26 WINNETKA TALK March 19, 1927 March 19, 1927 WINNETKA TALK Linen Sleeveless Vests Convertible collared. Slip pocket. Scal- loped button front. Natural, blue, white, rose, green. $5. Second Floor Children's English Sox Plain lisle sox with colored patterned tops. Imported. 6 to 10l4. 59c to $1.10. Children's Stationery Immense variety--pictured sheets, lined envelopes, gilt-edged cards, tints, letter- ettes--tiny billet doux. 65c. Mingtoy Tub Silk Crepe Forty inches wide--in fifty new shades. $2.75 yard. Exclusively at Lord's in Evanston. Fashion Walks in Black Patent Pumps Its trim lines ana its smart beaded buckle make this pump a blue ribbon number. A new one strap with novelty cut- out pattern. Chosen repeatedly for its smart lines and superb fit. $7.50 Other shoes by the score await you in the Boot Shop. Charming new styles--every one! Modes for every conceivable occasion--street-- sport -- business -- afternoon -- evening. All smart leathers. All sizes. Moderately priced, of course. T he Boot Shop--First Floor HEEL POINTS Double heel shadows on Gordon V Line chiffon hose tend to slenderize your ankles. $2.50. Every new shade! White doeskin slipons that tub as easily as a handkerchief are ex- quisitely fine and beau- tifully finished. $4. Many of the smart flowers come in multi- colored sprays. A sprightly note for a somber suit. $2 and up. A snug-crowned hat of soft felt in black and the new colors. Some have one ear-tab. $6 and $7.50. Dresses Properly Designed for Women of Small Proportions Georgettes, Crepes Elizabeth, frost crepes and Canton crepes--nar- row-shouldered and full-hippe¢ models that fit smaller women better than average sizes. Practical street dresses of darker colors--dressier frocks of lighter colors. The smart color harmonies and contrasts--black-and- white, navy-and-red, and $27.50 to compose effects. Cluster hip pleats, tucks, lace-trim- mings, long shawl effects, flat tiers. Straight or bell sleeves. $27.50 to $45. $45.00 Girls' White Silk Frocks Of Georgette and crepe de chine, tailored or trimmed. Pleats, tucks, shirring, smocking, ruffles of shirred satin slips. Cap sleeves, short sleeves, $10.95 to $17.95. $10.95 to taffeta or net. Some have or full length. Sizes 12 to 16. $17.95 Silk Tailored Blouses Wear them with your spring suit! Strictly man-tailored, or semi- tailored. $6.50, $9.50. Patch Pockets Belted Front Tucked Fronts Blue Ties $6.50 to The New Sweate Scalloped Notched Front $9.95 rs Are Lovely All-wool, with fiber silk stripes, or plain all-wool. V, square necks or collared. Slipover or coat styles. Heavy weight or sheer weights. $3.50 to $11.95. te Plains Jacquard Tan White Striped Blue Green Orange tA Checked Rose Gray Orchid $3.50 to $11.95 )-4 DD COGAN Fang FARBER, IZ 32 inch prints, 38¢ yd. 36 inch print satinet 65c yd. 36 inch print A. B. C. $1. Gunmetal ho s e--dia- phanous chiffon--have black feet. Compose! $2.95. Kel BEAUTY DuBarry Cleansing Cream, $1.50. Ideal Face Powder, $1.50. Rubinstein Raspberry Rouge, $1 Nature's Rival Girdle- Brassiere in satin, or cotton or silk brocade. $5 to $13.50. Petal Bloomers, Petti- coat effect, $5.95. Leatherette Desk Sets Plain or checked effects--s5 pieces--ink- well, letter opener, blotters, large and small, letter holder. $4 and $6. Crepe de Chine Petticoats White or flesh, double hem, Val lace and georgette ruffle trimming. $3.95. Girls Raincoats Glazed rubber with raglan sleeves. Apple green, royal blue, French blue and red. $5.95, $7.50. Boys' Tweed Plus Fours All-wool--tan and gray checks and over- plaids. Sizes 10 to 18. $4.25, $4.95. Boys' Shirts--Like Men's Plain or figured broadcloths and printed madrases. Sizes 6 to 12. $1.50 and $2.00. Bloomer Play Suits Jack Tar make--cadet blue peggy cloth of durable quality. Separate bloomers and overblouses. 6 to 16. $2.50. Second Floor Pequot Sheets for Wear Sound quality--and known to house- wives for years. These, and Wamsutta make, are our featured makes. Vogue Patterns Help! So accurately designed--so explicitly ex- plained, that they help novice and experi- enced dressmaker alike! Exclusively at Lord's in Evanston. New Hats for Children Silk straw and hemp, panama and bang- kok, leghorn and visca. New spring shades. $4 to $8.50. ' ced Fountain Squate ~ Evanston ---- ad