WINNETKA TALK" April 23, 1927 Classified Advertisements (Continued from page 63) 1 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS LEAVING TOWN AND ARE SELLING our furnishings at bargain prices, con- sisting of beds, tables, chairs, book case, davenport and large easy chair. Fine porch swing. Refrigerator--new. Floor lamps, etc. Call Sat., Sun., Mon., or Tues. Winn. 817. 329 Fairview Ave.. Winnetka. TITNT7-1te VANITY DRESSER AND CHIFFER- obe, walnut inlaid, $80.00. Chifferobe, dark walnut, $20.00. Lacquered fernery, $2.00. Onyx table lamp, $5.00. Doll buggy, like new, $5.00. Toy electric stove, $2.00. Karpen day bed, $30.00. Winn. 1920. TILTN30-1te FOR SALE -- 2 ARMY COTS, NEW; one single bed, one double bed, one mattress, $2.00 each. One Tuxedo suit, size 40, $4.00. Tel. Glencoe 1288. T1TN7-1te FOR SALE--4 PIECE GREEN WICKER porch set; metal beds; living room chair; curtains; andirons and screen; dog house. Apply 620 Sheridan Rd. Glencoe 810. T1ILTN30-1tc FOR SALE -- 2 CANDLE WICK spreads for twin bed. natural color with green tufting. All hand made, $15.00. Three Simmons porch cots. Ph. Winn. 1346. T1ILTN30-1te GAS RANGE. GOLDEN OAK DIN. RM. set; table, 6 chairs and buffet. Day bed. Go-cart. Single bed, and mahog. library table. Bargain prices. Winn. 1322. ' TITN7-1te FOR SALE -- THOR VACUUM CLEAN- , er; Cheney phonograph; 3 large grass rugs for porch. Glencoe 391. 241 Fair- view Rd. TITNT7-1te ATTRACTIVE CARVED MARBLE-TOP living room table. 2 antique painted enl-tables, Winn. 2564. 1LTN30-1tc FOR SALE -- ICE BOX, PRACTICAL- ly new, rockers, rug, Oriental 7x10. Call Monday, Winn. 2872. 71TN7-1tc 7 FOR SALE--HSHLD GOODS 3 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE -- 2 IRON CRIBS WITH sides; refrigerator, 100 Ib. capacity; 75 ft. fence wire ; gents dark suit. Winn. 1904. 71ITN7-1tp FOR SALE -- UPRIGHT MAHOGANY piano; davenport, mahogany frame. Other household furniture. Winn. 1596. T1ILTN30-1te SALE -- EDISON TALKING large size, 50 records, $25.00. Ave. Tel. Glencoe 1011. 7T1LTN30-1tc FOR machine, 481 South SALE -- 3 PIECE MAHOGANY set; 3 blue rugs; one small one earacul coat; one stair T1ILTN30-1te FOR bedroom Oriental ; carpet. Winn. 1975. ROLLED TOP DESK, PERF. COND. Make, offer. Arco boiler. Will heat 7 rooms. New grate, base, doors, and top. Used as demonstrator for oil heat. Will sacrifice for $75.00." Phone Glencoe 1000 or 101, T3TNT7-1te FOR SALE--MAN'S DARK BLUE SUIT, tuxedo suit, spring overcoat, size 34. $10.00 each. Phone Winn, 1523. T3LTN30-1te FOR SALE -- PITTSBURGH WATER heaer. Also, chicken house. Both good condition, - Cheap. Glencoe 403. 73LT30-1te STREET, AFTERNOON AND EVENING dresses, some almost new. Winn. 2039. 73TNT7-1te FOR SALE -- CLARK-JEWEL STOVE, $10.00. Leonard Refrigerator, $15.00. Sanitary cot; lawn glider swing. Phone Winn. 2275. 71T7-1te 2 WTD. TO BUY--HSHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Kur- niture Store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill 189. T2LTN30-tfe Phone Univ. WANTED -- THREE-QUARTER SIZE mahogany day bed. Kenilworth 1865. T2L.TN30-1tc WANTED TO BUY--RUG, 15x11 OR '12 feet. Phone Winn. 2878. T2LTN30-1te ---- i i3 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS Attractive Offerings WE REQUEST YOUR INVESTIGATION and inspection of Glen Acres. Golf Course and club - facilities, at Glen View, Tl, before making your decision to buy a membership in any North Shore - Golf Club. Our fees are. mod- erate and offer to the man who dis- criminates a luxury. . Our directors have been carefully selected and are most competent. Each application is thoroughly searched and checked by these men, assuring you the calibre of membership this club is desirous of having. For inform. see THE GOLF TRUST 810 Church St., Evanston. Univ. 1842 T3LTN30-4tc ~ This brand new English brick Colonial has 4 de- lightful bedrooms with ample closet space and two tiled baths on the 2nd floor. There is a charming sun room and a toilet and lavatory on the 1st floor. The living-room is large and attractive. The house has hot water heat, and attached garage. The price is only $25,000. HEINSEN REALTY CO. 720 Elm St., Winnetka Phone Winnetka 254 : mette, 74 WTD, TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS DEALER FOR RAGS, tires, tubes. T4T7-tfe S. GOLDMAN JUNK HIGHEST PRICE PAID magazines, old clothes, Tel. Wilmette 3334. WANTED CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10c per 1b. 1222 Central Avenue., Wilmette, TALTN30-tfp STATEMENT OF THE OWNERSHILP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCULATION, ETC, REQUESTED BY THE ACT OF CON- GRESS OF AUGUST 24, 1912. Of the Winnetka Talk published week- ly at Winnetka, Ill, for April 1, 1927. STATE OF ILLINOIS) gg. COUNTY OF COOK § Beforé me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, personal- ly appeared Lloyd Hollister, who having been duly sworn according to Jaw, de- poses and says that he is the Business Manager of Winnetka Talk and that the following is to.the best of his knowledge and belief, a true statement of the own- ership, management (and if a daily paper, the circulation), etc., of the afore- said publication for the date shown in the above caption, required by the Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in section 443, Postal Laws and Regulations, printed on the reverse of this form, to wit: 1. 'That the names and addresses of the publisher, editér, managing editor, and business managers are: Publisher, Lloyd Hollister, Inc., (A Corporation), 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. ; Editor, Erwin W. Weber, 500 5th St., | Wilmette, Illinois; Business Manager, Lloyd Hollister, 813 Pine St., Winnetka. 2. That the owners are: (Give names and addresses of individual owners, or if a corporation, give its name and the names and addresses of stockholders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of the total amount of stock.) Lloyd Hollister, Inc. (A Corporation) | 1222 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill. Lloyd Hollister, 813 Pine St., Winnetka, 'Ill. ; E. R. Ladd, 2404 Harrison Ave, Ev- vanston, Ill. ; Robt. D. Rodenberg, 635 N. Lockwood Ave., Chicago, Ill.; David Nel- son, 821 Elmwood Ave. Wilmette, Ill; F. L. Bateman, 735 Michigan Ave., Wil- I1l.; Gustaf Nelson, 849 Elm St. Winnetka; Ill.; E. C. Weissenberg, 965 Elm St, Winnetka, Ill.; H. D. Hill, 801 Walden Rd., Winnetka, Ill.; Frank A. 'Wilson, 1118 Central Ave., Wilmette, Ill; Ben P. Kiefer, 1301 Asbury Ave., Winnet- ka, Ill; Harry Lynn, 1111 Gage St., Win- netka, Ill.; Wersted Motor Co., 562 Lin- coln Ave., Winnetka, Ill.; Elmer E. Adams, 873 Oak: St., Winnetka, Il. ; Earl L. Weinstock,1323 Asbury Ave., Winnetka, HL; Arthur C. F. Gedge, 1106 Elm St., Winnetka, Ill.; A. C. Wolff, 1124 Green- leaf Ave. Wilmette, Ill.; R. H. Schell, 800 Elm St., Winnetka, Ill.; A.. M. Levy, 6 North Michigan Ave. Chicago, Ill; Thos. J. Lynch, 564 Lincoln Ave., Win- netka, Ill.; B. W., Blow, 1004 Elm St., Winnetka, Ill.; A. K. Mestjian, 5611 Main St,, Wilmette, Ill.; S. D. Rodenberg, 635. N. Lockwood Ave., Chicago, Ill.; E. C. Rodenberg, 635 N. Lockwood Ave. Chi- cago, Ill.; N. G. Hotze, 749 12th St., Wil- mette, Ill.; C. H. Sherer, Glenview Rd. Wilmette, Ill.; Wm. Lange, 4736 N. St. Louis Ave., Chicago, Ill.; E. W. Weber, 500 5th St., Wilmette, Ill.; P. B. Kohl- saat, Orrington Hotel, Evanston, IIL 3. That the known bondholders, mort- gagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 per cent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other se- curities are: (If there are none, so state.) --None. 4. That the two paragraphs next above, giving the names of the owners, stock- holders, and security holders, if any, con- tain not only the list of stockholders and security holders as they appear upon the books of the company but also in cases where the stockholder or security holder appears upon the books of the company as trusteee and in any other fiduciary relation, the name of the person or cor- poration for whom such trustee 1s acting, is given; also that the said two paragraphs contain statements embracing affiant's full knowledge and belief as to the circumstances and conditions under which stockholders and security holders who do not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock and se- curities in a capacity other than that of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has: no reason to believe that any other per- son, association, or corporation has any interest direct or indirect in the, said stock, bonds or other securities than as so stated by him. i 5. That the average number of copies of each issue of this publication sold or distributed, through the mails or other- wise, to paid subscribers during the six months preceding . the date shown above is.-- (This information is required from: daily publications only.) LLOYD HOLLISTER. (Signature of editor, publisher, business manager, or owner.) Sworn to and subscribed before me this. 28th day of March, 1927. (Seal). R."D. RODENBERG, (My commission expires May 8, 1930.) A. B. Cleghorn Succumbs to Acute Heart Trouble Alfred Bruce Cleghorn died at his: home, 315 Fairview avenue, Winnetka, Thursday morning, of acute heart trouble, from which he had been ill only since the evening before. Mr. Cleghorn was for many years con- nected with the Chicago, . Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co., from which service he retired about twelve years ago, when the family moved to Win- netka. Mrs. Cleghorn, the late Dora Hall Cleghorn, preceded her husband in death some years ago. Two daugh- ters survive, Mrs. Percival Hunter, of 510 Ash street, Winnetka and Mrs. Clarence Dodge, of Chicago. The fun- eral will be held this Saturday morn- ing at 10 o'clock, at the residence. In- terment will be at Wilmington, IIL Miss Peggie Whipple, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy A:- Whipple of 170' Woodland avenue, had as her guests. last week-end, "Frosty" Peters and Georgé Yanos of the University of $12.00 Special Permanent Wave T he only process duplicat- ing natural waves We use our own system developed exclusively by us. Phone Greenleaf 439 Every Wave Given Under the Personal Direction of Miss Kada Clark CLARK'S HAIR SHOP 907 Chicago Ave., near Main St. Illinois. 1 I Tw mr 7 RE a ------ Ne