WINNETKA TALK April 9, 1927 Glencoe inclusive whose names appear GLENCOE NEWS. CHARGE 50 cents. used. 109% discount on all cash with the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday § : CLASSIF IED ADVERTISEMENTS i Classified advertisements will General Notice to residents of the district from Evanston to regular 'subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or c. 5 cents a line in one paper. Rates papers. 30 cents a line Average of five words to the line. our office at 1222 Central Ave. Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. ; . : Classified advertisements will be ac- Deadline f or Insertions cepted up to Wednesday 5 o'clock for . Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. be charged only in the telephone directory, or who are 256 cents a line in any two in all three papers. MINIMUM No black face type order advertisements when brought to papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. 10 DRESSMAKING 33 HELP WANTED--MALE 11 FOR RENT--ROOMS REAL ESTATE SALESMAN OF R SALESWOMAN Progressive firm specializing in Kenil- worth, Winnetka, and Glencoe prop- erties has opening for live salesman with ear. Prefer experienced party familiar with property in one or more of these suburbs, but will consider un- experienced, To the right person a very attractive proposition will be made. Write in confidence, giving full details as to age, experience, etc. Appointment will be arranged. Address Winnetka Talk B- 269. 33LT28-1tc 36 SITUATION WTD.--~FEMALE WANTED -- EDUCATED, REFINED colored woman position as nurse or second maid. Best references. Tel. Glencoe 1272. 36TNbH-1te GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN MOTHER- less home. i I - AT TIN Woman and b-year-old son. i 31 LOST AND FOUND References. Chicago. Belmont 0726. -- -- -- wr gm 36LTN28-1tp LET MISS CARLSTEN DO Jour LOST -- MALE h IRE STAIRED F ox © dressmaking and remodeling. one terrier, white with black spot on back | | USEWORK PLAIN "OOKING Winnetka 2022. 10T5-tfe and black head. Tel. Winn. Boss Re ora and 5-vear-oM son oe laun- ward. 31TN5-1te r. sfeVenas: Shien ATV PLAIN SEWING, MENDING AND AL- pt y 18 Ey References. Chic i YA rr tering, $5.00 per day. Miss Thiem. | LOST--SHEPHERD COLLIE NAMED Winn. 1686. 10T5-tfe Rex: phing in Rg eye: rant finding EXPERIENCED MARRIED WOMAN and wishing to keep him, ca inn. 3 FXPERT SEAMSTRESS BY DAY.| 2571. Will tell his Rabits. SIT5-1to| mawmes 10 aK are mize, aren s-tie Will do alterations. $5. Winn. 1327. --- -- " . 10TN5-1te | HELP WANTED--FEMALE wD. a WASHING TO TAKE HOME. 5 Will call for an eliver. References. DRESSMAKING -- CHILDREN'S - _---- Will ca ferenc PRES INR cine Mie pg | WANED Qh On, Gear Vo Li © Wan. 2017 «MENS Hp Joe Nem and bath. Good wages. i EXPERIENCED MAID FOR GENERAL -------- A - 3 " Ole > =a ; Indian Hill road. Winn. Tel. Wil. 3083. housework. References. Kenwood 9150. 1 wy INSTRUCTION ° A aL TN28-1te 36LTNZ8-1tp Sumiiier Nursery School IDEAL ' ENVIRONMENT FOR THE very young, conducted by Primary teacher and Graduate Nurse. For a limited number of desirable children 2 to 4 years. Unusual, exclusive. Home atmosphere, regular hours, scientific SEVERAL NEAT APPEARING FLOOR girls at once, good working conditions and wages. Experience not necessary. Apply Central Cafeteria, 1131 Central Ave., Wilmette. 32L'TN28-1te WANTED -- REFINED WHITE MAID to care for child and assist with house- diet. June 1st to Sept. 1st. Gertrude work. Protestant. With or witho Huffington, Elgin, Illinois. Lock Box laundry. Phone i Toss, thot | 485. 13LTN28-1tp 32LTN28-1te _-. - 15 INTERIOR DECORATING HELP WTD. -- WOMAN HOUSEKEEP- er for general housework. Two in fam- SIT. WTD. -- AMERICAN LADY EX- ily. Motherless home. Winn. 2589. perienced in interior decoration, will make curtains and draperies of all kinds in your home. References. P. O. Box 117, Evanston, TH: "15LN28-1tp ------------------ 21 PAINTING AND DECORATING YOUR DECORATING -- NOW'S THE time. Get imate. I save you money. 32IL'TN28-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE maid for general housework. Small house ; near transportation. Ref. Ph Kenil. 2897. 32LTN28-1te WANTED -- GOOD CAPABLE GIRL or woman for general housework; no 3 laundry. 1010. Cherry St., Winn. Brandt. Glencoe 971. 21TN5-tfe 39 TN28-1te 21B GARDENING WANTED .COMPETEN'T COOK AND > rere secon maid. References required. A. SCOTT, LANDSCAPE GARDENER! White preferred. No washing. Tel. and contractor. Places taken care of Winn. 2449. 39T5-1te by the month. Trees taken down, and general garden work. 896 Spruce street. Phone Winnetka 2482. COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE Trees, shrubs, perennials and rock plants. Leo Kari, 215 Catalpa Place. Tel. Wil. 732-W. 21BLTN28-1tp EXPERIENCED GARDENER, TAKE care of lawns, take down trees. Lewis Pantle, Landscape gardener. Cement work. Phone Winn. 1813. 21BT5-1te WANTED--GARDEN WORK BY HOUR or contract. S. Lindberg. Tel. Winn. 525-R. 21BT5-2tp SITUATION WANTED -- GARDENER and lawn work. Call Highland Park i ns 21BT5-1tp BR "PETS PEDIGREED POLICE PUPPIES, champion stock; black and cream. Must be seen to be appreciated. Call between 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. Briargate 1200. Dr. Redlich. 22L.T28-1tp FOR SALE-- VERY FINE PEDIGREED wire-haired fox terrier, imported from England. Male. House broken. Prize winner. Harry Rubel. 1155 Scott. Hub- bard Woods. Winn. 2138. 22LTN28-1te FOR. SALE -- IMPORTED GERMAN Police dog, female. Wil. 3174. 22LTN28-1tc 28 WINDOW SHADES SHADES CLEANED. AWNINGS PUT up. Skokie Shade and Awning Shop. Winn. 1994. 14 Prouty Ct. £ 28. TN28-1tp 31 33% LOST AND FOUND LOST -- BETWEEN LOCUST AND. Woman's club, either in a car or on street, Oval diamond and platinum pin. Liberal reward if returned to 699 Lo- cust. Winn. 42%. <° . ... 31Ti-lte 21B-LTN28-1te | WANTED--GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK.,, no laundry. Room and bath. Refs. 574 Drexel Ave. Glencoe 542. 32TNG-1te NURSE WANTED --- PROTESTANT for school child and five months old infant. Assist with upstairs work. Glencoe 1267. 32TNbG-1te WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE maid for general housework. Apply 869 Pine St. Tel. Winn. 2084. 32TNG-1te WANTED--WHITE GIRL, GENERAL housework. Four in family, no wash- ing. Small house. Own room and bath. Winn. 2028. 32TN5L-1tp SIT. WANTED--HERR HAND LAUN- dress. Outside drying. Will call and deliver. Wil. 734. 36LTN26-4tp WANTED -- LARGE WASHINGS TO do at home. Phone Glen. 616. 36LTN28-1tp LAUND. OR CLEAN, MONDAYS OR Tues. Call morn. or eve., Glen. 218. 36TN5-1tp COMPETENT COOK WOULD LIKE temporary work by hour or week. High. FOR RENT-- SMALL ROOM NEAR transportation. Winn. 2794. 41LTN28-1te ROOMS FOR RENT -- HALF BLOCK from transportation. 554 Center St Call Winn. 2420. 41LTN28-1tc LARGE LIGHT WELL FURNISHED room. Private bath, Near transporta- tion. Winn. 1543. 41LTN28-1tc ROOM WITH TWIN BEDS, EXTRA Winn. 1920. large closet; h. w. A 41LTN28-1te FOR RENT --2 FURN. ROOMS. HOUSE- keeping if desired. Garage. Winn. 914. 41LTN28-1tp FOR RENT--Large room for 1 or 2 men. 2 beds. 903 Ash St. Tel. Winn. 2119. 41T5-1tp ROOM FOR RENT -- INQUIRE 878 Ash street or phone Winn. 1940. 41T5-1te FOR RENT-- ROOM IN PRIVATE FAM- ily, 2 blocks from Hubbard Woods sta- tion. Phone Winn. 2725. 41TN5-1te 42 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS 5-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT IN ZIESING Block opposite depot in Glencoe. Steam heat and janitor service. Possession at once or May lst. Rental $60. Murray & Terry 40 N. Dearborn 42LTN8-1tc FOR RENT -- 6 ROOM APARTMENT light, sunny, unfurnished, large living room with open fireplace, heated sun- room, with 10 windows, 1 open porch, hot water heat, modern in every way. Near village and schools. $100 per mo. Phone Winn. 1921 or 2741. 872 Pine St. Corner Birch. 42L'TN28-tfc FOR RENT -- 5 ROOM COZY FLAT, fireplace, hot water heater. Best Res'd. district. Winn. 573-R after 6:00 p. m. on Saturdays. 42T5-tfe family chauffeur desires perma. posi. with party who will appreciate a re- liable, steady, conscientious man. City and North Shore refs. B-275. 37TN5-1te HIRED MAN! I WANT A PERMANENT job, at all around work, house, gar- den, lawn; willing to fix that squeaky hinge, or what have you? Not a '"spe- cialty man," but a worker; American; 48 ; white. Smith. Div. 3725. 37TN5-1tp FOR HOUSE €LEANING, WINDOW washing, wall cleaning, paint jobs, carpentry repairing, gardening, trim- ming or pruning, call Winn. 2231. 3TLTN28-1tp Sil. WANTED--CHAUFFEUR. YOUNG, neat, handy man. Best ref. Exp. Wil Life B-267. 3TLTN28-1tp 10 WANTED -- BOARD & ROOM GENTLEMAN DESIRES BOARD AND room in Winnetka or Hubbard Woods. Address Winn. Talk B-274. 40T5-1tp WANTED--SECOND MAID. WHITE. Experienced. Family of 3 adults. Tel. Winn. 94. 32T5-1te MAID, WHITE, GENERAL HOUSE- work. Small family. Private bath. Winn. 1196. - 32TN5-1te WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL housework. Experienced. No washing. Tel. Kenil. 3391. 32T5-1te WANTED -- EXPERIENCED ~ MAID, white, general housework. G wages. Tel. Winn. 192, 32LTN28-1tc WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework or to assist. Tel. Wil. 1472. 32LTN28-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED COLORED second girl with excellent references. Call Kenil. 2711. 32LTNZ28-1tc HELP WTD. -- GOOD COOK FOR GEN- eral housework. No laundry. $20.00 a week. Tel. Winn. 2661. 32LTN28-1te BE it 33 HELP WANTED--MALE HELP WTD. -- MALE: PAINTERS wanted. 1st class mechanics. Call Winn. 1476, Maistovich. 33LTN28-1tp 11 FOR RENT--ROOMS WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room, 1% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 41TNbG-tfe CLEAN, DESIRABLE MAN WOULD like roommate, where there are dou- ble beds. Close to transportation. Tel. Winn. 650-R. 41T5-1te FOR RENT -- 2 ROOMS AND BATH for light housekeeping, everything furnished. Phone Wil. 3429, or call at 1138 Oakwood Ave. 41LT28-1tc FOR RENT -- NICELY FURNISHED front room ; suitable for 2 gentlemen or couple employed. Phone Wil. 776-M CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41L.T28-tfc LOVELY ROOM. CALL ANY DAY EX- cept Saturday. Winn. 1877. 41LTN28-1tc FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. 928 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 1240. 41T5-2te AIL TN28-1tp | Park 36TN5-2tp | FOR RENT -- 4 ROOM FLAT; PORCH. - - Garage if desired. Reasonable to right GOOD PRACTICAL NURSE AND party. Address Winnetka Talk B-277. masseuse. Univ. 3377-R. 36T5-1te 42T5-1te . - " ' TT To FOR RENT -- LARGE 4 ROOM APART- 37 SITUATION WTD.--MALE ment. $70 a month. 840 Center St. Ph. » y 28- SIT. WANTED -- MALE--A-1 EXP. Winnetka 265. 421.' TN28-tfc FOR RENT--5 ROOM FLAT, HEATED 2nd floor. $60. 491 Madison St. Tel. Glencoe 343-R. 42LTN28-1tp FOR RENT -- 4 ROOMS AND BATH heated apartment. 625 11th St. Phone Wil. 2399. 42 TN28-tfc 44 FOR RENT--HOUSES FOR RENT -- JULY & AUGUST, COT- tage at Linden Hill, Mich. 5 hrs. drive from Chicago. Running water. Beau. beach. Ideal home for small Tamily. Mrs. Valona Brewer, Tel. Winn. 690. 441/TN28-1te FOR RENT -- PURN. OR UNFURN. 6 or 7 room house. Unusual arrangement, 2 baths, extra lavatories. Large sleep. porch. Grounds. Garage. Wil. Life B- 268. 441LTN28-2te FOR RENT -- 8 ROOM HOUSE, CON- venient to station and schools, lot 50x150. Call Winn. 573-R after 6:00 p. m. on Saturdays. 44T5-tfe FOR RENT -- 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, 2 car garage, Large grounds south of Ingian Hill Golf Grounds. Tel. Winn. 44T5-1te HOUSE FOR RENT -- BRICK HOUSE. 6 rooms. 2 baths. Sleeping porch. 2- car garage. Large lot. Phone Winn. 507. 441 TN28-1te FOR RENT -- 7 ROOM HOUSE AND garage on East Elm street, near Cedar. Very reasonable. Winn. 2140. 44L'IN28-2tc FOR RENT -- 6 ROOM HOUSE IN Glencoe, in good condition. Phone Wil, 2973. 44 TN28-1te FOR RENT -- 7 ROOM HOUSE WITH 3 porches. Winn. 932. 44L.TN28-1tp 15 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES FOR RENT -- SUMMER MONTHS. Bungalow, 3 bedrooms. Pleasant lo- cation. Well furnished. Reas. Mrs. Valona Brewer. Tel. Winn. 690. 45LTN28-1te FOR RENT -- 6 ROOM HOUSE FURN- Call Winn. 1662. 45TN5-1tc ished. 2 car garage. ar. ty i