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Winnetka Weekly Talk, 23 Apr 1927, p. 63

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WINNETKA TALK April 23, 1927 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS be charged only : Classified advertisements will General N olice -- to residents of the district from Evansten to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIFE, WINNETKA TALK or GLENCOE NEWS. Rates - 1 cents a line in one paper. papers. 30 cents a line in all CHARGE 50 cents. used. 10% discount on all eash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1222 Central Ave, Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Average of five words to the line. 25 cents a line in any two three papers. MINIMUM No black face type will be ac- : : Classified adverti nt. Deadline for Insertions--{_ asi HN Rdyenisoments OTN be ac the WILMETTE LIFE or all three WINNETKA TALK and Friday § papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 1920-1921 or Winnetka 2000-2001. BRIDGE LESSONS BRIDGE LESSONS BY AN Phone Wil. 2199. TTNT7-1te --_-- 9A CONCRETE & CEMENT WORK CEMENT CONTRACTORS Abney & Dorn 20 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Phone Univ. 9447 9ALTN30-1tp - AUCTION expert. -- 10 DRESSMAKING CHILDREN'S CLOTHES. PLAIN SEW- ing. Mending. Winn. 2017. 10LTN30-1tp DO YOUR LET MISS CARLSTEN dressmaking and remodeling. Phone Winnetka 2022. 10T7-tfe PLAIN SEWING, MENDING AND AL- tering, $5.00 per day. Miss Thiem. Winn. 1686. 10T7-tfe 15 INTERIOR DECORATING Upholstering and Interior Decorating SEE SAMPLES. PROMPT SERVICE. Phone Wilmette 296. 15LTN30-1tp 21 PAINTING & DECORATING YOUR DECORATING -- NOW'S THE time. Get estimate. I save you money. Brandt. Glencoe 971. 21TN7-tfc r---------------- 21B GARDENING A. SCOTT, LANDSCAPE GARDENER and contractor. Places taken care of by the month. Trees taken down, and general garden work. 896 Spruce street. Phone Winnetka 2482. 21BLTN30-1tc WANTED--GARDEN WORK BY HOUR or contract. S. Lindberg. Tel. Winn. 525-R. 21BT6-2tp S-- 22 PETS FOR SALE-- BEAUTIFULLY MARKED police pups--pedigreed and subject to registration. Phone Winn. 427. 22L/TN30-1tp S-- _ 23 RADIOS FOR SALE -- RADIOLA NO. 25, 6 tubes, with Radiola No. 100 speaker. Practically new, cost $265.00, will sell for $150. Wil. 2778. 23LTN320-1tc LOST AND FOUND LOST -- 2 ORANGE AND BLACK HIB- bard bicycles, 1 boy's, 1 girl's. Reward for return to 746 Rosewood. Winn. 1043. 31LTN30-1tp A 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WANTED -- GIRL OR WOMAN FOR general housework mornings. Phone Winn. 1224. 32T7-1te WANTED -- NURSE FOR 3 CHILDREN and upstairs work. Glencoe 391. 241 Fairview Rd. 32TN7-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework or to assist. Wil. 1472. 32TN7-1tc 38 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE =F Bd A - . Elite Employment Service WILL SUPPLY YOU WITH JUST THE right cook, butler and all other house- hold help. Special department for priv- ate secretaries, nurses and governesses, Suite 619, Ill. W. Athl. Club Bldg. 820 Tower Court. Superior 7481-2. 38T7-3tp MAN AND WIFE AS MAID, COOK, chauffeur, and gen. house. Life B-289. 38LTN30-1tp WANTED -- EXPER. WHITE MAID for general housework. Small family. Good wages. Winn. 2564. 32TNT7-1tc | 11 FOR RENT--ROOMS WANTED -- WHITE GIRL TO CARE |FOR RENT -- UNFURNISHED ROOMS for children part of day. Tel. Winn. in an apartment; light housekeeping ; 1384. 32T1'7-1te near transportation; business woman preferred. Glencoe 833 evenings. P. O. REL., EXP. MAID FOR GEN. HOUSE. Box 123. 41TN7-1tc White. Refs. req. Winn. 1925. 32LTN30-1tc | WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HOUSE. No laundry. Good home. Winn. 2226. 32LTN30-1te WHITE PROT. GIRL OR MIDDLE- aged. Gen. house. 2 adults. Child of 12. Winn. 693-M. 32LTN30-1te WANTED -- GIRL WHITE GENERAL housework; 3 in family; own room; 32 HELP WANTED--FEMALE good pay. Green. 2931. 32LTN30-1te TELEPHONE OPERATING IS A | WANTED -- SECOND MAID, WHITE. RESIRABLE OCCUPATION FOR young and neat. Tel. Kenilworth 2532. YOUNG WOMEN; THE WORK IS 32LTN30-1te PERMANENT, INTERESTING AND -- NEAR HOME. OPERATORS ARE WELL PAID; THEY LIKE THEIR WORK AND ASSOCIATES. VACA- TION WITH PAY IS GIVEN EACH YEAR; A LIBERAL BENEFIT PLAN IS PROVIDED. COME TO THE TELE- PHONE OFFICE AND TALK IT OVER WITH THE CHIEF OPERA- TOR. 740 ELM ST. : 32T7-2te keeping and sleeping room, 1% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 41TN7-tfe CENTRAL HOTEL -- LIGHT OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main Street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 41LT30-tfe FOR RENT -- LARGE ROOM, TWIN beds. Hot water. Winn. 1920. 41LTN30-1te FOR RENT -- FIRST CLASS FURN- ished front room. Winn. 2022. 41T7-2tp 34 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE COUPLE WHITE GENERAL HOUSE & cooking. Good ref. Good Wages. Write fully to Talk B-283. 34LTN30-1tp WANTED--EXPER., REFINED WHITE couple for gen. work. Small house. 3 in family. Glencoe 841. 34TN7-1te Experienced Salespeople FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS. Pleasant working environment; excell- ent possibilities for advancement in this progresive and fast-growing store. Ask for Miss Hutchinson. Lord's Fountain Square, Evanston 33LTN30-1tc Er 36 SITUATION WTD.--FEMALE SIT. WTD. -- GENERAL HOUSEWORK, small family, second work, day work, sewing and cooking. Call Winnetka 2645. 36TN7-1te FOR RENT -- ONE OR TWO HOUSE- keeping rooms. Near all transporta- tion. Phone Glencoe 744. 41T7-1te ROOM FOR RENT, NEAR TRANS- portation. Call Glencoe 923. 41TN7-1te 42 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS FOR RENT -- 6 ROOM APARTMENT light, sunny, unfurnished, large living room with open fireplace, heated sun- room, with 10 windows, 1 open porch, hot water heat, modern in every way. Near village and schools. $100 per mo. Phone Winn. 1921 or 2741. 872 Pine St. Corner Birch. 42LTN30-tfe COMPETENT COOK WOULD LIKE temporary work by hour or week. High Park 2883. 36TN7-2tp HELP WTD. --EXP. WHITE GIRL FOR gen. housework. To help care for 2- vear-old child. Own room and bath. Wages $20 week. No laundry. Ref. Req. Winn. 2174. 1082 Spruce. . 32LTN30-1tp WHITE WOMAN FOR GEN. HOUSE- work. © Must be exp. cook. Small house and family. Good wages. Go home nights. Near depot. Winn. 2223. 32TNT7-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT WHITE girl for general housework ; near trans- portation. Phone Saturday or Mon- day Winn. 1597. 32T7-1te WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework, and young girl for nurse maid. 1442 Edgewood Lane, Winn. 2763. 32T7-1te COMPETENT WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework, good cook ; no laundry. References. Good wages. Tel. wi 3081. -1te WANTED--COOK, WHITE, FOR SMALL family in Wilmette ; also, to do laundry work. To go home nights. Address Life B-288. 32LTN30-1tc WHITE WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK, washing, general cleaning or care of children. Wil. 914-W. 36T7-1tp WANTED -- GENERAL OR DAY work ; colored, competent. Univ. 8957. 36LTN30-1tp WTD. TO WASH -- BLANKETS, CUR- tain, and other laundry. 886 Willow road, Winn. 1924. 36LTN29-4tc WANTED--POSITION AS CHAPERON or companion, willing to travel. Ad- dress Life B-287. 36LTN30-1tp EE -------™"'IT-->_--€™'_ _<i" WANTED--MALE 37 SITUATION Household Service FOR WINDOW AND WALL WASHING or floor polishing, carpenter repair and paint jobs, landscaping and gardening. Call Winn. 2231. 3TLTN30-1tp A-1 EXP. CHAUFFEUR-MECHANIC desires permanent pos. with party who will appreciate a temperate, rel., con- scientious man. Private or service. City and North Shore refs. Winn. Talk B-275. 3TLTN30-tfc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE maid for general housework; 4 in fam- ily ; no washing. Phone Kenil. 392. SITUATION WANTED -- CHAUFFEUR 5 years' experience. Also, as houseman, A-1 references. Phene Douglas 5223. COZY 5-ROOM APT. 1ST FLOOR. HOT water heated. Reas. to party who will not smoke in apt. Fine neighborhood. Call Winn. 573-R after 6 p. m. 42T7-1te FOR RENT -- 5 ROOM APARTMENT & bath; hot water heat. Tel. Glencoe 343-R. 42L TN30-1tc FOR RENT -- 4 ROOMS AND BATH heated apartment. 625 11th St. Phone Wil. 2399. 42L'TN30-tfc FOR RENT -- LARGE 4 ROOM APART- ment. $70 a month. 840 Center St. Ph. Winnetka 265. 42LTN30-tfe WANTED -- 2 share comf. apt. 2282. -- ---- 43 FOR RENT--FURN. APARTMENTS 3 ROOM KIT. APT. 5 WINDOWS OVER- looking Lake Michigan. Walking dis- tance to loop. Will sell furnishings. Splendid for city headquarters. 240 E. Delaware Fl. Phone Sup. 5847. R. A. Cairo. 43LTN30-1tp ---------------------------- 4 FOR RENT--HOUSES near trans. Winn. 42TN7-1tp Winnetka Special 11 ROOM HOUSE; 2 BATHS; GLAZED porch; hot water heat; 300 ft. frontage facing park; near transportation and schools. Tel. Winn. 1905. 44LTN30-tfc -- 27 GENERAL REPAIR 32LTN30-1te 3TLTN30-1tp | . TO RENT -- HOUSE NEAR SPRUCE HAVE YOUR LAWN MOWERS SHARP- | WANTED--COMPETENT WHITE MAID | DAY WORK. HOUSE CLEANING,| and Chestnut, with 2 flats; 3 baths, 2 ened. "Will grind any size mower.| for general housework. Own room and| painting, gardening, lawns. Best refs.| tiled kitchens; hot water heat; 2 gar- Called for and delivered. Glencoe 1025. bath. 869 Pine street. Tel. Winn. 2084.| Taylor. Wentworth 6012, reverse| ages. $125. Thoma, 564 Center St. Ph. 27TNT7-1te 32LTN30-1tc| charges. 37TN7-1tp| Winnetka 715. 44T7-tfc 28 WINDOW SHADES WOMAN FOR GEN. HOUSE. 8-12. 3% |EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAN HAS FEW | FOR RENT--GLENCOE, 466 ADAMS block Hubbard Woods station. Pitt- days open for. house 223 lawn work in Bungalow, Hear Skokie Gout. Stu- man, 1111 Merrill, Hub. Wds. permanent. 0! ore references. o, living, ning room ; edrooms ; A Dn a gS ouT 32LTN30-1tp| Wil. 3428. 3TTNT-1tc| wooded lawn, $90.00. Owner, Del. 6146. Winn. 1994. 14 Prouty Ct. 28LTN30-1tp - : 44LTN30-1tp WANTED -- EXPERIENCED MAID| WANTED -- YARD WORK AND GEN- -------------------------------------------------------- 30 PERSONAL for general housework ; must know how to cook; 5 in family. Must have refer- "WL 1128. GLENCOE PRIVATE LAUNDRY. ALL hand work. Call for and deliver. Phone 30TN6-2tp Glencoe 106. 31 LOST AND FOUND 32LT30-1tc WANTED--EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR general housework, small house, near "L" station. Small family ; good wages. Phone Wil. 1475. 32LTN30-1te LOST TUES. NIGHT ON TOWER RD, Winn., 8 mo. old police dog, black and brown with grey collar. Answers to Beo. Finder please call Noetel, New- castle 0363 between 7-8 p. m. 6681 Olympia ave. Reward. 31TN7-1tp LOST ---- ON EASTER MORNING BE- tween Episcopal church and Hubbard Hill, child's tan spring coat. Finder please call Glen. 1431 and receive re- 31T7-1te WANTED--EXPERIENCED MAID FOR general housework; no washing; small family. References. Call Glencoe 1370. 32LTN30-1te WANTED -- GOOD WHITE GIRL UN- der 30; small family ; private room and bath. $20.00. Glencoe 403. 32LT30-1tc WANTED -- MAID FOR GENERAL al housework ; 3 adults. Kenil. 1260. 32LTN30-1te eral Tel. Greenleaf 3418. 3TLTN29-4tp WANTED -- GARDEN, FURNACE AND housework. E. J. Beck. Phone Wil 3479. 37TLT29-4tp EXP. CHAUFFEUR. GOOD REFS. will do some housework. Univ. 3308-J. 37TLTN30-1tp SIT. WTD. -- EXPERIENCED MAN, cleaning and general work, by day or week. Phone Glencoe 639. 37TN7-tfe WANTED -- YARD WORK BY HON- house cleaning. Ganaway. MODERN 7 ROOM HOUSE. LOCATED at 1023 Main Street, with large stone garage, suitable for shop. Vacant May 1st. Appointment call Wil. 113 or Deer- field 260-R. 44LTN30-1tc FOR RENT--8 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE; dining and sleeping porches; attached garage. Nokol heat. Convenient to transportation, school. Tel. Wil. 1468. 44L.TN30-1te FOR RENT---7 ROOM HOUSE; LARGE enclosed sleeping porch; 2 car garage $125 per menth. Phone Wil. 1487. 44LTN30-1tc est, willing white man. Glencoe 1035. 37TTN7-1te EXP. DRIVER WILL DRIVE BY DAY or hour. Winn. 4388-J. 3TLT30-1tp FOR RENT -- FOR SUMMER MONTHS, nicely furnished bungalow ; 3 bedrooms ; pleasant location. Reasonable. Winn. 690, 441. TN30-1tc RESP. PEOPLE TO

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