52 WINNETKA TALK April 2, 1927 ANNOUNCE BAPTISMAL SERVICE A special service will be held at the Winnetka Congregational church Eas- ter Sunday afternoon for the presen- tation of children for consecration and Christian baptism. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Williams and their daughter, Florence, 850 Cherry street, returned home recently from a month's tour in California. SHALL You - HEN a man or woman sets \\Y out to get a plumbing job done the first thing they do is to make up their mind that they won't be overcharged for it. And the second thing they do, if they live in this town, is to look up our address or telephone number. So, for your convenience we're printing them in this ad. Phone 874 ~464 S.J. STEFFENS 713 OAK ST. WINNETKA,ILL. HOLD PUBLIC SCOUT NIGHT THIS EVENING (Continued from Page 1) view, without his dog? No. 2--First Aid, by William Elliott, Roy Davis and William McGarrahan. No. 3--Signalling, by Knight Aldrich and Bob Graves. No. 4--Good Turn, by Ernest Log- an, Paul Krueger and Frederick De Peyster. No. 5--Great Outdoors, by Ralph Johanson, James Lyons and John Gor- don. No. 6--Courtesy, and William Kidd. No. 7--Model Scout, by Fred Rumm- ler. by John Roberts There are 622 square miles of water in Illinois, exclusive of Lake Michigan. Is your Coal Bin Empty? If so-- Why not install a ILOMATIC J Z HEATING 0il Burner { North Shore 706 Vernon Ave. Ph. Glen. 1000 Glencoe Res. Glen. 101 RA The rainy season is here. Protect your- self against colds and coughs caused by damp feet. Have your shoes Rebuilt * All work guaranteed Annex Shoe Rebuilder's Store 8 Prouty Annex--Opposite C. N. W. Depot EN) Not repaired. R. Wagner Telephone Winn. 991 SPRING SHOWING OF HATS LovELY MODELS IN FELT, STRAW AND SILK FOR SPORT AND DRESS WEAR Prices are Moderate lect, Han 946 Oak St., Winnetka Phone 320 Rev. Paul Hutchinson to Address Men's Meeting | Rev. Paul Hutchinson, managing editor of the "Christian Century," and author of "China's Real Revolution," will speak on relations of the United States and China before a meeting of men of Winnetka in the American Legion room of the Community House Sunday morning, April 3. The meet- ing will start at 9:30 and anyone in- terested in this question, is urged to attend. Rev. Hutchinosn is a recog- nized authority on international rela- tionships and is prominent as an author. In another meeting to take place at a corresponding time the following Sunday, April 10, William Ayer McKinney will address the group on "The Religion for Jazz and Flappers." CHURCH BENEFIT SALE Remember the home cooked food at the Cash and Carry Food Sale at Community House next Wednesday, April 6. A tempting array of breads, doughnuts, pies, cookies, cakes, salads, baked beans, candies, etc, will be reasonably priced. For any {further information or orders, please call Winn. 2388 or 1485. MOVES OFFICE D. Albert H. Wales has moved his offices from 735 Elm street to 522 Linden avenue, it was announced re- cently. The Chicago Alumni chapter of Sig- ma Chi fraternity gave a banquet last evening at the Blackstone hotel. The guest of honor and principle speaker was Orla B. Taylor of Detroit, a past grand consul of the fraternity. L. A. Downs, president of the Illinois Cen- tral railroad, was toastmaster. Ches- ter W. Cleveland of Winnetka is pres- ident. --O---- Miss Frederika Walling is at home from Vassar college for the spring vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willoughby Walling of Private road, Hubbard Woods. Mr. and Mrs. Horace K. Tenney of 640 Pine street are returning today from Tryon, N. C., after a trip of several weeks. --Q-- Mr. and Mrs. Percy W. Bradstreet, 475 Cedar street, returned last week from Green Cove Springs, Fla., where they have been for four weeks. Woman's Club Musicale One of Season's Best The closing program given by the music committee of the Winnetka Woman's club on Tuesday, March 29, was considered one of the finest musicales the club has heard during the vear. It was especially interesting because it was given by Winnetka talent. Sydnie Smith Cooley, contralto, with Beulah Taylor Porter at the piano, sang several early Italian pieces in her first group. Her second group consisted of modern songs and both were beautifully done. Mrs. Edwin S. Fetcher, the solo pianist, and Mrs. Ernst vonAmmon, the second pianist, played the well known concerto in A minor by Grieg, with real musicianship. It was a great pleasure to hear Mrs. Fetcher again after study in Europe. The program was as follows: Spirate pur, Spirate .......... Donaudy Amarilli, mia Bella ............ Caccini Se tu m'ami, se sospiri ...... Pergolesi In Mez0 Al Mar: vx cuee cvwvsvivvss Sadero Sydnie Smith Cooley, contralto Beulah Taylor Porter, at the piano Concerto in A minor ............ Grieg Allegro molto moderato Adagio Allegro moderato e marcato Piano solo, Mrs. Fetcher Piano secundo, Mrs. von Ammon HIS Foi fa dene Dns ssn vis La Forge Tranquility: - «sveve v cnsenas Arthur Foote The Hills of Gruzia ........ Mednikoff Serenade ......... 0. Phillis Fergus Me Company Along .......... Hageman Sydnie Smith Cooley, contralto Beulah Taylor Porter, at the piano Mrs. Walter L. Benson at Citizenship School Mrs. Walter IL, Benson attended the gpeaing session last Monday of the Legislative Citizenship school con- ducted at Springfield this week under direction of the Illinois League of Women Voters in conjunction with the Springfield Woman's club. Mrs. Ben- son is finance chairman of the Win- netka League of Women Voters and state treasurer of the Illinois league. GUEST OF THE PRESIDENT George W. Hinman, 576 Oak avenue, noted authority and writer on financial and economic problems, was received at the White House by President Coolidge on March 18. The present prosperous economic conditions and the outlook for the future, is said to have been the subject under discus- sion in the conference. Drive tionable. B. W. 660 Center St. For 22 years we have been building drive- ways for particular people of the north shore . . .. that is why our reliability is unques- If you are contemplating a new driveway or repairs to your old one, a call from you will bring our representative to your door. Established 1905 ways! BLOW Phone Winn. 201-202