a . a." April 16, 1927 WINNETKA TALK wm HOSPITAL IS PRAISED Evanston Institution's Work in Mend- | ing Disabled by Occupational Treat- | ment Is Paid High Compliment The opinion that if the Evanston hospital were doing no other one thing than aiding the physically handi- capped through its department of oc- cupational therapy it would be more | than justifying its existence, was car- ried away from the annual luncheon of the hospital auxiliary held Monday at the Evanston hotel. The mother of a little patient in the | department, Elizabeth Kimball of Lake | Forest, described the manner in which | the child and others aided by the department, had had new life and light brought to them by means of it, and fascinated her hearers with her im- pressions of its far-reaching scope and the importance it plays in rehabilita- tion--economically, as an impetus to service and an agent of good cheer. Newer things of interest among hos- pital activities were given attention by speakers introduced by Mrs. James A. Patten, president of the auxiliary, who presided at the business meeting fol- lowing the luncheon. The converting of a cottage on the grounds into an excellently-equipped chemical labora- tory and library for use in the educa- tional work of nurses and doctors, was one of the items discussed. Miss Thompson of the staff outlined this project. Mrs. Williams, the li- brarian, brought a plea for gifts of books or money to buy books for the hospital library which the Junior [League directs, and for volunteer workers for Friday afternoon once a month between 2 and 4 to aid with the book distribution "Best Sellers," mys- tery and detective stories, children's books, romances are especially de- sired. It was announced that June will be the auxiliary's benefit month at Thrift | house and members were urged to contribute articles for sale at that time. They may be left at any time at the home of Mrs. Patten where they will be taken care of until June, it was announced. | Joyce Kilmer Players to Present "Conquered" Here Wednesday, May 11, the Joyce Kil- | mer Players, Chicago's foremost Cath- {olic dramatic guild, will occupy the stage at the Evanston Country club for one special performance of "Con- quered," a new play in four acts by William Roeder. The play concerns itself with mod- | ern American society life, filled with romance, bigotry and intrigue. It is the story of Warren Trude, a con- firmed atheist whose little son is hopelessly crippled for life; of Mary Rielly, his nurse, whose principles are stronger than her loves; of Mrs. VanEllsworth, society woman with a tarnished past and a beaten path to the divorce courts behind her; Grant Conley, a negative character of the "flaming youth" type; and Dora, the maid. The production is being spon- sored by St. Nicholas parish, Evans- ton and St. Joseph's parish, Wilmette Tickets can be purchased in advance at the rectory of either parish. Allison Koch, 1285 Scott avenue, is returning today from a house-party in Indiana where she was the guest of Mrs. L. F. Gates. FREE Delivery and installation Service On all Radio dry batteries. All calls in before 12:30 taken care of the same day. THE RADIO SERVICE SHOP Tel. 1840 18 Prouty Annex Nunn-BusH Shoes for Men A new Nunn-Bush shoe with the plain toe. Now on dis- play in both black and tan. Quality Never Disappoints You will never regret buying Nunn-Bush shoes. Your only regret will be that you did not buy them sooner. Men who wear them will tell you so. WINNETKA SHOE STORE H. Luensman SHOE REPAIRING OF MERIT 804 Elm Street Phone Winn. 694 PAINTING S(O VANRINIC Our Version of the EUGENE PERMANENT insures a soft lustre and retains wave long- est. $15.00 Both men and women available for haircut- ting. I 1081 Gage St. Hubbard Woods Beauty Shoppe Hubbard Woods Ph. Winn. 857 innetha Congregational Church \ ZI AAT -- ------ EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 17TH 4 Morning-- 9:30 Church School service of worship in the church for the Primary through the 1st year High School. 2nd, 3rd and 4th year High School will attend the adult service at 11:00. 9:30 Men's Class: Women's Bible Class. 10:00 Young Men's Class. 11:00 Morning Worship. Sermon by Rev. J. A. Richards. "The Inevitable Easter." Afternoon-- 3:30 Service for baptism of children in the church. Evening-- 6:00 Winnetka Sunday Evening Club. Young People's Club will unite with the regu- lar evening worship at 3:00 instead of meet- ing at 7:00. 8:00 Evening Worship. Sermon by Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin. "Easter--Then and Now." Wednesday-- 10:00 Meeting of the Women's Society. 8:00 Mid-week meeting in the church. Discus- sion lead by Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin.