18 WINNETKA 'TALK April 2, 1927 Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNeil Burns, 614 Essex road, Kenilworth returned home last Friday after spending sev- COU eral weeks in Cuba. weil Mr. and Mrs. James H. Prentiss, : 201 Cumberland avenue, Kenilworth| Twice each year, the men and wom- will return Sunday after spending a| en Who are supporting the work of week in Asheville. N. C. the North Shore Boy Scout Council, both in money and in service, are giv- en an opportunity to hear of the work accomplished and the plans for future expansion and enrichment of Scout- ing. The Spring Council meeting is being planned for Friday night, May 6, to be held at 6:30 p. m. in the lunch hall of New Trier High school. The business meeting will be followed, at 8 p. m, by a program and Public Court of Honor which will be held in the auditorium, which has a seating ca- pacity of 1,000. All troops are plan- ning to be present in a body, bringing parents and friends with them. Every Scout is working hard, too, that he may be one of the fortunate ones to appear before the awarding body that night to receive badges of a higher rank. Remember the date--May 6! LJ . Beauty Lies in RT . lers of the h s Healthy EYES towns will nor a ore table" Pri sion at the Central cafeteria in Wil- PARTY JLIPPER JS FOR THE LITTLE MIU~ THEJE IMPORTED JLIPPERJS ARE MODELED IN MANY BEAU- TIFUL LEATHER. COMBINATIONS $420 AnD upwarDy It's not so much he size or color of the EYES that makes them mette Monday night, April 18. Scout- beautiful. Rather, it's the glow masters, assistants, senior patrol lead- Sc T. INC. which radiates from them. Ur» ers and troop committeemen will at- lesskeptal lean and health: tend. The program will include dis- 60-62 E. WASHINGTON ST--1363 EAST 53rd ST. EYES Tackithis alluring lustre. % cussion of coming activities, the week I BBL EDGEWATER BEACH | ORRINGTON HOTEL, Millions of women throughout | €nd cabin, summer camp and the Out- HOTEL EVANSTON the world promote EYE health door Annual Scoutcraft rally. and beauty with Murine. It : cleanses EYES of irritating par- Would Serve : ticles and keeps then: clear and Do you know of a community or bright. Contains no belladonna. civic service that the Scout troops, Owr illustrated books on "Eye Care" patrols, or individual Scouts of your py or "Eve Beauty" are ¥REE on request. village might perform? Scouts are al- The Murine Company ways ready to serve as ushers, guides, : Meptr. 33, Chicago etc., in connection with civic gather- ings and celebrations. This is a part For Every Purpose URINE of tei program of "applied" citizen- Phones: Wilmette 2508-3134 For YOUR NORTH SHORE SCREEN COMPANY EY ES ¢ |Milan Lusk in Recital Office 8 Factory, Schiller Ave., WILMETTE : at at Evanston on April 5 Those that were unable to hear Milan Lusk, the violinist, in his Wil- mette recital a week ago last Tuesday, will have an opportunity of attending a gala concert by Mr. Lusk next Tues- day evening, April 5, at the Evanston ' Woman's club for the benefit of Ev- anston Post American Legion. Vice- president Dawes, who is a member of this post, has been invited to attend, and will probably be present if he arrives in time from his present Cuban tour. Mr. Lusk will render an entirely different program including such well known compositions as the Dawes "Melody" and "Gypsy Airs," by Sara- sate. An added feature of the evening will be the only appearance this sea- epee = rereeaas son of Monica Graham Stults, popular Hy soprano, who appeared last year at 3 : the North Shore Music Festival. Tickets for the concert are on sale SPAULDING SILVERWARE | [fetid tame" "2" for Wedding Gifts : Electric League Dines : at Lake Shore Terrace The North Shore Electric league A ST RR held i 1 hly di - ALWAYS A WIDE CHOICE AT Ee mh THE PRICE YOU WISH TO PAY the Lake Shore Terrace, Wilmette. John G. Learned, vice president of the Public Service company of Nor- thern Illinois, addressed the meeting of more than fifty men. Among the PALI 'LDING & O guests of the evening were members * of the Associated Builders of the MICHIGAN AVENUE at VAN BUREN STREET North Shore and representatives of all 636 Orsi branches of the electrical industry. 1636 Orrington Avenue, EVANSTON Mr. McCoanell of Wilmette is presi- 23 Rue de la Paix, PARIS dent of the league and presided at the Eh meeting. "