50 WINNETKA TALK March 19, 1927 General N. otice ee GLENCOE NEWS. 15 cents a line Rates- 35 > 30 cents a CHARGE 50 cents. used. 109 discount on all cash with line Deadline for Insertions-- the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 Classified advertisements will to residents of the district from Evansten to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or in one paper. Average of five words to the line. Classified advertisements cepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS be charged only 25 cents a in all three . papers. line in any two MINIMUM No black face type order advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave.,, Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. will be ae- papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS, Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 10 DRESSMAKING PLAIN SEWING, MENDING, AND AL- tering, $5.00 per day. Miss Thiem. Winn. 1686. 10T2-tfe LET MISS CARLSTEN DO YOUR dressmaking and remodeling. Phone Winnetka 2022. 10T2-tfe -- i. 18 MENDING SITUATION WTD. -- MENDING AND plain sewing by the day or week. Call Univ. 2449, 18LT25-1te -- 21 PAINTING AND DECORATING YOUR DECORATING -- NOW'S THE time. Get estimate. I save you money. Brandt. Glencoe 971. 21TN2-tfc 21B LANDSCAPE Spring Is Coming; Your Garden Work Waiting LANDSCAPE GARDEN WORK. CAN still take care of a few home gardens. Wilmette Life B-235. 21BLTN25-1tp COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE. Plans furnished at a slight charge. Esti- mates free. Call Wil. 732-W. Leo Kari. 21BLTN25-1tp WANTED--AN EXPERIENCED GARD- ener for Country Club, one especially good on flowers. State salary expected. Winnetka Talk B-241. 21BT2-1tc WANTED -- GARDEN AND LAWN work. Wil. 812-R 21BTN2-1te 22 PETS FOR SALE -- PED. SCOTT. TERRIERS, 4% months old. 1829 Greenleaf Ave. Rogers Park 4881. Mrs. Weber. 22TN2-1tp 31 LOST AND FOUND LOST -- BLACK LEATHER BRIEF case bearing owner's name. Disap- peared from hallway of Community House March 8. Reward. Winn. 277. 31T2-1tp LOST -- BILLFOLD, CONTAINING tickets, cash and keys, at New Trier High school, March 10th. Wilmette Life B-238. 31LTN25-1tc ig9 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--GIRL, WHITE, FOR HOUSE- work ; family of 3, must have had ex- perience with children. References. Tel. Winn. 1609. 32TN2-1tp WANTED--WHITE GIRL OR WOMAN, 2 days a week for laundry work and cleaning. Call enil. 3462. 32LTN25-1te WANTED -- GIRL FOR GENERAL housework, to cook and serve. Family of two. Phone Winn. 2589. 32LTN25-1tc WANTED--RELIABLE GIRL OVER 25, general housework; no washing; 3 in family. 5% Vernon Ave. Glencoe 590. 2TN2-1te WANTED -- WHITE MAID FOR GEN- eral housework. Four in family. Phone Glen. 1107. 32TN2-1te WANTED -- 2 GIRLS, WHITE, GEN- eral housework and mother's helper. Winn. 2763. 32712-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework and cooking; 2 adults. Tel. Winn. 2837. 32T2-1te WANTED -- INEXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework. Phone Glen. 961. 32TN2-1tc WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework. No washing or iron- ing. Wil. 3910. 32LTN25-1tc WANTED -- GIRL TO HELP WITH care of baby. Glen. 1107. 32T2-1te von EE ---- Eo 33 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED -- OPPORTUNITY FOR young man about 17 years of age to start in investment banking business with well-known firm on La Salle St. Tel. Winn. 2791 after 6 p.m. 33T2-1tc HELP WTD. -- BOY ABOUT 15 TO 20 vears for stockroom. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winn. 33LTN25-tfc 36 SITUATION WTD.--~FEMALE SIT. WTD. -- the day. Harris. HOUSECLEANING BY Call Kenwood 1715. Ask for 36T2-1tp 41 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- BEAUTIFUL ROOMS. 545 Provident Ave. Call Winn. 2795. 41T1-1tp COOK AND NURSE WANTS POSITION.| pOR RENT -- FURNISHED ROOM, Good references. Box 71, Winn. near transportation. Tel. Winn. 1921. 36T2-1tp 41T2-1tc SIT. WTD. -- COLORED GIRL COOK-| FOR RENT -- FIRST CLASS FURN- ing or serving by day or hour. Green-| jshed room. Convenient. Tel. Winn. leaf 4517. 36TN2-1tp 2022. 41T2-1tp SIT. WTD. -- COLORED GIRL. CLEAN-[ FOR RENT -- ROOM, TWIN BEDS. ing or laundry work by day. Green- Near transportation and tea rooms. leaf 4517. 36TN2-1tp| Winn. 2477. 41T2-1tc SIT. WI'D.-- BY EXPERIENCED WOM-| LARGE ROOM, TWIN BEDS; LARGE an by the day. Call Glencoe 530 after closet. Winn. 1920. 41TN2-1te 2:00 o'clock. 36T2-1tc 42 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS EXPERIENCED CHILD'S NURSE wants work one day a week. Winnetka Talk B-242. 36TN2-1te 37 SITUATION WTD.--MALE SIT. WTD. -- THE DAUGHTERS OF the late Mr. John C. Spry wish position for his capable chauffeur and mechanic, who has been with his family for ten years. Address Mrs. Augur, 1101 For- est Ave., Evanston. Univ. 485. 37TN2-1tp SIT. WTD. -- DAY WORK, HOUSE- cleaning, painting, cleaning walls, gar- dening. Would like regular places all summer. Best ref. Taylor. Winn. 958. 37TLTN25-1tp SIT. WTD. -- ALL KINDS OF GARDEN work done, also windows cleaned and storm windows taken off. Winn. 2359. 37T2-1tp WANTED -- WORK BY THE DAY OR hour. Lawn and window washing. Phone Winn. 2783. 37TTN2-1te FOR RENT -- 6 ROOM APARTMENT light, sunny, unfurnished, large living room with open fireplace, heated sun- room, with 10 windows, 1 open porch, hot water heat, modern in every way. Near village and schools. $100 per mo. Phone Winn. 2158. 872 Pine St. Corner Birch. 42LTN25-1te UPSTAIRS APT. FoR RENT--3 ROOM . W. heat. Modern conveniences. Near" hd Reasonable. One room down- stairs for couple or single person. Glen- coe 301-M. 942 Glencoe Road. 42TN2-3tc FOR RENT -- 5 ROOM COZY FLAT, fireplace, hot water héated: Best Res'd. district. Winn. 573-R. after 6:00 p. m. on Saturdays. 42T2-tfc FOR RENT -- LARGE KITCHENETTE Apartment in the Franklin Bldg. 526 Center St. Possession May 1st. Phone Winn. 382. 42LTN25-tfc 14 FOR RENT--HOUSES FIRST CLASS ALL- Can drive. Phone 3TLTN25-tfe SIT. WTD. -- round houseman. Drexel 2083. CHAUFFEUR WANTS WORK; GARD- ening. Tel. Wil. 3687. 37TTN2-1te 38 SIT. WTD.--MALE & FEMALE AT LAST! CHICAGO HAS A NEW EMPLOYMENT office under good German management for steady household help. Elite Employment -Service 820 Tower Court, Chicago Suite 619 Tel. Superior 7481-2 38LTN23-3tp COLORED COUPLE, BEST REFER- ences. Wife good cook. Man chaul- feur, butler. Will also take separate places. Douglas 3709. 38LTN25-1tp WTD. TO RENT -- HOUSE FOR MAY 1st occupancy ; 4 bedrooms, near North Shore. Winn. 1380. 60T1-4tp COUPLE, MAN AS HOUSEMAN, WIFE cook. Good ref. Greenleaf 1050. 38LTN25-1tp 36 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE SIT. WTD. -- COLLEGE STUDENT EX- perienced in primary and kindergarten teaching desires position as governess in north shore home. Prefers position af- fording full-time service during summer vacation months. Excellent references. Tel. Wil. 179. 36LTN25-1tp LOST -- ROUND PEARL PIN SATUR- day night, between West Pine and Skokie School, or in school building. Re- ward. Winn. 1906. 31T2-1te HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WISHES TO work for board, room and small wages after school hours. Call Wil. 3053. 36LT25-1te FOUND -- PIECE OF MATERIAL IN Winnetka about mid of January. Call 2359. 31T2-1tp I --. 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED--GIRL, GENERAL HOUSE- work, white, good 'cook, references. Own room and bath. Good wages. 47 Indian Hill road, Winnetka. Tel Wil. 3083. 32LTN25-1te NTED -- MAID FOR 2 NERA usework. White. Good "pay. pply evenings or on Saturday. Telephone, Winnetka 1382. 524 Provident Avenue, 'Winnetka, Illinois. 32T2-1te HELP WTD. -- EXPERIENCED MAID general housework. Protestant. Good wages. No washing. Family of adults. Call Glencoe 794 Sunday between 3-6 p. m. 32TN2-tfe WANTED--EXPERIENCED MAID FOR general housework. Call Gleneoe 909. 2 32LTNZ5-1te HELP WANTED -- GENERAL HOUSE- work, white. Experienced, 4 in family. No washing. kenil.-565. = 32LTN25-1tp VANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE cook in family of 4, where second girl is ~-32L/P25-1te > a SIT. WTD. -- WHITE NURSE TO TAKE care of one or two children, and cham- ber work if desired. Winn. 2372. 36T2-1tc SIT. WTD. --FIRST CLASS OPERATOR, DAY WORK OF ANY KIND. REFER- ences. hone Victory 7135. 36LTN25-1tp SIT. WANTED -- LIGHT COLORED girl. Exverienced maid, good cook. Phone Glen. 1272. 36LTN25-1tp SIT. WTD. -- COMPETENT COLORED maid for general work, no laundry. Reference, © Kenwood 9585. - 36T2-1tp By the day. Ref. Wil. 1391. 36T2-1tp SIT. WTD.--COLORED. WORK BY DAY or week. Glen. 758. 36TN2-2tp SIT. WTD. -- LAUNDRY TO TAKE © home. ~~ Winn. 557-R.~ FIRST CLASS COUPLE, CHAUFFEUR, | houseman, wife cook. Best 'references. Univ. BS8LT26-1tp SIT. WTD. -- MAN AS CHAUFFEUR. best refs., wife as mother's helper. Ad- dress Life B-240. 38LTN25-1tp 41 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT -- TWO LARGE, AIRY rooms, one with two single beds, one with double bed. Near transportation, Reasonable. Winn. 650-R. a 41LTN25-1tp WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room. 1% block to _ all transportation and Stores, Phone Gléncoe 770. 41TN2-tfc marceller, and hair-dresser; 15 years experience. Private work. Winnetka Falk B-236. ~~ 36T2-1tp SIT. WTD. -- COLORED, GENERAL housework; no laundry; ref. Univ. 10257. 36TN2-1tp WANTED -- DAY WORK, OR LAUN-|. dry to take home. Wil 516. 36LT25-1tp GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK © 36T2-1te' FOR RENT -- 2 ROOMS AND BATH for light housekeeping, everything fur- nished. Phone Wil. 3429, or call at 1138 Oakwood Ave. 41LT25-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSID) rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41LT25-tfc FOR RENT -- ROOM WITH GARAGE, 'near transportation. $7.00 per week. Winn. 509-M. 599 Orchard Lane. A 41T2-1tp | FOR RENT--LARGE BEDROOM WITH fireplace, for 2 men or women. 910 Elm St. Phone Winn. 2336. 41TN2-1te FOR RENT -- COMFORTABLE FUR- nished room, convenient to transporta- tion Winn. 1769. , 41T2-1te = FOR RENT -- ONE SINGLE AND ONE double room, near transportation. Tel. Winn. 898. 41T2-1te LARGE LIGHT WELL FURNISHED FOR RENT 6 ROOM RESIDENCE, COUNTRY, Hot Water Heat, All Improvements, $80.00 8 ROOM BRICK RESIDENCE, CON- venient Transportation & Schools, Im- mediate Possession, $125.00 ROOMS FOR $65.00 5 ROOM BRICK BUNGALOW, ON State Road, All Improvements, Garage, WILL RENT 5 (Country) $75.00 4 ROOM FRAME COTTAGE (COUN- try) $30.00 Jo Hl. Schaefer & Co, 831 Ridge Ave, Wilmette, Ill. 44LTN23- Ie In Beautiful N orthbrook NEW 7 RM. ENGLISH COLONIAL type home, all modern conveniences ; hot water heat ; red asbestos shingle "roof (American style.) Two blocks from steam road station. (Must be seen to "be appreciated.) Rent $100 per month - met. Sale $15,000. Call owner Winn. 558. 44TN2-1tp FOR RENT -- AFTER MAY 1. SIX RM. 'stucco house. Breakfast nook, sun rm., fireplace, bath, two-car garage. Wooded lot. 10 minutes drive to Skokie Valley Line to Northfield station. Tel. North- brook 215-R1. 44TN2-1tp FOR RENT -- 8 ROOM HOUSE, CON- venient to station and schools, lot 50x 150. Call Winn. 573- R. after 6:00 p. m. on. Saturdays. 44T2-tfc FOR RENT -- GOOD MODERN SEVEN room house and small garage, well «located. $110. Phone Winn. 2318. " 44LTN25-tfc - FOR RENT --- 7 ROOM HOUSE, HOT water heat, garage, near trans., schools, golf club. Tel. Glen. 235. 44LTN25-tfc room. Private bath. Near transporta- "tion. ~ Winn. - 1543. ~~ "41LTN 25-1! FOR RENT -- BRICK HOUSE, 6 RMS. 2 baths, sleeping porch, 2 car garage. Winn. 507. 44TN2-1tp ------------------------ 45 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES FOR RENT -- 6 ROOM FURNISHED house. Two car garage. May Ist to Oct: 1st. Call after 5 o'clock. Winn. 1662. 45T2-2tp FOR RENT -- ATTRACTIVE 6 ROOM house, furnished, sun porch, sleep pch., gar, Winn. 1781. 45T2-tfc eee eee eee eee nee 48 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT -- OFFICE SPACE, 2ND floor, suitable for doctor, lawyer or gen- eral office space. Rental from $20 to 250. Arnly Rapp Bros. 522 Center St. Winnetka. 48LTN25-tfe FOR RENT -- OFFICE AT 340 PARK 'Ave. Phone -Glen. 61. + 48PN2-1tc om: a