unpleas- ant. Frocks Suits Costumes Composé $15 to $45 A -- LLU DUT RT TTT SMARTEST MODES for SPRING LEWIS INCORPORATED C8 Breckenridge, Pres." 1606 CHICAGO AVE. AT DAVIS ST. EVANSTON nes UTHTTH TTS nm Hart, Schaffner © Marx Coats $32.50 to $60.00 LC TE EE EE EE EE TT EE EE EE EE TT TD EE UT URE BEET EEUU TU I Tr Welfare Society Sponsors Lectures by Noted Viennese The Infant Welfare Society of Chi- cago, through its Woman's auxiliary, is sponsoring a series of lectures by Dr. Alfred Adler of Vienna, noted psychiatrist and psychologist. The talks will be given at 4 o'clock, in the James Simpson theater in the Field museum (west entrance) on the following days, and upon the following subjects : Friday, March 18, "Dangerous Cor- ners in Childhood"; Wednesday, March 23, "Fighting Children"; Friday, March 25, "The Function of the Mother"; Monday, March 28, "The Importance and Significance of Social Feeling." Reservations may be made through the Infant Welfare Society office, 308 North Michigan avenue, Chicago, and the tickets secured at the time of the meeting. Boy Scouts Launch News Periodical for Council A group of picked Boy Scouts, all of them junior officers in their troops, were recently elected to an editorial board to gather material for a Scout paper which would be issued to each Scout in the North Shore area council. The first issue of "The Talk O° Th' Troops" appeared last week in Mimeo- graph form and reflects considerable credit upon its staff. Prescott Lothrop of Glencoe, 21, is chairman of the edi- torial board. Other members are Del- ma Caldwell, 2, Wilmette; William Springer, 13, Kenilworth; William Ma- sonick, 42, Lake Bluff; Randall Rob- erts, 31, Highland Park; Brent Wrenn, 45. Lake Forest; Richard Wagner, 37, Highwood. A supplement, for junior officers only, entitled "Patrol Pep," is also is- sued. SCOUT CONFERENCE Troops of North Shore Area Hold Ses- sion in Lake Bluff School; Bob Becker Is Speaker Fifty-eight boy officers of Scout troops of the north shore area, gather- ed at the Lake Bluff school Saturday morning, March 12, for the second monthly Junior Officers' conference. Wilmette had thirteen representatives present; Kenilworth, four; Glencoe, nine; Ravinia, three; Highland Park, four; Highwood, three; Lake Forest, four; Lake Bluff, one. Alvin Batholamew of Troop 5, Wil- mette, is the gemeral chairman of the conference and William McAllen, Troop 21, Glencoe, is chairman of the program committee. Scouts began arriving at 9:30, reg- istered, received their identification tags, and examined the exhibit that had been prepared. They were greeted at the station by local Scouts and followed a trail that led them to the schoolhouse. After a short song period, Chairman Bartholamew introduced "Bob" Becker, of the Chicago Tribune, who told a story of an experience with an Indian boy in the Yukon territory. Then followed a demonstration by by William Solms of Wilmette, who exhibited articles from Artstone, and demonstrated its use. Ted Grant of the Chicago staff, and Morriss Wright of Lake Bluff spoke briefly on the opportunity of spending a period at Camp Checaugua this sum- mer. Mr. Grant also taught the group an Indian song. Following the small group dis- cussions, and a story, "eats" were served. Much credit is due the mothers of Lake Bluff Scouts, for their big help in making the conference the 100 per cent success that it was. The April conference will be held in Glencoe, Saturday, April 9. the right way. Si with the Suit It costs no more --sometimes less --to be well dressed, if you go about it in Start with the suit. Then when you buy shirts, neckwear or even socks and handkerchiefs, get them in shades to harmonize with your main attire. Your main attire--the suit itself-that's the important point. A wonderful selection of new Spring fabrics, and an unparalleled service and saving await you at our CITY SALES--FOURTH FLOOR 319 West Van Buren Street MAIN PLANT Yerzsey wt